
Leyard: Deep ploughing display, comprehensive layout of Micro LED

On December 15, Leyard was surveyed on specific subjects and introduced the company's display business and Micro LED business and future development plans.

Deep ploughing shows steady development

Leyard mentioned that although the past two years have been affected by the epidemic, the company's display revenue share has still increased significantly, from the original 50% to more than 75%, and more than 75% of the new orders signed each year are related to the display business, and the predictability of orders has improved.

At present, Leyard shows that its business is mainly domestic, with domestic revenue accounting for 70% and overseas revenue accounting for 30%. Leyard predicts that the overseas market will be launched in 2022, so the overseas market will be the focus of the company's development next year, and it will increase investment in the European and American markets, as well as deepen the Asian, African and Latin American markets.

In terms of display business model, in 2021, Leyard's channel business expanded into the sinking market through the "Jin Lixiang" brand, and it is currently progressing smoothly. Next year, Leyard will continue to take the sinking market as the focus of the development of the channel market and strengthen the promotion method in different market dimensions.

Full layout Micro LED

Leyard takes Micro LED as the ultimate goal, has been around Micro LED to do display technology development, in early 2019 to bring Micro LED out of the laboratory, in 2020 with jingdian joint venture set up Lijing microelectronics, mainly to carry out micro LED mass production, the current mass production plan is progressing smoothly. In addition, Leyard has begun to lay out in the Micro LED-related industry chain and participate in different links of the Micro LED industry chain.

In terms of Micro LED production, in 2020, Leyard will mass-produce Micro LED for the first time through COB mode or POB mode, and in the future, Leyard will expand along the direction of COG or other quantum dot technologies.

In terms of micro LED customer sources, Leyard introduced that the current Micro LED price is higher and uses new processes, so the micro LED scale is small, so Micro LED products are basically positioned in high-end customers. Leyard promotes the domestic and foreign markets through the direct sales model, domestic customers are mainly large enterprises or government departments, and overseas markets are large enterprises in Europe, america or the Middle East as important customers of Micro LED.

In addition, MiniLED is developed by its subsidiary Lijing Company, and the current MiniLED backlight panel research and development program has been introduced, which will be based on market needs and trends to do production planning.

Leyard: Deep ploughing display, comprehensive layout of Micro LED

Image source: Paixin's genuine gallery

Stable supply and increased production capacity

In the problem of upstream raw material shortage, Leyard relied on the advantages of industry status and the accumulation of long-term cooperative relations with upstream suppliers, and signed a supply agreement with upstream manufacturers to ensure the company's ability to receive orders.

In terms of production capacity, Leyard's production capacity has been greatly improved, and the company has expanded production of three production bases this year: one is the Southern Industrial Park in Shenzhen, which has relocated several production bases including Shenzhen Leyard to an industrial park for centralized production and management to improve efficiency and reduce costs, and the current Southern Industrial Park has been officially moved in on December 1; the second is the new Hunan Changsha factory, which has reached 6000KK/month from March decision to the end of July; the third is the Lijing company factory In July this year, it began to reach 800KK/month production capacity, which was originally planned to double next year, and has now put the expansion plan on the agenda.

In the future, we will exert force in three directions

In the development plan of the next few years, Leyard said that it will still take display as the main business, and the proportion of LED display will be further improved, and it will be forced from three directions:

First, on the technical side, Leyard will continue to maintain the leading type in Micro LED products and technologies, and continue to invest in technology. The second is to transform into a product-based company and launch standardized display products.

The third is to develop to high-end manufacturing. With the standardization of LED products and the optimization of cost performance, high-end manufacturing has begun to become one of the core competitiveness of LED enterprises. At present, Leyard's production bases in Shenzhen, Changsha and Wuxi are positioned for high-end manufacturing, and in the future, Leyard will continue to develop into an LED enterprise with high-end manufacturing capabilities in the direction of high-end manufacturing. (By LEDinside Irving)

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