
Who is the best at single-handedly picking the five tigers? Defeated Zhang Gao, his single-handed strength is beyond doubt

Who is the best at single-handedly picking the five tigers? Defeated Zhang Gao, his single-handed strength is beyond doubt

The Five Tiger Generals mainly refer to the five generals who followed Liu Bei to establish the Shu Han regime and made great achievements. When Chen Shou wrote the Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms, he listed the five people as a biography, but he also proposed the concept of the five tiger generals. After a long period of circulation and the compilation of interpretations, there is the "Five Tiger Generals" as we know it today. The five tiger generals are: Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun, Ma Chao, and Huang Zhong.

So which of these five has the most heads-up ability? According to folklore, the ranking of their armed forces is as follows: "One Lü Two Zhao Three Dian Wei Four Passes Five Horses Six Zhang Fei".

After all, there is no basis for folk circulation, so as the basis for personal belief, for the time being, find out a person with the strongest ability to single out between them, the following is based on relevant information, brief analysis.

Who is the best at single-handedly picking the five tigers? Defeated Zhang Gao, his single-handed strength is beyond doubt

Guan Yu and Zhang Fei are stronger than each other.

Guan Yu and Zhang Fei are known as "enemies of ten thousand people" in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms. So if the two of them single out who is the best! In the Three Kingdoms, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei had already followed Liu Bei very early. Therefore, the two have never fought on the frontal battlefield. However, at the time of the first acquaintance of the three Ying. Guan Yu and Zhang Fei once fought with bare hands. At that time, Guan Yu divided the pork that Zhang Fei had placed in the well with the people, and Zhang Fei was angry but the two fought for this.

In "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", no one's single-handed ability is more powerful, but Guan Yu's martial ability makes Zhang Fei deeply impressed. The two also do not fight and do not know each other and marry brothers of the opposite sex. However, the Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms clearly writes: "Feiya and Yu", which shows that Zhang Fei's force is not as good as Guan Yu.

Who is the best at single-handedly picking the five tigers? Defeated Zhang Gao, his single-handed strength is beyond doubt

Zhang Fei, Ma Chao, and Zhao Yun singled out Zhang Gao.

Cao Cao ai defeated Zhang Gaoping in three battles, zhang fei, Ma Chao, and Zhao Yun. So how many rounds did these three people use to defeat Zhang Gao? Zhang Fei had more than 40 rounds, Ma Chao had 20 rounds, and Zhao Yun had 30 rounds. According to the number of rounds, the ranking should be Ma Chao, Zhao Yun, zhang fei. However, the specific situation faced by the three was not the same, Zhao Yun was fighting Zhang Gao when he was exhausted after fighting several generals of the Cao Army. Ma Chao defeated Zhang Gao in his heyday, what about Zhang Fei? Zhang Gao was ordered to drag Zhang Fei along.

Therefore, it was comprehensively analyzed: Zhao Yun was wounded by a thousand enemies and eight hundred self-inflicted damages, and Zhang Gao was engaged in a decisive battle, because he still had to protect Liu Bei, and Zhang Gao wanted to avoid his attack. Zhang Fei was dead in battle, and Zhang Fei wanted to get out. It is equivalent to saying that one is fighting for the death, and one is not in a state and wants to try to escape. Therefore, the ranking given by the individual is: Zhao Yun, Ma Chao, Zhang Fei.

Who is the best at single-handedly picking the five tigers? Defeated Zhang Gao, his single-handed strength is beyond doubt

Guan Yu vs. Huang Zhong.

Between Guan Yu and Huang Zhong, there was a real head-to-head battle. At that time, Guan Yu wanted to take Changsha and had a fight with the veteran general Huang Zhong. According to the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Huang Zhong had the ability to take a hundred steps through Yang Zhi, and finally only shot Guan Yu's helmet. According to the ending at that time, Guan Yu's military ability was inferior to Huang Zhong's. But what is Guan Yu's personality: pride, it is inevitable that there is a light enemy in his heart.

At that time, when Guan Yu fought Huang Zhong, it was the time when he was full of spirits. And Huang Zhong is old, if this long-term frontal battlefield continues to compete Huang Zhong will inevitably lose. But the premise is that Guan Yu must get rid of the pride in his heart and be careful of Huang Zhong's arrows. Therefore, I personally believe that if you single out Huang Zhong, you are first inferior to Guan Yu in terms of physical strength, so the ranking of the two is: Guan Yu and Huang Zhong. If Huang Zhong is in a middle-aged state, I am afraid that the ranking of the two may change.

Who is the best at single-handedly picking the five tigers? Defeated Zhang Gao, his single-handed strength is beyond doubt

Guan Yu Zhao Yun who is stronger.

Through the above analysis, it can be known that the two with the strongest single challenge ability will be produced between Guan Yu and Zhao Yun. One is known as "General Changsheng" and the other is called "Martial Saint". In the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", Zhao Yun can be said to be a bit mythologized, and he has almost no defeat in his life. Gao Lan, one of the pillars of the Northern Death Court, was killed by him with a single shot, and Zhao Yun saved Ah Dou by "seven in and seven out" in the Changshan Slope, as if entering no man's land. Zhao Yunli fought Against Xu Chu and the other four generals, and Yan Yi once recorded:

Liu Bei left the village and was besieged by Cao Cao's army, Zhao Yun raised his gun and prancing horse, killing a road, followed by Xuan De. "Xu Chu chased after him and fought with Zhao Yunli, behind Yu Ban and Li Dian arrived."

In the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", Guan Yu also added a lot of legendary color, such as: cutting six generals through five levels, wenjiu chopping Huaxiong and so on. However, according to the overall view of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", the ability to single out is not as good as Zhao Yun.

We can also see a little bit from Cao Cao's evaluation of the two. Cao Cao's evaluation of Guan Yu: "I love Guan Gong talent martial arts and bravery to crown the three armies, I want to get it for my own use." Zhao Yun's evaluation is that if I have this great general, why worry about the world?" Relatively speaking, Cao Cao had personally seen the martial arts of the two on the battlefield, and his evaluation was relatively pertinent.

Who is the best at single-handedly picking the five tigers? Defeated Zhang Gao, his single-handed strength is beyond doubt

In summary, I personally believe that the Five Tiger Generals in the Three Kingdoms single out who is the most powerful is Zhao Yun. But there are a thousand Hamlets in a thousand hearts, and Zhao Yun and Guan Yu have been arguing endlessly about who is the most powerful, and everyone's opinion is different. Overall, if Zhao Yun wins guan yu sheng in the art, Zhao Yun's gun is faster than Guan Yu's knife. If Guan Yu defeated Zhao Yunsheng, Guan Yu's knife was heavier than Zhao Yun's gun, especially Guan Yu's "dragging knife" was even more powerful. So which of the Three Kingdoms in your heart, the Five Tiger Generals, has the most powerful single-handedness ability?

What do you think of admirals of the five tigers?

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