
How strong is the WWII Skeleton Division? Surrounded by 1.5 million Soviet troops, it was still able to break through and escape

How powerful is the WWII Skeleton Division? Surrounded by 1.5 million Soviet troops, it was a bloody road

The Second World War was the greatest catastrophe in the history of the world. At that time, whether it was the land of Europe or the land of Asia, there was war everywhere. At the same time, there is a brave army all over the world. Among them, the German skeleton division claims to be the strongest in the world, how strong is the skeleton division? See how it performs in battle!

How strong is the WWII Skeleton Division? Surrounded by 1.5 million Soviet troops, it was still able to break through and escape

After the outbreak of World War II, there were two battlefields, the Asian battlefield and the European battlefield. On the Battlefield of Asia, the Japanese Army ran amok, and on the Battlefield of Europe, the German Army ran amok. Hitler swept across the Continent with Nazi troops, bringing great disaster to the Countries of Europe.

The most famous battles during World War II were the Normandy landings and the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. The more famous ones on China's anti-Japanese battlefield are the Hundred Regiments War and the Battle of Songhu. On the basis of the huge gap, the Chinese military and people defeated the Japanese aggressors. There were also very fierce battles on other battlefields, namely the Battle of Demyansk between the Red Army and the Nazi German Army.

How strong is the WWII Skeleton Division? Surrounded by 1.5 million Soviet troops, it was still able to break through and escape

At the Battle of Demyansk, the German Skeleton Division was surrounded by the Red Army. It was a battle of great disparity in strength, and the outcome was unexpected. In the spring of 1942, the Germans were defeated on the battlefield by the Soviets. At this point, the German offensive stopped. The fighting nation saw the opportunity and immediately organized a counter-offensive. In this way, the Battle of Demyansk was officially launched.

In this regard, the Soviet Union made a detailed plan. The Soviet authorities decided to repel the Germans here in Demyansk and to completely open up the traffic fortress. To open up here is to open up the large industrial zone south of Leningrad, which means to directly cut off the German front and divide the main force of the German army. If this battle is won, the former superiority of the German army will cease to exist.

How strong is the WWII Skeleton Division? Surrounded by 1.5 million Soviet troops, it was still able to break through and escape

To this end, the Soviet army gathered a large number of troops, about 1.5 million people, and carried a thousand artillery pieces and three hundred tanks, and spread the combat formation near Leningrad. The Soviets gathered a large number of troops and prepared to catch turtles in an urn, putting 120,000 German troops to death. Within a few days, the Soviets were firmly trapped in two German regiments. Among them, included the strongest combat force of the German army, the "Skeleton Division".

The skeleton master is named after the skeleton, which is enough to see its bravery and fierceness. The battle of Demyansk was decided, and the two German legions had given up resistance, and only the skeleton division vowed to resist to the death. In this battle in which the victory or defeat has been decided, the skeleton division is highly motivated, and after a long time of difficulty, it can still organize a breakthrough. Finally, the Skeleton Division opened the Soviet encirclement, forced a bloody road, and successfully broke through.

After the breakthrough, the skeleton division can be described as a famous battle. At the same time, the main force of this skeleton division also died under the siege of the Soviet army. After successfully breaking through, only about 10,000 skeleton divisions were left, and there were even fewer weapons and equipment left. I have to admit that the combat strength of the skeleton division is really worth mentioning.

How strong is the WWII Skeleton Division? Surrounded by 1.5 million Soviet troops, it was still able to break through and escape

After the defeat of Germany, the Skeleton Division, as prisoners of war, was greeted only with death. Although they were heroes in the hearts of the Germans, in the eyes of the Allies, they were all murderous executioners. The remaining soldiers of the Skeleton Division, their own officers, were executed by the Soviet army. In this regard, the skeleton master is only left with a story.

Although the Skeleton Division has a strong combat power, as an unjust armed force, all that awaits them is defeat. No matter how powerful the Skeleton Master is, in the face of justice, it seems very small. The Skeleton Division's record is brilliant, but the Skeleton Division's ending is also deserved.

Reference: German Skeleton Division

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