
Nian Qianyao was relieved of his military power and had no ability to resist, so why did Yongzheng still insist on executing him?

As we all know, the yongzheng emperor's personality was "moody". After he succeeded to the throne, he cared deeply for Nian Qianyao, and in his performances, there were often such things as "Er contributed his allegiance, but he could not bear it." There is no other word, pray to heaven for blessings" and other Zhu Pi words.

As a great general appointed by the emperor, the first merit of Pingding Northwest was Nian Tangyao

In the first year of The Yongzheng Dynasty, king Lobzang Tenzin Qin rebelled because he was dissatisfied with the exploitation of power. The Yongzheng Emperor appointed Nian Qianyao as the "Fuyuan General" to go to the conquest, and as a result, the Qing army completely defeated the rebels in only fifteen days.

Nian Qianyao was relieved of his military power and had no ability to resist, so why did Yongzheng still insist on executing him?

Yongzheng stills

Nian Qianyao was therefore promoted to the rank of Duke of the First Rank in one battle, and his status was temporary. In the exchanges between Tang Yao and the Yongzheng Emperor before and after the Northwest Battle, they were full of excitement and even flesh and blood.

However, this is only a superficial phenomenon. In the fifth year of Yongzheng, the Yongzheng Emperor said in his edict: "Pacifying Qinghai is actually the work of Yue Zhongqi, and Nian Qianyao is only sitting in command."

As a great general appointed by the emperor, the first merit of Pingding Northwest was Nian Qianyao, but only two or three years later, Yongzheng put Yue Zhongqi in the first place, and his heart to cross the river and demolish the bridge can be seen.

Nian Qianyao was relieved of his military power and had no ability to resist, so why did Yongzheng still insist on executing him?

Nian Tang Yao was arrogant and arrogant, and Li Lingzhi was dim

Of course, the change in this matter should not be attributed solely to the character of the Yongzheng Emperor. Nian Qianyao is indeed credited, but at the same time, his greed is also consistent. He had long ago begun to use his powers as governor and governor to erode military supplies.

For example, during the Qinghai Pacification War, the chief soldier Huang Xilin was ordered to pack more than forty carts of gold Buddhas, jewels, gold and silver, fox skins, silk satin, etc., and handed them over to Wei Zhiyao, Nian Qianyao's butler.

Since then, Nian Tangyao has gathered great wealth. It should be said that greedy officials like him abounded during the reigns of Kangxi and Qianlong, but both Kangxi and Qianlong were emperors who turned a blind eye.

Nian Qianyao was relieved of his military power and had no ability to resist, so why did Yongzheng still insist on executing him?

However, the Yongzheng Emperor neither "inherited the past" nor "enlightened the future", and after he succeeded to the throne, he began to vigorously rectify the rule of officials and punish the corrupt. From the perspective of internal affairs alone, the author believes that Yongzheng is a model for the emperors of all generations.

Regrettably and hatefully, Nian Qianyao knew quite well about his master's thoughts and style, but he was still unscrupulous. Therefore, it can only be said that he is arrogant and arrogant, and he is dizzy.

From the spring of the second year of Yongzheng, with the appearance of meritorious service, Nian Qianyao's ambitions also swelled sharply. At that time, the imperial court magnates were very superstitious about astrology, divination, and fortune telling. Therefore, in the late Kangxi Dynasty and the early years of the Yongzheng Dynasty, there were often some Taoist monks, lamas, and fortune tellers who came and went to the palaces of princes and nobles with political ambitions, and they contributed to the situation and created one political incident after another that endangered the stability of the imperial dynasty.

Nian Qianyao was relieved of his military power and had no ability to resist, so why did Yongzheng still insist on executing him?

Nian Qianyao was no exception, he raised Cao Tao'an and the warlock Zou Lu, who found a "Tuyu Stele", which basically said that Nian Qianyao should be transported as an emperor, and it was appropriate to start at noon. Nian Qianyao was actually convinced of this.

However, the opposite is true. For the Yongzheng Emperor, nian qianyao's problem was something he had to solve. Not only because Nian Qianyao has great political ambitions, but also because he has military strength that cannot be underestimated.

Therefore, in order to deal with Nian Qianyao, the Yongzheng Emperor did two things.

Nian Qianyao was relieved of his military power and had no ability to resist, so why did Yongzheng still insist on executing him?

On the one hand, he used public decrees to create "public opinion" in order to convey a message to the whole country that Nian Tangyao had fallen out of favor and the wind direction had changed. On the other hand, Yongzheng "greeted" the ministers in advance through a secret fold of Zhu Approval.

Be prepared and wait for the opportunity to come. In fact, Nian Qianyao was dismissed from the rank of general in the third year of Yongzheng and dismissed from military power. Immediately afterward, Nian Qianyao, who had no ability to resist, made another writing mistake, providing An excuse for Yongzheng to rectify him.

Therefore, Nian Qianyao's execution can be described as self-inflicted and deserved. He went from hero to sinner, not only because he made a mistake, even if he did not have the right to fight, because of his "arrogance and arrogance", Yongzheng would still deal with him, but it was only the difference between time and time.

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