
Five key words, give play to the guiding role of new concepts in the construction of smart libraries

Five key words, give play to the guiding role of new concepts in the construction of smart libraries

Chen Jun (Director of Nanjing Library) | author

General Secretary Xi Jinping's speech at the Second Plenary Session of the Fifth Plenary Session of the Eighteenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China clearly put forward the concept of innovative, coordinated, green, open and shared development. And it is emphasized that the new development concept is the baton and the traffic light. The new development concept conforms to the development requirements of the times and has great guiding significance for solving development problems, enhancing development momentum, and planting development advantages. At present, with the continuous emergence of new technologies, the construction of smart libraries has been officially put on the agenda. Questions such as what is a smart library, how to build a smart library, and so on have become the focus of the industry and academia for a while, and everyone is different. In the construction of smart libraries in the new era, it is necessary to earnestly follow the new development concept, actively play the role of the baton and traffic light of the new concept, guide the construction process of the smart library, and anchor the key attachment points for the wisdom overflowing with new science and technology.


It is the soul center of the wisdom library construction

The wisdom library is to cope with the rapid development of new technologies and innovate to change service methods and service content, so as to further improve the comprehensive quality of reader services. The emergence of the wisdom library is itself the product of the pursuit of innovation. The construction of smart libraries needs to implement comprehensive innovation on the basis of the traditional library model, not to tinker with patches, not to fill in the gaps, not to see only trees and forests, we must adhere to innovative thinking, systematic thinking, rely on "new technology + library", all-round excavation, highlight the venue hardware and service software level can be integrated and displayed wisdom.

The ultimate tester of innovation is the reader. The construction of smart libraries is not to innovate for the sake of innovation, not to piece together new technologies in a disorderly manner, and we must adhere to the practice test standards accepted by readers. The sense of wisdom brought by all the service innovation for readers is the criterion and purpose of the construction of smart libraries. New technologies naturally emerge in an endless stream, and innovation is endless, so there is no final version of the construction of smart libraries. In this sense, innovation makes the construction of smart libraries always on the road. The wisdom of the wisdom library will continue to be improved and optimized with the upgrading of new technologies in the future.


It is the organizational orientation of the construction of smart libraries

There are many types of libraries, different functions, and different social roles, and the construction of smart libraries must take care of these situations, accurate decision-making and calibration, and cannot be measured to the end. More than enough is too much. It is necessary to prevent the degree of wisdom from not being significant enough, and to avoid the redundancy of wisdom beyond reality, resulting in unnecessary idleness and waste. Therefore, the construction of smart libraries should closely match and echo the functional positioning of various types of libraries, highlight the gradient of the specific connotation of wisdom, so as to build a unique smart library system from national libraries to provincial libraries to city, county, district, university and community libraries.

As far as the library is intrinsic, coordination is also reflected in the coupling relationship between the various resources and their presentation methods and carriers. Such as walls, bookshelves, floors, roofs, tables and chairs, access control and the like should be integrated into the field of new technology application, to achieve the coordination between the specialized wisdom lending space and the library public wisdom space, wisdom to the library should be like salt into the water, no traces, fully infiltrated and intervened out of the simple, convenient, intuitive image. A professional team that combines the application practice of smart libraries with research and development should be established to better and more actively ensure the operation of smart libraries. An independent and safe information database of readers' activity routes in the library should be established, and the reasonable legitimate rights and interests of both the library and the readers should be safeguarded in accordance with the law.


It is the hardware coefficient of smart library construction

The construction of smart libraries should first of all be the wisdom of the concept itself, not only focusing on various internal services, but also paying attention to the hardware equipment and facilities of venues that support various services. It not only refers to the environmental protection and health of the materials selected, the cleanliness and hygiene of the venue environment, but also the library shell itself should reflect low-carbon green, energy saving and emission reduction, and respond to the country's solemn commitment to achieve carbon neutrality by 2060 with practical actions.

The design of library buildings should aim at the forefront of material technology, fully connect functional design and appearance decoration with the latest scientific and technological applications, and scientifically and reasonably handle the tension between the artistry and practicality of library buildings. In the use of optical energy, wall thermal energy conversion, internal intelligent lighting and temperature control, rainfall collection and wastewater reuse, space module real-time conversion adjustment, intelligent control and monitoring of pipe networks and many other aspects, we strive to achieve a virtuous cycle of the library's own energy storage and use. The construction of smart libraries should not be at the expense of high energy consumption, high emissions and high operational burden. It is necessary to realize the digitization, paperlessness, visual office and service coverage of the whole process, so that management and service can be integrated without boundaries, so that readers can easily come and return home comfortably.


It is the endless pursuit of the construction of smart libraries

The original intention of the construction of the smart library is to provide open services to readers with higher quality and higher efficiency. All resources of the library must be digitized in a pluralistic manner, so that they can be accessed and viewed instantly, and enjoy the diversified liquidity experience learning of digital resources. Smart libraries should truly realize that the collection resources are open to global readers and users without thresholds, immediacy, and in all languages. As set out in IFLA's Strategy Report 2019-2024, it captures the vision of "inspiring, engaging, empowering and connecting the global library community". The great alliance of the global library community, including the horizontal alliance between countries, provinces and cities, as well as the alliance between the internal systems of the library in the vertical, through the crisscrossing and all-round opening up, will truly build the wisdom library into the "ninth ocean" where human book information resources are highly concentrated, and actively enrich the rich connotation of the community of human destiny in the name of the global village library.

In terms of reader service time, smart libraries should ensure that the resources of the whole library are fully open all day and night throughout the year, and should establish an immediacy knowledge organization system platform between various resources in the library and interlibrary to maintain sufficient intensive density and accuracy of information resources.


It is the value highland of the construction of smart libraries

Regardless of the size of the country and region, the difference between rich and poor, the construction of smart libraries must achieve equal participation and equal sharing of various resources and services by all libraries. The construction of all kinds of smart libraries must not artificially set restrictions and obstacles to block communication and sharing. The construction of smart libraries should pay attention to the differences of the population, fully consider the characteristics of different service objects including children, the elderly, the disabled, foreign countries, etc., and provide highly thoughtful and humanized smooth services with the help of new technology and clever design. The construction of smart libraries must always adhere to the people-centered stance.

Shared development therefore also takes into account the balance between libraries serving patrons and librarians. The construction of smart libraries should not be regarded as a simple negation of human beings by machines and new technologies, but should be understood as their high affirmation and publicity of human dignity, happiness, freedom and liberation of the spirits. It is not only necessary to let librarians feel great spiritual pleasure and self-actualization satisfaction in the wisdom services provided to readers, but also to take practical measures to vigorously care for the specific conditions of librarians' physical and mental health, personal development, treatment and interests in the context of smart libraries. Sharing makes the construction of smart libraries shine with the light of humanity.

Five key words, give play to the guiding role of new concepts in the construction of smart libraries

In summary, in the construction of smart libraries, innovation is the general engine, the driving force, is the innovation with the help of smart library construction to promote the development of the library industry more coordinated, greener, more open, more shared, innovation is the necessary and sufficient conditions for the construction of smart libraries, without innovation, smart library construction is equal to a mirage, a fool's dream. Coordination, green, openness and sharing are the paths, directions and dimensions for the specific promotion and realization of innovation. The coordination is the face of the construction of the smart library, the green reflects the tendon of the smart library construction, the open shows the bone of the smart library construction, and the sharing focuses on the construction of the smart library. The five support each other, serve each other as conditions, each do their duty, and exert efforts in the same direction to guide the rudder for the good and fast construction of the wisdom library in the new era.


Edit | Lu Yue Yuan Jiang

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