
There are 4 alumni in the family, why do they love this place? More than 8,800 new students of East China University of Science and Technology swore to play the song of youth with their responsibilities
There are 4 alumni in the family, why do they love this place? More than 8,800 new students of East China University of Science and Technology swore to play the song of youth with their responsibilities
There are 4 alumni in the family, why do they love this place? More than 8,800 new students of East China University of Science and Technology swore to play the song of youth with their responsibilities

On the afternoon of September 28, the opening ceremony of the class of 2020 of East China University of Science and Technology with the theme of "Fearless of Wind and Rain, Mission Responsibility" was held at the Fengxian Campus Stadium. More than 8,800 undergraduate and graduate students gathered together, dressed in cultural shirts of different colors, waving bright five-star red flags in their hands, and their faces were full of vitality and expectation. At the ceremony, the stories of huali people ignited the responsibility of the new students and played the song of youth of the new students.

The family of 4 is an alumnus, and the new student Han Bingqiang has a Huali complex

"My Huali complex stems from inheritance, starts from appearance, falls into connotation, and is loyal to temperature." Han Bingqiang, an undergraduate representative and the 5th class of the 2020 class of chemical pharmacy in the School of Chemical Engineering, is a "hua second generation" and the fourth huali person in the family - his father, brother and sister-in-law are all huali alumni.

There are 4 alumni in the family, why do they love this place? More than 8,800 new students of East China University of Science and Technology swore to play the song of youth with their responsibilities

As a candidate who was "born in SARS and tested in the new crown", Han Bingqiang deeply experienced the impact of the epidemic on his study and life, and realized the important role played by the chemical industry during the epidemic. After the outbreak of the epidemic, when there was a shortage of masks and protective clothing, the technicians of the factory worked overtime to make high-specification masks to protect the lives and health of the people; countless scientific researchers were not afraid of hard work, devoted themselves to the development of new vaccines, and raced against the disease. The epidemic has made him understand that chemical and pharmaceutical industry is the cornerstone and guarantee of people's daily life; chemical and pharmaceutical talents are not afraid of hardships and bravely shoulder heavy burdens when the country is facing a critical situation.

"Huali has such a connotation, teaching professional knowledge and cultivating professional talents. Because of this, I firmly chose Huali, choosing chemical and pharmaceutical products. Han Bingqiang said.

After entering Huali, Han Bingqiang felt the temperature of the school. Han Bingqiang said that compared with when his father went to school, 30 years later, Huali has a more comfortable learning environment, a stronger teaching force, and a richer curriculum, and the welcome volunteers are active in every place where help is needed, and the student assistance activities are escorting the dreams of every student with a special family situation.

Regarding how to write the future in Huali, Han Bingqiang solemnly made a promise: From today onwards, he will take "diligence and truth-seeking" as the code of conduct, take "inspirational and clear-spirited" as his ideal and belief, have lofty ambitions, cultivate noble moral character, be determined to struggle hard, persevere and persevere, work tirelessly in the course of study, strive to absorb scientific and cultural knowledge, be diligent and earnest in life, have the courage to shoulder the historical responsibility of the times, be inspired to study diligently and assiduously, and realize the goal of the "two hundred years" struggle. To realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, we should contribute our own strength.

Establish goals in practice and give others "good medicine" with what you have learned in your profession

Zhang Tianzhen, a 2020 ph.D. graduate student in the School of Social and Public Administration, is both a freshman and an old Huali person who has spent four years on the Huali campus.

Majoring in social work as an undergraduate, she not only completed her studies excellently, but also gradually established her life goals in social practice.

There are 4 alumni in the family, why do they love this place? More than 8,800 new students of East China University of Science and Technology swore to play the song of youth with their responsibilities

In Changshou Street, Shanghai, Zhang Tianzhen and his peers learned about the special group of elderly Alzheimer's patients through more than 4,000 dementia screening scales, and after that, they cooperated with community experts to design and complete more than 20 body-brain activation activities, successfully helping 18 patients with mild dementia recover their health.

In the summer of 2019, Zhang Tianzhen went to Hong Kong for an internship in the Ho Man Tin community. During many sleepless nights, she and local social workers look for homeless teenagers on the streets, listen to the bitterness in their hearts, guide them to love life, look at the world, and form an endogenous motivation for self-change.

These valuable experiences made Zhang Tianzhen know that the profession he studied could be a good medicine to improve the situation of others. "For me, social work is not only a major, not only a passion, but also a sense of mission." Zhang Tianzhen said.

After the outbreak of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, due to the influence of professional values such as altruism and helping others to help themselves, Zhang Tianzhen actively participated in the anti-epidemic struggle in his hometown. On February 10, Zhang Tianzhen became a volunteer in Chujia Street in Yantai City. Her main job is to aggregate information on the foreign population of 16 communities in the sub-district, visit the needy households, and implement the needs.

An elderly couple returned from Hubei to the province a few years ago, and the wife told the staff that since returning, neighbors and relatives have begun to alienate them, and her and her lover's emotions are affected. Zhang Tianzhen and community workers assessed the needs of the family and formulated a support plan, including popular medical knowledge, mental health concerns, and the establishment of a social support network.

Zhang Tianzhen believes that although this family is a case, it also reflects the living conditions of ordinary returnees under the epidemic. As a result of this service experience, she has become more aware of the importance of social work in responding to major public emergencies, and that talent in this area is still scarce in China.

As a graduate of the Department of Social Engineering of Huali, Zhang Tianzhen has experienced the achievements accumulated by the school and professional development for many years. Therefore, standing at the crossroads of life choice, she firmly chose Huali and chose social work, hoping to contribute her modest efforts to promoting the development of the industry and the modernization of social governance in the future.

Principal Qu Jingping: Youth forges ahead and takes responsibility for moving forward

There are 4 alumni in the family, why do they love this place? More than 8,800 new students of East China University of Science and Technology swore to play the song of youth with their responsibilities

At the opening ceremony, Qu Jingping, president of East China University of Science and Technology, delivered a speech on the theme of "Youth Forge ahead, Shoulder the Burden".

Qu Jingping pointed out that 2020 is destined to be an extraordinary year, this severe struggle against the new crown pneumonia epidemic has made the students undergo tempering and harvest growth, and the students have successfully entered Huali with unremitting efforts and excellent results, and Huali is more wonderful because of you.

The times gather talents, and the call of duty moves forward. Focusing on the "mission", Qu Jingping introduced the road to huali and the motherland with the same destiny, with the pace of the times, educating people for the party and the country, and now growing into an internationally renowned and distinctive high-level research university: in 1952, when the country was in ruins and waiting to be rebuilt, the East China Institute of Chemical Technology, which shouldered the mission of the times and the expectations of the nation, came into being; in 1964, when the country was in urgent need, nearly a thousand teachers and students bid farewell to their relatives and built the Huali Southwest Branch on the Huangpoling Ridge in Zigong City, Sichuan Province, setting up a historical monument of "652 Project" In the 68 years since its establishment, on the road of serving the country through education and strengthening the country with science and technology, a large number of important achievements have been created, put into industrial application, and have produced major economic and social benefits; under the call of duty in the new era, all Huali people have united and forged ahead, accelerated the construction of "double first-class", and constantly created a new situation of high-quality connotative development of the school, laying a solid foundation for the development of the school in the new era.

From Mr. Zhang Jiangshu, the founder of Huali, represented by Mr. Zhang Jiangshu, who worked hard to start a business in Yanlu Lanyi, wang Jiming, Shu Xingtian, Nan Cewen, and Yu Dapeng, two pairs of fellow academicians who studied hard to help each other on the road to study, to Mr. Yu Zunhong, a famous coal chemical expert who believed in the "philosophy of sweat" and led the team to overcome the difficulty of "card neck", to Professor Cao Jinqing of the Social College who measured China's rural areas with his feet and devoted his life to the "three rural areas", to the Huali teachers and students who rushed to Yunnan to find the front line of poverty alleviation, Qu Jingping told the patriotic struggle of generations of Huali people. The deeds of bravely climbing the peak inspire the students to follow their example and be Huali people with the responsibility of the times.

In this regard, Qu Jingping put forward four hopes to all the new students.

The first is to carry forward the patriotic spirit and strengthen ideals and convictions. It is necessary to take Zhang Jiangshu and other huali people of the older generation as a model, cultivate the feelings of the family and the country, strengthen ideals and convictions, and be the most firm promoters, practitioners, and disseminators of the patriotic spirit.

The second is to persist in studying diligently and cultivate excellent skills. It is necessary to always maintain the enthusiasm for learning, inherit the excellent learning style of "learning in Huali", let diligent study become the driving force for youth to sail away, and let growth skills become the energy of youth fighting.

The third is to abide by the spirit of science and have the courage to blaze new trails. It is necessary to inherit and carry forward the fighting character of Huali people who are keen on innovation, seek truth and be pragmatic, practice their skills hard, grow into outstanding innovative talents, and ignite the dreams of youth with innovation.

The fourth is to adhere to the unity of knowledge and action, and devote ourselves to the practice of strengthening the country. It is necessary to promote action with knowledge and seek knowledge with deeds, actively participate in social practice, undergo tempering and increase talents, write papers on the land of the motherland, and apply theoretical knowledge to the practice of serving society.

Choosing Huali is to choose responsibility, and entering Huali is to shoulder the responsibility. Qu Jingping stressed that in the face of new opportunities and new challenges in the new era, he hoped that the students would vigorously carry forward the great anti-epidemic spirit, integrate their personal dreams into the torrent of the times, improve the spiritual quality of "diligence and truth-seeking" in the study of books, practice the supreme realm of "inspirational virtue" in the vast world, and be new people of the times who are responsible for the great task of national rejuvenation.

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