
Get to know Zhu Yuanzhang in one breath

author:Bob is white

Mud-legged as emperor

Just think about it

On the ability to practice

We've got to come!

We are Zhu Zhongba, oh, wrong, start again

We are

Daming opened the Heavenly Path Zhao ji li great saint to the god Ren Wen Yi Wu Junde successfully high emperor

Can't remember?

Then you call us the Hongwu Emperor

Get to know Zhu Yuanzhang in one breath

The first half of our lives


What a "miserable" word

Born to lose at the starting line

Get to know Zhu Yuanzhang in one breath

From an early age, I was so poor that I didn't have pants to wear

Daddy, mom, and brother hung up and didn't even have to bury it

Later, I became a monk

Catching up with the Great Famine again

I had to change my profession and become a beggar


Fortunately, I have known a lot of people in these days

It can also be regarded as a social resource for venture capital later

Get to know Zhu Yuanzhang in one breath

At the age of 25

We received a letter from our childhood friend Yuwa

Invited me to Guo Zixing's rebels to eat and drink

Speaking of Guo Zixing

That's my Bole

Get to know Zhu Yuanzhang in one breath

I can last

Stomp on the feet of stupid people such as Chen Youyu and Zhang Shicheng

Won the Next Tomorrow Championship

Thanks to his appreciation for promoting me

Get to know Zhu Yuanzhang in one breath


He also introduced a girl


I also had the privilege of getting to know Mars

(Is it easy for a poor boy to cheat on a daughter-in-law?

Get to know Zhu Yuanzhang in one breath

It gave me a tall name

Zhu Yuanzhang, zi guorui

(Hey hey, this name is shining throughout the universe, remember to ask me for an autograph)

Get to know Zhu Yuanzhang in one breath

With our high IQ, high emotional intelligence and unremitting efforts

With the help of a bunch of friends

We have been promoted from a small leader of the Red Turban Army

He was later elected King of Wu

And eventually pulled the Yuan Dynasty off the horse

Get to know Zhu Yuanzhang in one breath

Those emperors before were too stupid

It's not the central government that's at fault

It's the place that's wrong


Before either heading towards the middle of the beggar to pinch the neck

Either there is a ground snake tugging on the arm

This is if it is the day who will coax the straw

The country that Lao Tzu laid down with great effort will not become theirs

That's it?

Cough, look at my amplification moves!

Get to know Zhu Yuanzhang in one breath

The first move! Abolish the Prime Minister and belong to six ministries

Hu Weiyong, the prime minister at the time, said that he was our fellow countryman

A bit fluttery, very arrogant

But we don't eat that set

You think you're a fellow countryman with me, you're a shallot?

I can do those good guys

Where else can you go?

Since the minister doesn't know what his last name is

Then don't worry about it

This job, divide it up

Six people and one stall

The province's release of one person into the hands of a hidden danger

Get to know Zhu Yuanzhang in one breath


Zhu Yuanzhang not only killed Hu Weiyong

More than a thousand years of urban and rural posts have been abolished

Divide the central government into six parts

Officials, Households, Ceremonies, Soldiers, Punishments, and Works

The six ministers were directly responsible to Zhu Yuanzhang

(No middlemen)

Get to know Zhu Yuanzhang in one breath

Second trick! Withdraw the province and set up three divisions

The threat to power at the center has diminished

That place has to be guarded

In case there are people in the local area who are like those festival envoys of the Tang Dynasty, supporting the army and respecting themselves

Rebellion one day is also a nuisance

We've got to kill it in the cradle

Get to know Zhu Yuanzhang in one breath

Zhu Yuanzhang was in the local area and withdrew the Xingzhongshu Province, which controlled the local area

The Department of Envoys for Undertaking and Announcing, the Department of Commanding Envoys, and the Department of Envoys for Sentencing were established

In charge of administration, military and government, and judicial affairs

They are independent of each other and contain each other

Get to know Zhu Yuanzhang in one breath

Third trick! Set up a guard

To avoid someone saying bad things behind their backs

We have a group of little brothers

Specifically monitor the speech and behavior of those ministers

They are not only responsible for gathering military and political intelligence

It also engages in activities such as reconnaissance, arrest, and interrogation

Be careful, guys

We can all know what you say in your dreams

Get to know Zhu Yuanzhang in one breath

Through the establishment of the Kinniku Guard

Zhu Yuanzhang mastered all the wind and grass

Get to know Zhu Yuanzhang in one breath

Who else?

That's my cleverness

Don't look at me for not having read

But you guys

None of them are my opponents

Get to know Zhu Yuanzhang in one breath

Simply put

Zhu Yuanzhang danced three axes from centralization, local management, and intelligence management

For the great tomorrow, but also for the management of future generations

A new benchmark has been set

Get to know Zhu Yuanzhang in one breath

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