
From mediocre to 15 million players booking public beta, how "Magic Tower" relies on strength to conquer players

In recent years, two-dimensional games have sprung up, and whenever a new game is released, players with picky tastes will always speak sharply and point out the advantages and disadvantages in the game. Just like the first round of testing of "Magic Tower" in November 2020, which attracted countless two-dimensional players to join, but because the game content was not perfect at the beginning, it was questioned, but there are still a large number of players who have expectations for "Magic Tower". After several rounds of testing and official in-depth optimization, the reputation of "Magic Tower" gradually rose, and even shortly after the end of the final test, the number of reservations on the official website exceeded 15 million. Until December 16, that is, today, "Magic Tower" officially opened the public beta, which not only triggered the topic discussion of major social platforms, but also achieved the first place in the free list, which is enough to see the enthusiasm and affirmation of players for this game.

From mediocre to 15 million players booking public beta, how "Magic Tower" relies on strength to conquer players

"Magic Tower" originally used the two-dimensional style to create a light sci-fi style to attract players, and at that time, everyone was curious about what kind of two-dimensional elements "Magic Tower" would bring to everyone. First of all, we must praise the weapon mimetic system added to the game, abandoning the setting of regular characters to bundle weapons to combine the two, as long as the player obtains SR and above weapons can be switched to operable mimetic characters. The mimetic image of each weapon has its own characteristics, which is equivalent to the player having a weapon to send the character for free, these mimetic characters can not only resist and fight, the key is that the appearance is also very high.

From mediocre to 15 million players booking public beta, how "Magic Tower" relies on strength to conquer players

Take one of the popular characters in the imitation, Meryl, in the early image of the persona including clothing have exquisite design and details of the treatment, as the player unlocks the second stage of the form, the black dress plus the details of the lace edge, including the leg ring on the right leg small decoration have made the overall styling effect a lot improved, the visual enjoyment has been doubled. I think that such a mimetic character is something that every quadratic veteran player cannot refuse, and there is no doubt that the mimetic system is also one of the most concentrated gameplay methods in the quadratic element of "Tower of Illusion".

From mediocre to 15 million players booking public beta, how "Magic Tower" relies on strength to conquer players
From mediocre to 15 million players booking public beta, how "Magic Tower" relies on strength to conquer players

In addition to the mimetic gameplay, "Magic Tower" has a high degree of playability in terms of graphics, plot and combat experience. In addition to relying on the excellent quality of the game to attract players, the benefits of the "Phantom Tower" test are also in place, a large number of benefits are dizzying, from gold coins, magic crystals to various resource props can help players survive the novice period, and even sent out such card drawing resources as black cores, which can be said to be full of sincerity.

From mediocre to 15 million players booking public beta, how "Magic Tower" relies on strength to conquer players

"Magic Tower" is to in-game gameplay and details to attract and conquer the player, and with the public beta benefits to return the player's expectations and affirmation, especially within 90 days after the beta players can receive the beta benefits, simply do not be too conscientious. At present, "Magic Tower" has officially opened the public beta, you may wish to take this opportunity to join the open world of "Magic Tower".

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