
The 2021 National Collegiate Curling League kicked off

The 2021 National Collegiate Curling League kicked off

On December 16, on the occasion of the 50-day countdown to the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, the 2021 "Bank of China Cup" National University Curling League opened at the Tianjin Jizhou National Ice Project Training Base. Gou Zhongwen, director of the State General Administration of Sports and secretary of the party group, Wang Tingkai, member of the standing committee of the municipal party committee and secretary of the education working committee of the municipal party committee, and Lin Jingzhen, vice president of the Bank of China, attended the event.

The 2021 National Collegiate Curling League kicked off

In order to further promote the popularization and development of ice and snow sports, and build a platform for young people to communicate, display and learn, the first National College Curling League was held from December 15 to 17, and 16 college curling teams from all over the country will compete in the three competitions of men's group, women's team and mixed doubles, and launch an impact on the highest honor of college curling, with a lineup of more than 200 people, showing the popularity of the first national college curling league.

The 2021 National Collegiate Curling League kicked off
The 2021 National Collegiate Curling League kicked off

Huang Zhiyong, deputy director of the Winter Games Center of the General Administration of Sport and deputy secretary of the Party Committee, said that under the guidance of General Secretary Xi Jinping's great goal of "driving 300 million people to participate in ice and snow sports", in recent years, ice and snow sports have become increasingly popular in colleges and universities, and more and more college students have participated in ice and snow sports, established ice and snow sports clubs, formed ice and snow sports teams, and participated in various ice and snow events. Among them, curling has won widespread attention and love on campus with its unique charm. The holding of the first "National College Curling League" is a new attempt and exploration to promote the popularization and development of ice and snow sports in colleges and universities, and I believe that it is of great significance to the promotion and popularization of Curling in China. It is hoped that all athletes, coaches, referees and staff will adhere to the principle of "openness, fairness and justice", play out of style, level and performance, and strictly abide by the relevant regulations on epidemic prevention and control to ensure the safety of event activities. We eagerly look forward to the passionate and energetic college students to show their strength on the field, surpass themselves, and jointly create a unity, friendship, wonderful and unforgettable curling covenant.

Responsible persons of the State General Administration of Sport, the Tianjin Municipal People's Government and the relevant departments of the Bank of China attended the opening ceremony.

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