
The experience of being raped

author:Stand on the moon and taste life

Once, I went to work in a foreign country, because it was the next day's plane, so I booked a hotel near the airport.

I used to love staying in hotels because every time I stayed in a hotel, I could find the impulsive heart of my youth. Especially after the smartphone came out, there were many software to soothe the emptiness and loneliness.

As usual in the hotel, I opened up the people nearby, and it wasn't long before I was fighting with a little brother. Because I was bored, I said let's come and order a drink and chat.

Not long after drinking the drink, the little brother began to talk about adult topics, and then he used his hands and feet on me, because my great aunt came, plus there was no interest in this little brother, just chatting. So refused, did not expect him to see me refuse, intuition came to pick me up to the bed, to take off my clothes, quick eyes I play the woman's ability to scratch hair and kick, quickly ran out of the room to the lobby, told the waiter that there was a person drunk and ran to my room. In this way, he avoided the experience of being raped once. Hahahaha

I didn't expect that the codeword was really too hard, and I was really lazy to type in various details. Hahaha. Let's take a look. Wait until I'm in a good mood to chat privately. Hahaha

Another time: It happened when I was in my second year of junior high school. During the summer vacation of the second year of junior high school, the Chinese teacher assigned a part-time job during the summer vacation and then wrote an essay about feelings. I went part-time, met two girls, and played with them all summer.

Female A met a netizen and then pulled us together to meet. The netizen also brought a few of his brothers, and we ate a supper together, and after eating, we went home separately.

Later, A thought that the netizen was very good, and the two people were together. Since then, several of us have often come out to play together. Once, the netizen asked us out again, and of course his brother was also together. We were students at the time, they were the same age, but they had already come out to work, and it was basically A's boyfriend who came out to pay. But this time was different, A kept asking one of her boyfriend's brothers to pay, and his brother agreed.

We would go out to dinner and go to KTV after eating. When it was more than ten o'clock, I said that I had to go home first, too late, or I would be scolded by my mother. His brother still wanted to play and said he would go back in the early hours of the morning. I refused and insisted on going back.

On the way back, A asked his brother to send me, I thought the night was a little dangerous, and I didn't think too much about it and agreed, and then everyone separated. On the way, his brother confessed to me, and I directly refused, without any feelings, and when I was reading, I was very mindful of falling in love with people in society. He kept begging me to say yes and let me give him a chance, but I didn't want to. We walked on without talking, and walked to a corner where it was dark and there was no one there. He kept asking me to be with him, and I continued to refuse. Then he pushed me against the wall, and I was against the wall, and he kept sticking to me, and I was so scared that I kept telling him to go away, and he didn't listen, and he was going to reach out and move me. He was a little drunk, and then he wasn't very tall, and I pushed him hard, kicked him, and ran.

He was still chasing after me, so I ran to an office building (the office building has a back door leading to my house), and the security guard inside saw that I was a little panicked, and then saw him chasing behind, so I yelled what to do? He had to go. As I ran desperately toward the house, I looked back to see if he had chased after me. Finally ran home.

My mom said that she came back today until she was so late to play, do you still know how to go home? In other words, I would have said that everyone was late, but that night I said I would never go out at night again.

From then on, I would go home at nine o'clock at night, and I would not go to the black alley, walking in the dark place or where there was no one, and I would always look back. Suddenly see someone, think it is a bad person, desperately run. At one point I thought I had paranoia about being killed... Well, be a little wary, the danger always happens inadvertently!!!

Girls should be careful when they are outside! What's in the man's mind you really don't know!

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