
The SPOKESMan of the Un Secretary-General has contracted the coronavirus, and the Secretary-General has been in close contact with a number of infected people

Extremely eye news reporter Zhang Yang

According to the Russian Satellite News Agency on December 16, the Spokesman of the United Nations Secretary-General Stephanie Dugarik said that he was infected with the new crown virus.

The SPOKESMan of the Un Secretary-General has contracted the coronavirus, and the Secretary-General has been in close contact with a number of infected people

Stephanie Dugaric

In a letter to reporters, Dugaric wrote: "The COVID-19 test I received today is positive. ”

He said isolation had been carried out on the advice of doctors.

Dugaric revealed that he had previously completely completed the COVID-19 vaccination and received a booster injection, "My symptoms are very mild and I will continue to work from home." ”

However, Dugaric did not disclose the last contact with U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres.

UN Secretary-General Guterres, 72, was also fully vaccinated and received a booster injection on November 26.

He was scheduled to speak to reporters in person on Thursday, but in a follow-up note, Dugarik said it would be published online instead because the U.N. secretary-general "has reached out to many people who have tested positive for COVID-19." Dugarik said the secretary-general "showed no symptoms today and tested negative.".

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