
Hideo Miyazaki talks about why Dark Souls makes people suffer: I'm a masochist

Many players suffered when they experienced the Dark Souls series, and everyone wondered why the game was so difficult to get started. Recently, foreign netizens shared the dialogue that Miyazaki Hideko was interviewed earlier, revealing the reasons for the suffering of the soul family, because Miyazaki Hideko himself is a "masochist".

Hideo Miyazaki talks about why Dark Souls makes people suffer: I'm a masochist

This interview, from the early Japanese game talk show Game no Shokutaku, shows some of Hidetaka Miyazaki's conversations with the interviewers. This recent interview has attracted people's attention again, let's take a look!

Hideo Miyazaki talks about why Dark Souls makes people suffer: I'm a masochist

Japanese voice actress Isomura Tomomi first asked Hidetaka Miyazaki if the team was thinking about how to make players smile and face death during the game's development. Hidetaka Miyazaki said that this was not the case, and some foreign media asked him this question, and his answer was no. "I was asked 'why are you so cruel [to the player]' and I don't know what happened to the other staff, but I'm actually a masochist," he said. ”

Note: Sadism likes to cause pain to others, while masochism likes to accept pain. Hidetaka Miyazaki said: "I'm an extreme masochist, so when I make this kind of game, that's what I want to get. I wanted to be killed like this, and that's what I did! ”

Hideo Miyazaki talks about why Dark Souls makes people suffer: I'm a masochist

Isomura exclaimed, "It's incredible, this is extreme masochism." Hidetaka Miyazaki laughed and said, "It's just that sometimes other people don't quite understand, but that's my fun." ”

Editor-in-chief Murohashi said: "Really? Do you want to die deep in the forest and be smashed to death by a giant mushroom? Want to be shot by an arrow? Hidetaka Miyazaki said, "Yes, I like that. There are also cursed areas, when I am cursed... From a masochist standpoint, I like to do that. ”

Oh, and it seems that Hidetaka Miyazaki is called an "old thief" by players for no reason. This also makes some people wonder, will Eldon's Law Ring reach new heights of suffering?

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