
Half a century of looking back at "National Dance , Chinese Heart" Yang Liping opened from the 50 Years of Art Photo Exhibition

Half a century of looking back at "National Dance , Chinese Heart" Yang Liping opened from the 50 Years of Art Photo Exhibition

The exhibition scene was photographed by Li Xilin

Yunnan Netnews (reporter Li Xilin) On December 15, half a century of looking back at the "National Dance • Chinese Heart" dance artist Yang Liping congyi 50 years of photo exhibition opened at the Yunnan Literature and Art Museum, the exhibition in the form of pictures, Yang Liping from the art of 50 years of life experience and stage career to do a complete combing, at the same time, with Yang Liping as the point, with its 50 years of artistic exploration and classic works as the line, let the audience have a glimpse of the history of the inheritance and development of Chinese dance art, a vivid and vivid dance covenant and visual feast.

Half a century of looking back at "National Dance , Chinese Heart" Yang Liping opened from the 50 Years of Art Photo Exhibition
Half a century of looking back at "National Dance , Chinese Heart" Yang Liping opened from the 50 Years of Art Photo Exhibition

In 1971, Yang Liping entered the Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture Song and Dance Troupe, officially starting her legendary dance life. Ten years later, she was transferred to the Beijing Central National Song and Dance Troupe. The nourishment of the multi-ethnic family has made her dance level grow rapidly; the national art hall has provided her with a broad stage. Here, starting from her self-written and performed "Spirit of the Sparrow", she completed the transformation from a dancer to a "dance god" step by step, not only seven times on the Central Stage Spring Festival Gala, but also danced out of the country, with eleven dance dramas such as "Yunnan Reflection" to "Spring Festival", completing the penetration from Yunnan to China, from the East to the West, letting China see Yunnan, letting the world see China, and finally becoming the glory of dancers, national symbols, and Chinese impressions.

Half a century of looking back at "National Dance , Chinese Heart" Yang Liping opened from the 50 Years of Art Photo Exhibition
Half a century of looking back at "National Dance , Chinese Heart" Yang Liping opened from the 50 Years of Art Photo Exhibition

The exhibition consists of several sections, including pictures, videos and installations, and many video materials are released publicly for the first time. The wonderful moments presented in the exhibition let everyone see the process of Yang Liping from dance performance to stage creation to artistic thought expression, which is also a process in which an artist constantly transcends himself and enters the free realm of artistic creation.

Half a century of looking back at "National Dance , Chinese Heart" Yang Liping opened from the 50 Years of Art Photo Exhibition

Another main thread of the exhibition is the perspective of the times. In the past 50 years, China's rapid development has been obvious to all, and the people's yearning for a better life needs to be expressed urgently; in the past 50 years, the world's rapid changes are unstoppable, and have continuously become the driving force for Yang Liping to dance miracles. Looking back from the times, Yang Liping's artistic career is the process of discovering beauty, pursuing beauty, creating beauty, and disseminating beauty in a Chinese society. Strung together by her achievements are the beautiful "pearls" of Chinese culture that have attracted the world's attention. "Half a Century of Looking Back" is a commemoration of Yang Liping's 50-year dance career, and it is also a record of the glorious half century of Chinese stage art.

Half a century of looking back at "National Dance , Chinese Heart" Yang Liping opened from the 50 Years of Art Photo Exhibition
Half a century of looking back at "National Dance , Chinese Heart" Yang Liping opened from the 50 Years of Art Photo Exhibition

It is reported that the event was guided by the Propaganda Department of the Yunnan Provincial Party Committee of the Communist Party of China, sponsored by the Department of Culture and Tourism of Yunnan Province, the Federation of Literary and Art Circles of Yunnan Province, and hosted by Yunnan Yang Liping Cultural Communication Co., Ltd. and Kunming Biding Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd., and was strongly supported by the China Dancers Association. The exhibition will run until 26 December.

Half a century of looking back at "National Dance , Chinese Heart" Yang Liping opened from the 50 Years of Art Photo Exhibition

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