
The Tenth Composition Congress | the creation of temperature and responsibility is the most correct way to write online literature

The Tenth Composition Congress | the creation of temperature and responsibility is the most correct way to write online literature

【Editors】 Online literature writers Shi Ruilei and Yang Yan actively responded to the general secretary's important speeches at the 11th National Literary Congress and the 10th National Literary Congress.

Use the fine works that keep up with the times to open up a new realm of literature and art

The Tenth Composition Congress | the creation of temperature and responsibility is the most correct way to write online literature

▲ Shi Ruilei (left) and Mo Yan took a group photo

General Secretary Xi Jinping's speech has provided us with valuable ideological guidance and creative programs for our new generation of literary and artistic creators. In such an era of rapid economic development and cultural themes and ideas, how to create works with ideas, values and cultural connotations has always plagued countless creators like me. General Secretary Xi's advice to literary and artistic creators has made us aware of the key point of extending the lifeline of our own literary and artistic works. Only by injecting the value of beauty into the art of beauty, only by being close to the people's lives, only by telling the Chinese story well, and only by adhering to the right path, can the works have a soul and can be passed on for a long time.

The Tenth Composition Congress | the creation of temperature and responsibility is the most correct way to write online literature

For the world,000 harmless. If not for the user, a chapter will not help. Only by adhering to the principle of integrity and innovation, and using the fine works of the times to open up a new realm of literature and art, can we always maintain strong creativity and the strength and courage between the writings. As online literary creators in the new era, we have always explored the field of new themes, new categories, and new ideas, hoping to create new forms of literary works with value, connotation, and thought, but also suffering from the vast and modern social life styles of the literary ocean and it is difficult to find representative and resonant themes. General Secretary Xi's six "hopes" have given our thinking a foothold.

Only by caring for the great cause of national rejuvenation, adhering to the people's position, adhering to the correct innovation, and holding the attitude of showing the Chinese story and The image of China to the world, can we make our works more powerful and more vital, so as to realize the value of our own lives.

Devote himself to the creation of realistic themes and inject the source of living water into online literature

The Tenth Composition Congress | the creation of temperature and responsibility is the most correct way to write online literature

▲Internet writer Yang Yan (screen name: Wu Qingying)

I feel extremely excited and proud to participate in the 11th National Literary Congress and the 10th Writers' Congress as an online writer. I am a writer who came out of the Reading Group's Realistic Theme Essay Contest, and the fact that online writers were able to participate in such a large-scale literary and art event fully demonstrates the importance, concern and support of leaders at all levels from the central government to the provinces, from the China Federation of Literary and Literary Circles, the China Writers Association to the Provincial Federation of Literature and Literature and the Provincial Writers Association. Here, once again, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to them.

When listening to the general secretary's important speech in the Great Hall of the People, a warm and firm force that at the same time urged people to forge ahead has been haunting me, making me feel excited and difficult to calm down. This feeling is difficult to express in words, and if I had to describe it in one sentence, I think it would be: let every flower grow freely in the direction of the sun.

These words are the slogans I saw on the wall outside the gate of my junior high school alma mater. I thought about it carefully, and it seemed that only this sentence could describe my current mood. But it is more appropriate to add a few words, that is, to let every flower of literature grow freely and healthily in the direction of the party and the people.

In the hundred gardens of literature and art, online literature has attracted the attention of countless people like a warm and unrestrained rose. Now, in a vibrant posture, it is showing its unique and distinctive charm to China and to readers around the world.

The central idea and spiritual core of the general secretary's important speech is the sunshine that shines in the garden of literature and art, which points out the way forward for every network writer, and this light stimulates our enthusiasm for creation and transforms it into a strong driving force for our writing.

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out in his speech that the vast number of literary and art workers must not only let the people become the protagonists of their works, but also integrate their ideological tendencies and feelings with the people, sink their hearts, feelings and thoughts into the people, feel the pulse of the times and the glory of life with the people, and sing songs for the times and the people.

Tie Ning, chairman of the China Writers Association, once talked about the conscience and responsibility of writers, saying: "Our people and our writers have a heart to heart. Literature has never been only the personal career of writers, Chinese culture has a long and profound tradition of 'poetry teaching', literature has always been regarded as an important way to correct people's hearts and customs, so that people can understand life in a subtle way, enhance the ability to distinguish between right and wrong, good and evil, beauty and ugliness, and let people see the light and hope, full of confidence in life. ”

As an online writer, it is necessary to take "speed reduction" as a means and "quality improvement" as the goal to let online literature enter the fast lane of "quality writing", which is the speech of Shao Li, chairman of the Henan Provincial Federation of Literature and Literature and chairman of the Provincial Writers Association, at the opening ceremony of the Henan Network Writers Backbone Training Class. Online writers should 'go out', go among the people, go to the lives of ordinary people to create, to absorb nutrition. We must be the confidants and informants of the people.

Write for the people and celebrate the great times!

The creation of temperature and responsibility is the most correct way to write online literature.

Among the online writers, there are not only freelancers, but also many authors working at the grassroots level, who themselves have the characteristics of the people and have unique convenient conditions in the process of creating materials. Writing your ordinary life and expressing your inner feelings is to write reality and write the times. And literary creation should make people feel the truth and warmth of life.

Under the initiative of the state, more and more online writers have devoted themselves to the creation of realistic themes, and a large number of excellent works that are close to the times, close to life, and close to readers have emerged, and these works that reflect the themes of the pioneers of the times, the dream of a strong country, the people's beautiful life, scientific and technological innovation and science fiction, the spirit of Chinese culture, and the community of human destiny have injected the source of living water into online literature and provided a stronger impetus for the development of online literature.

Not only the creation of realistic themes, the Literary and Art Daily mentioned in the article "Strengthening Value Leadership and Promoting the High-quality Development of Online Literature" that fantasy works have also begun to pay attention to drawing nutrients from cultural classics, paying attention to the promotion of China's excellent traditional culture, scientific and technological innovation and science fiction elements have been valued; positive writing of history works continue to increase, creatively expressing Chinese style and Chinese style, and making new explorations for the creative transformation and innovative development of China's excellent traditional culture. The large flow of online literature dissemination is increasingly transformed into positive energy, and the trend of mainstreaming and high-quality creation is more clear.

Online literature has developed rapidly in just over twenty years and has achieved extraordinary and astonishing results. It not only has a large number of works, but also has a large number of authors and readers, in the past five years, online literature in the content of the sea, IP adaptation of the soaring, rapid development, online literature reading platform sinking users increasingly, showing the vigorous development of China's online literature vitality and influence, but also continue to stimulate the endogenous power of self-development of the online literature industry. It is worth mentioning that the number of contracted writers of Our Henan Internet Writers in Reading Group, the largest online literary platform in China, ranks second, second only to Sichuan.

At the critical turning point in the development of online literature, General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on literary and artistic work pointed out the way forward for the development of online literature. The general secretary hoped that the vast number of literary and art workers would persist in carrying forward the right path and achieve the value of life in the pursuit of virtue and art. I have a particularly profound feeling for the general secretary's remark that "those who cultivate virtue must first establish themselves; those who cast bacon must first cast themselves." Because only by achieving the unity of character and art can we write really good works.

"Every flower of literature grows freely and healthily in the direction of the Party and the people."

Over the past few years, through the unremitting efforts of the Central Propaganda Department, the China Writers Association and various group member units, as well as online literature platforms and the vast number of online writers, online literature has presented a new development pattern with reasonable structure, diverse themes and rich types. And to rot and give birth to new online literature, under the guidance of the spirit of General Secretary Xi's important speech, more brilliant flowers will bloom in the hundred gardens of literature and art.

We network writers in Henan should take on the responsibility of the times with full creative enthusiasm and humble creative attitude, inherit the Chinese context, pay tribute to the classics, and pay tribute to the writers' predecessors! In the future, tell the story of Henan, tell the story of China, tell the story of the people, and contribute to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!

EDIT: Wei Zhong

Editor-in-Charge: Shao Ling

The picture is provided by the writer himself

*Wenhui exclusive manuscript, please indicate the source when reprinting.

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