
Putin was angry this time: the German ambassador went so far as to call the Nazis and the Soviet Union allies and to join forces in aggression

The New Year has arrived, but Putin has been relatively angry these days, and has repeatedly exploded and foul-mouthed. The reason is that recently Europe and the United States have been pushing the responsibility for world war crimes on Russia.

Putin was angry this time: the German ambassador went so far as to call the Nazis and the Soviet Union allies and to join forces in aggression

U.S. Ambassador Mosbacher even pointed directly at Hitler and Stalin for "conspiring" to provoke World War II, saying that Hitler and Stalin had started World War II together. And that's not all, German Ambassador Nicker went so far as to say: "The Soviet-German Non-Aggression Pact prepared for Nazi Germany's criminal invasion of Poland, and the Soviet Union and Germany participated together in the brutal division of Poland." ”

In the Hitler War Secret Order, published by Germany, it is revealed that Hitler's Directive No. 5, article 1, paragraph 3, issued during the Polish Campaign in 1939, states that the dividing line determined on the basis of the border and the friendly agreement with Russia needs to be specified by an additional memorandum, which is the dividing line between the sphere of interests between Germany and Russia. Stabilize the newly occupied areas. Immediately after the signing of the agreement in Moscow, work in this area will be carried out immediately.

Putin was angry this time: the German ambassador went so far as to call the Nazis and the Soviet Union allies and to join forces in aggression

At the same time, it said that the current demarcation line (Pisia-Naraev-Vistula-San) would be reinforced by the construction of permanent fortifications as a military cordon against the east.

But after the Soviet-German occupation of Poland separately, the Soviet Union also knew that Germany's so-called friend was unreliable. Defend the Russian Baltic Flank to prevent the future threat of temporary accomplice Hitler. Thus Russia immediately exercised strategic control over the old Russian buffer zone on the Baltic Sea.

Putin was angry this time: the German ambassador went so far as to call the Nazis and the Soviet Union allies and to join forces in aggression

Soviet troops officially entered the three Baltic states, namely Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia. Subsequently, in order to block Leningrad's land direction, the Soviet Union offered to exchange part of its territory with Finland, but Finland refused. Thus, on November 28, 1939, the Soviet Union abrogated the Soviet-Finnish Non-Aggression Pact, signed in 1932. On 30 November, Russians began to invade Finland.

From a military point of view, the Soviet Union adopted a proactive strategy, quickly entering Poland to occupy a part of the position when Poland was no longer able to hold on, and expanding the depth of its defense. At the same time, the three Baltic states and Finland were sent to expand the defense depth of their northern battlefields.

Putin was angry this time: the German ambassador went so far as to call the Nazis and the Soviet Union allies and to join forces in aggression

At the same time, the main Soviet force began to move to the Western Military District, preparing to launch an offensive against the Germans. This was also the Soviet Plan No. 23, which launched an offensive against Germany in the autumn of 1941. On October 14, 1940, Stalin approved the plan. In this strategy, the Soviet Army will mobilize 3.34 million troops, 32,628 combat aircraft and 37,000 tank armored vehicles, as well as 106,000 artillery of various kinds.

The first major offensive was launched from Silesia and Breslau in eastern Germany, completely cutting off Germany from the Balkans. Subsequently, 105 divisions of the 2nd Front launched a frontal attack on Prussia in Germany.

Putin was angry this time: the German ambassador went so far as to call the Nazis and the Soviet Union allies and to join forces in aggression

However, in June 1940, the Germans preemptively launched an offensive against the Soviet Union. As a result, the Soviet army was caught off guard. For example, 13,581 tanks in the five military districts on the western border were only 10-15% of the ammunition, and all the personnel were placed on the border, not in deep positions, resulting in heavy Soviet losses at the beginning of the war.

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