
Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council: We have the ability to make Taiwan compatriots live a better life

The Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council held a regular press conference on 15 December, at which Ma Xiaoguang, spokesman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, answered reporters' questions.

Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council: We have the ability to make Taiwan compatriots live a better life

The Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council held a regular press conference at 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, December 15 at the press conference hall of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council.

Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council: We have the ability to make Taiwan compatriots live a better life

Reporter: President Wang Yang attended and delivered a speech at the 13th Straits Forum in Xiamen on 11 July, which attracted attention from all walks of life on the island. Please interpret the meaning of the speech.

Ma Xiaoguang: On December 11, Wang Yang, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, attended the 13th Straits Forum in Xiamen and delivered a speech. President Wang Yang's speech declared our confidence in victory in promoting the reunification of the motherland, our firm determination to oppose "Taiwan independence" and external interference, and our unchanged original intention of seeking the well-being of our compatriots.

First of all, settling the Taiwan issue and realizing the complete reunification of the motherland is a historical task that the CPC is unswervingly committed to, and we have confidence in victory in this regard. Faith comes from the power of morality, the power of the people, the power of culture. Chinese people support reunification in their hearts, eagerly look forward to reunification, and firmly defend reunification.

Second, the Chinese nation is a peace-loving nation, but its will to defend the country and oppose separatism is as firm as a rock. We are willing to strive for the prospect of peaceful reunification with the greatest sincerity and the greatest efforts, but we will never leave any space for the separatist activities of "Taiwan independence." No one should underestimate our strong determination, firm will and strong ability to defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Third, we must be peaceful, develop, and live a good life, which is the common aspiration of the Taiwan compatriots. We have the ability to make taiwan compatriots live a better life. We will comprehensively implement the party's overall strategy for resolving the Taiwan issue in the new era, promote the peaceful development and integrated development of cross-strait relations, improve the system and policies for ensuring the well-being of Taiwan compatriots and enjoying equal treatment on the mainland, and encourage Taiwan compatriots, especially young friends, to come to the mainland to pursue their dreams and realize their dreams.

Chairman Wang Yang's speech has received widespread attention and positive evaluation, and has had a major impact on both sides of the Taiwan Strait. It is hoped that the broad masses of Taiwan compatriots will grasp the situation and the situation, clearly understand the advantages and disadvantages, distinguish between right and wrong, firmly stand on the correct side of history, adhere to the one-China principle and the "1992 Consensus," resolutely draw a clear line with the "Taiwan independence" forces, and be a Chinese with dignity and uprightness. Compatriots on both sides of the strait should work together in harmony, unite and move forward, and work together to accomplish the lofty cause of the reunification of the motherland and realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!

Tang Feng peddled Taiwan's so-called "democratic achievements" at the so-called "democracy summit," and the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council responded

A reporter asked: Tang Feng, a representative sent by the DPP authorities, recently peddled Taiwan's so-called "democratic achievements" at the so-called "democracy summit" in the United States. What is the Spokesperson's comment on this?

Ma Xiaoguang said: Here we would like to ask the DPP authorities in the light of one-party selfishness, suppressing dissidents on the island, manipulating ethnic antagonism, and dividing Taiwan society. What kind of democracy is it to use clever words and write empty cheques in elections, and then forget the promises made to the people on the island after the election? What kind of democracy is this in engaging in power-for-money transactions, black-money politics, collecting illegal donations, carrying out illegal talks, and seeking the private interests of individuals and political parties? What kind of democracy is this in suppressing public opinion, creating a "chilling effect", and shutting down the Zhongtian Channel in spite of public anger? What kind of democracy is this by abusing administrative and judicial resources, vigorously engaging in "green terror," suppressing political parties, groups, and personalities that advocate cross-strait exchanges and support reunification, and depriving the Taiwan people of their legitimate rights and interests in carrying out cross-strait exchanges and cooperation?

In order to collude with and rely on anti-China forces outside the country to seek "independence," not hesitate to harm the interests of Taiwan compatriots, and even at the expense of the health and well-being of the people on the island, "do everything in Taiwan's material resources and unite the hearts of foreign countries." What kind of democracy is this? Regardless of the interests of Taiwan enterprises and the future of Taiwan's economy, what kind of democracy is this at the expense of losing sincerity to external anti-China forces on the issue of industrial chain supply chain and harming the interests of enterprises? Like Goebbels, he regards lies as the truth, constantly spreads false news that attacks and smears the mainland, manipulates populism, writes and directs his own "cognitive war" farce, and incites confrontation between the two sides of the strait. What kind of democracy is this in exaggerating the so-called "military threat" of the mainland, taking the people's hard-earned money to ask foreign masters for arms, and not hesitating to tie the Taiwan people to the "Taiwan independence" chariot and push it toward disaster? Even the media on the island say that the DPP authorities are eating Hong Kong's "human blood buns" to exchange votes for votes.

The DPP authorities' sending people to attend the meeting is a big joke in itself, and once again exposing the essence of its fake "democracy" and real conspiracy for "independence" is nothing more than adding a little laugh to the so-called "democracy summit" cobbled together by the United States.

Asked how to watch the video of the representative of the Taiwan region being cut off by the US side, Ma Xiaoguang said: Foreigners are exhausted and humiliate themselves

Reporter: How does the spokesperson see that at the so-called "democracy summit" organized by the US side, the representatives of the Taiwan region played a little clever trick of "Taiwan independence", but the video was cut off by the US side.

Ma Xiaoguang: This is stealing chicken and not eating rice, and the foreign appearance is exhausted, and it humiliates itself.

Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council: Taiwan compatriots are welcome to participate in activities related to the Beijing Winter Olympics

Taiwan Lianhe Pao: On your first question, Chairman Wang Yang reiterated at the Straits Forum that cross-strait relations should develop peacefully and integrate development, and also placed special emphasis on the exchange and integration of young people on both sides of the strait. The second question is that the Winter Olympics are imminent, and there are already Taiwanese students and Taiwanese compatriots participating in the volunteer service activities of the Winter Olympics. Do you have any comment on this?

Spokesman Ma Xiaoguang said that in less than 2 months, the Olympic flame will once again be lit in Beijing, the city of the two Olympic Games, which is highly anticipated and expected. The Beijing Municipal Taiwan Affairs Office organized some Taiwan compatriots in Beijing to participate in the recording of the theme slogan promotion song "Together to the Future" for the 2022 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. In this special way, they expressed their expectations for the Beijing Winter Olympics and their beautiful vision for the future together. We welcome Taiwan compatriots to participate in activities related to the Beijing Winter Olympics, and hope that compatriots on both sides of the strait will meet in Beijing and share the passion and happiness of the Winter Olympics.

The Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council is telling the DPP authorities: If they misjudge the situation and dare to take reckless risks, they will certainly incur disasters

Reporter: Recently, the Taiwan military and individuals on the island have frequently exaggerated the so-called "mainland threat" and have recently hyped up the so-called mainland's "attack on Taiwan" steps.

Ma Xiaoguang: As everyone knows, the root cause of the current tension in the Taiwan Strait is that the DPP authorities and the "Taiwan independence" forces collude with external forces to constantly plot "independence" provocations. Recently, the DPP authorities and some people on the island have joined forces with foreign anti-China forces to deliberately spread the so-called mainland's "attack on Taiwan" remarks, hype up the so-called mainland's "military threat" to Taiwan, and harbor evil intentions. The first is an attempt to reverse right and wrong, whitewash the image of a "troublemaker," and continue to seek "independence" provocations; second, it attempts to divert the focus, incite the populace on the island, coerce the will of the people on the island, create "anti-China resistance to China," and gain political self-interest; third, it attempts to gain self-esteem by coercing the foreigners and creating an excuse for them to collude with external forces to meddle in the situation in the Taiwan Strait. Taiwan compatriots should be highly vigilant in this regard.

He is telling the DPP authorities that they cannot cover up their own situation by spreading rumors and making trouble is the real threat to peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait. If we misjudge the situation and dare to take risks, we will surely lead to disaster.

Taiwan businessmen claim that their factories in Xinjiang were demolished without warning, and the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council is inconsistent with the facts

Reporter: According to Taiwan media reports, Taiwan businessman Wang Jinquan claimed that his factory building in Xinjiang was demolished by the local government without warning. The MAC said that if it involves relevant cross-strait agreements, it will assist Taiwan businessmen through the window of agreement. Does the spokesperson have any information about the situation?

Ma Xiaoguang: The mainland has always attached great importance to protecting the legitimate rights and interests of the vast number of Taiwan compatriots and Taiwan enterprises in accordance with laws and regulations. After verification, the situation described by Wang Jinquan was inconsistent with the facts. First, in March 1998, the application land of mainland resident Shang Xiaomei in Karamay, Xinjiang, was not used for planting and breeding as agreed, but was used for leasing and construction station operation in violation of the law, which had serious safety and fire hazards. Second, the formalities for legal land approval have not been handled. Third, in September 2018, after Shang Xiaomei registered her marriage with Taiwan resident Wang Jinquan, she continued to use the land in violation of the law. In order to eliminate safety and fire hazards, the competent department demolished the illegal buildings in accordance with laws and regulations after repeated unsuccessful communication with Shangshang. We hope that the parties will actively cooperate with the local government to properly handle subsequent matters in accordance with laws and regulations, and jointly safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of all parties.

The word "difficult" was elected as the 2021 cross-strait annual Chinese character, and the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council: "Difficult" is both a difficulty and an opportunity

A reporter asked: The 2021 cross-strait annual Chinese characters were recently unveiled in Taipei, and the word "difficult" was elected. Some Taiwan media reported that the word "difficult" truly conveys the common feelings of the people on both sides of the strait about 2021. Do you have any comment on this?

Ma Xiaoguang said that I think the "difficult" character elected as the 2021 cross-strait annual Chinese character can be understood from three aspects: First, the normal work, study and life of compatriots on both sides of the strait have been affected by the new crown pneumonia epidemic to varying degrees. In particular, taiwan compatriots are also facing the shortage of vaccines and safety artificially created by the DPP authorities, which is even more difficult.

Second, we are worried that the DPP authorities have colluded with external forces to constantly seek "independence" provocations, resulting in the current complicated and severe cross-strait relations and the tense and turbulent situation in the Taiwan Strait.

Third, we are dissatisfied and indignant that the DPP authorities have obstructed and undermined cross-strait compatriots' exchanges and cooperation under various pretexts and in various ways, and have created confrontation and confrontation between the two sides of the strait. The DPP authorities' perverse acts not only undermine the situation of peaceful development of cross-strait relations, but also seriously harm the interests of the Taiwan compatriots and bring Taiwan into a disastrous and dangerous situation step by step.

On the contrary, the mainland side resolutely opposes "Taiwan independence," adheres to the one-China principle and the "1992 Consensus," adheres to the people-centered development concept, constantly eliminates interference, unites the broad masses of Taiwan compatriots to overcome difficulties and move forward, continues to implement details and introduces a series of measures, constantly improves the policy of equal treatment of Taiwan compatriots, and at the same time meticulously organizes a series of cross-strait exchange activities to promote the peaceful development and integrated development of cross-strait relations and safeguard the common interests of compatriots on both sides of the strait.

Finally, I would like to emphasize that "difficulty" is both a difficulty and an opportunity. We hope that Taiwan compatriots will make joint efforts with us to kick off the stumbling block of "Taiwan independence" and let cross-strait relations have a bright future again.

In response to Mr. Abe's erroneous remarks on China, the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council said: Taiwan is part of China, not part of Japan

Reporter: Former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe made erroneous remarks on China again yesterday, threatening that Japan, the United States and other countries should allow Taiwan to join international organizations. Taiwan's foreign exchange departments are grateful for this. Do you have any comment on this?

Ma Xiaoguang: Taiwan is part of China, not part of Japan. We are warning these Japanese right-wing politicians that if they still vainly want to inherit the mantle of militarism to undermine China's sovereignty and territorial integrity and indulge in supporting the "Taiwan independence" forces, they are miscalculating. Thank you.

Synthesized from the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council and the World Wide Web

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