
Holding a golden hammer, the Eight Sages King, who beat the emperor up and the adulterous courtier, originally had four versions, don't be deceived by the TV series

The Eight Sages of the Northern Song Dynasty, I believe that everyone is no stranger, opera, novels, TV series and so on have his figure. He was armed with a golden hammer, beating the Emperor of the Eight Sages and the traitors, and could always save the scene when there was a thousand gunshots, but various versions of the Eight Sages King appeared.

Holding a golden hammer, the Eight Sages King, who beat the emperor up and the adulterous courtier, originally had four versions, don't be deceived by the TV series

Song Taizu


The "Eight Kings" in Xiong Damu's "Biography of the Northern Song Dynasty" (also known as "Biography of the Yang Family General" and "Yang Family General Yanyi") are signed by Zhao Dezhao, the son of Song Taizu.


The "Eight Princes" in the drama "He Hou Scolding Hall" is signed zhao defang, which is another son of Song Taizu, who passed the throne to his brother Zhao Guangyi before his death, and gave Zhao Defang a golden hammer.


In Shi Yukun's "Three Heroes and Five Righteousness", he is the younger brother of Song Zhenzong, also known as the Eight Kings and The Prince of Xian, he lives in the Southern Qing Palace, his wife Di Niangniang, "Tanuki Cat for Prince" When Chen Lin rescued Xiao Renzong and carried him to the Southern Qing Palace to be raised by the Eight Princes, he later inherited the throne to Song Zhenzong. Among Zhenzong's younger brothers in history, known as the "Eight Great Kings" and "Prince Xian" was Zhao Yuanyu, the eighth son of Emperor Taizong.


The "Eight Princes" in the "Romance of Yangjiafu" are signed by Zhao Dechong (the original name of Zhao Yuanzuo, the eldest son of Emperor Taizong of Song).

Holding a golden hammer, the Eight Sages King, who beat the emperor up and the adulterous courtier, originally had four versions, don't be deceived by the TV series

Song Taizong

Let's analyze the above four versions. Zhao Dezhao (951–979 CE), courtesy name Rixin, was the second son of Zhao Kuangyin, the grandfather of the Song Dynasty, and his mother Empress Xiaohui of the He clan. In the second year of Qiande (964), he served as the history of the defense of Guizhou. In the sixth year of Kaibao (973), he served as Xingyuan Yin, the envoy of Shannan's Western Province, the inspector Taifu, and the Tongzhongshu Menxia Pingzhangshi. In the first year of the Taiping Xingguo (宋太宗赵光義年年年) (976), he was renamed Jing Zhaoyin (京兆尹), concurrently serving as a servant and the prince of Wugong County. In the third year of the Taiping Revival (978), he was appointed as the inspector of the school. In the fourth year of the Taiping Revival (979), he committed suicide because he was reprimanded by Emperor Taizong of Song, at the age of 28, and was posthumously awarded the Zhongshu Ling, posthumously awarded the title of King of Wei, and was given the title of Yi.

Holding a golden hammer, the Eight Sages King, who beat the emperor up and the adulterous courtier, originally had four versions, don't be deceived by the TV series

Song Zhenzong

Zhao Defang (959–981), fourth son of Zhao Kuangyin, emperor of the Song Dynasty, nephew of Zhao Guangyi of Emperor Taizong of Song, cousin of Zhao Heng of The Song Dynasty, and emperor of the Northern Song Dynasty. He successively served as the Inspector Taibao, the Guizhou Defense Envoy, the Xingyuan Yin, the Shannan-Xidao Jiedushi, the Tongping Zhangshi, and the Inspector Taiwei. In the sixth year of the Taiping Revival (981), he died of illness at the age of 22, and was posthumously awarded zhongshu ling and qi wang, with the posthumous title of Kanghui. Later, he was given the title of Taishi and renamed the King of Chu and the King of Qin.

Holding a golden hammer, the Eight Sages King, who beat the emperor up and the adulterous courtier, originally had four versions, don't be deceived by the TV series

Song Renzong

Zhao Yuanyu (985–1044), the eighth son of Emperor Taizong of Song. Emperor Taizong liked him very much, and at the age of twenty he was given the title of Taibao (太保) and was called "Twenty-Eight Taibao" in the palace. His forehead and chin are very wide, his personality is inviolable, and he is known as the "Eight Kings". During the reign of Emperor Zhenzong of Song, he successively served as an envoy of the Various Dao Festivals, Tongping Zhangshi, Andi Taifu and Zhongshu Ling, and the Governor of Shaanzhou, and was made the King of Jing. Emperor Renzong of Song ascended the throne and moved to Zhuguo, Taishi, Yangzhou Mu, and Kaifu Yitong, and was created the King of Jing. In the fourth year of the Qing calendar (1044), he died of illness at the age of 59, and was posthumously awarded the title of General of Tiance and the King of Yan.

Holding a golden hammer, the Eight Sages King, who beat the emperor up and the adulterous courtier, originally had four versions, don't be deceived by the TV series

Zhao Yuanzuo (965–1027), real name Zhao Dechong, courtesy name Wei Ji, was the eldest son of Emperor Taizong of Song, zhao guangyi, and brother of Zhao Heng of Song Zhenzong, whose mother was Empress Li of Yuande. Smart and alert, good at riding and shooting. He followed Emperor Taizong of Song in his conquest of the north, paid homage to Taifu and Tongping Zhangshi, and was made the King of Wei. He was made the Prince of Chu. Sympathetic to Zhao Tingmei, the King of Qin, went mad due to illness and was deposed as a commoner. After Emperor Zhenzong of Song ascended the throne, he restored the title of King of Chu, gave him the treatment of bringing a sword to the temple and ordering him to write a letter without a name, and gradually moved the Taishi and Zhongshu Ling, the General of Tiance, and the Xingyuan Mu. After Emperor Renzong of Song ascended the throne, he moved to Jiangling AndingMu and increased the number of food yi. In the fifth year of Tiansheng (1027), he died at the age of sixty-three. Posthumously presented Hezhong Mu, Feng Xiangmu, and King of Wei, with the courtesy name Gongxian, and was buried in Yongxi Mausoleum.

Holding a golden hammer, the Eight Sages King, who beat the emperor up and the adulterous courtier, originally had four versions, don't be deceived by the TV series

Zhao Dezhao and Zhao Defang both died early, and Song Taizong died in the early days, which shows that the age and age are not in line. Zhao Yuanyu, the eighth son of Emperor Taizong of Song, ranked eighth, and his age and age are also in line with the image of the Three Heroes and Five Righteousnesses, but his behavior is far from the story of the Eight Sages. Zhao Yuanzuo, the eldest son of Emperor Taizong of Song, did not conform to the ranks.

Holding a golden hammer, the Eight Sages King, who beat the emperor up and the adulterous courtier, originally had four versions, don't be deceived by the TV series

To sum up, the "Eight Sages" are some anecdotes from the above four people (Zhao Yuanyu's eight kings, who have certain political achievements; Zhao Yuanzuo enjoys the treatment of carrying a sword to the temple and the edict to the temple without naming; Zhao Dezhao and Zhao Defang are Taizu's lineage, who died young, and people suspect that they were persecuted by Emperor Taizong and sympathized with their suffering), plus the emotional tendencies of the people, and the characters who were artistically processed and fused. The fictional character of the "Eight Sages King" not only increases the dramatic conflict of stories such as "Yang Jia jiang", "He Hou Scolding Hall", "Three Heroes and Five Righteousness", but also satisfies the psychological requirements of people to revere loyal subjects and punish power and greed, expressing people's good wishes.

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