
How the Germans treated Soviet women prisoners of war in World War II was no less cruel than Japan's

As the country that has caused the greatest harm to our country in the modern period, the image of Japan in the hearts of our people has always been extremely negative, and in order to achieve the purpose of military expansion, Japan committed adultery and plunder in our country and committed heinous evil deeds.

However, the degree of cruelty of the German countries, which were also allies of Japan, was not inferior to that of Japan, and at the same time that Japan launched a war of aggression against China, his ally Germany also launched a war of aggression against the Soviet countries.

After the German-Soviet war, millions of people became prisoners of Nazi Germany, and these female prisoners of war became toys in the hands of others.

So how did the German army treat female prisoners of war?

Disputes over military expansion

In 1929, a major economic crisis broke out in the world, and the economic collapse also quickly intensified the internal contradictions between Germany, Italy, Japan and other countries.

In order to get rid of the problems caused by the economic crisis, the three countries of the German Third Reich, the Kingdom of Italy and the Empire of Japan embarked on the path of militarism and launched a series of aggressive wars around the world.

On January 30, 1933, the Austrian Adolf Hitler became Chancellor of Germany, and since then, the Nazi Party has officially entered the political arena.

At that time, when the economic crisis was raging, in order to alleviate the harm caused by the economic crisis, Hitler successfully solved the problem of unemployment in the country by expanding the military.

After winning the hearts and minds of the people, he quickly implemented a dictatorial policy at home, and in order to combat dissidents, the Nazi Party also killed 1.5 million political war criminals within a few years, successfully eliminated political enemies, and firmly held the power of governance in its own hands.

In order to expand its influence, Germany took the lead in abandoning the olive branch to Japan, and on November 25, 1936, it signed a relevant agreement with the Japanese Empire, clarifying the cooperative relationship, and the following year, Italy, which also chose to take the militarist route, joined this camp.

Since then, Germany, Italy, and Japan have formed the fascist Axis at once, countering the world's anti-fascist forces and directly leading to the outbreak of World War II.

As Japan launched its offensive into Asia, Germany, as an Allied power, quickly opened up a battlefield in Asia and Europe.

On June 22, 1941, Nazi Germany, led by Adolf Hitler, first tore up the Soviet-German Non-Aggression Pact, and together with Hungary and Finland, drew up a plan code-named "Barbarossa" in advance, and began to provoke the Soviet state.

In order to win the battle, Germany quickly gathered 5.5 million troops, and sent 4900 aircraft and 3700 tanks to divide the three army groups, from the north, the center and the south to launch an attack on the Soviet union, and the Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union broke out in full swing.

The Soviet-German battlefield is not only an important part of the world anti-fascist war, but also the battlefield with the largest scale and the most tragic casualties in the Second World War.

How the Germans treated Soviet women prisoners of war in World War II was no less cruel than Japan's

At 3:00 a.m. on June 22, 1941, the Germans ordered soldiers to raid China in three ways, and although the Soviet Union had received news from multiple sources that Germany was going to go to war with them before the war, they were caught off guard by the German raid.

In just 18 days, the Germans were overwhelmed and captured 600 kilometers of the Soviet Union.

Seeing that the German army occupied more and more cities, the Soviet leaders were also impatient, in order to defend their homeland, under the command of the Soviet leadership, the Soviet army quickly gathered a large number of troops in the border area and began to obsess with the German army.

At the same time, Hitler, who was in command, directly uttered the wild words of the destruction of the Soviet Union three months ago.

Due to the sudden outbreak of this war, the German side was extremely well prepared, and the Soviet Union did suffer a lot of losses in this battle, and in just a few days, they not only lost several cities, but also lost many weapons and troops, and the front line was once pushed to the outskirts of Moscow, and even the Soviet leader Stalin was almost killed.

In order to resist Germany's minimization of war losses, the Soviet Union carried out the largest industrial transfer in history at this critical moment.

Seeing that the enemy army was almost at Moscow, the Soviet Union could not care less about the difference between men and women, and quickly organized a large number of women to come to the front line and build fortifications.

Although the fate of the war is uncertain, several Soviet leaders, including Stalin, still did not abandon Moscow, and a few days later Stalin personally attended the Red Square military parade and publicly expressed his determination to hold the capital.

On December 6, 1941, the Soviet Union finally eased up, and in the anger of the crowd, the Soviet army immediately launched a counterattack against the hateful invaders.

How the Germans treated Soviet women prisoners of war in World War II was no less cruel than Japan's

The menacing Soviet Union directly broke through the German defenses and knocked it back 200 to 300 kilometers, successfully defending its homeland.

After the final victory at the Battle of Moscow, the Soviet Union quickly adjusted its wartime state and won a complete victory in the Battle of Stalingrad, turning the tide of the war.

Seeing that the general trend was gone, the German soldiers also showed a downward trend, but just as the German army was going downhill, the Soviet economy turned into a wartime orbit and produced a large number of weapons and equipment.

Armed with weapons, the Red Army quickly launched a counteroffensive against Germany.

In the course of the subsequent operations, the Red Army launched ten major counterattacks in succession, and basically drove the German army out of the Soviet territory, and finally on May 9, 1945, Germany proposed unconditional surrender to the Soviet Union, and the battle ended.

Countless female soldiers were caught in the fire

It is worth mentioning that in the course of the entire Soviet-German campaign, the most victimized was the fact that women prisoners of war on both sides of the Soviet Union and Germany were killed.

Because in the course of the early battles, the Soviet male soldiers suffered heavy losses, the Soviet government had no choice but to recruit a large number of women, let them enlist in the army, and jointly began to counterattack the invaders.

Under the influence of the idea of defending the country and under the pressure of government policies, a large number of Soviet women took to the battlefield and began to fight with Germany.

They also made a great contribution in major battles such as the Battle of Stalingrad and repeatedly dealt heavy blows to the enemy.

It is worth mentioning that there was also a group of women who graduated from the Soviet Shooting Academy, and after joining the army, they killed 12,000 German invaders with a thousand people, such an excellent record, we have to sigh that the strength of the fighting nation is really too strong.

However, soviet women soldiers who performed well on the battlefield soon attracted German resentment.

How the Germans treated Soviet women prisoners of war in World War II was no less cruel than Japan's
How the Germans treated Soviet women prisoners of war in World War II was no less cruel than Japan's

Out of a high degree of hatred for Soviet women soldiers, the Germans quickly began to take revenge on Soviet women soldiers, and if Soviet women fell into the hands of the German army, they would be inhumanly tortured.

Chinese, when looking back at the history of the war, they will be frightened by the way the Japanese treated Chinese women, but what we do not know is that the methods used by Germany in dealing with Soviet women prisoners of war were even more chilling.

After the capture of Soviet women soldiers, German soldiers would torture them in all kinds of cruel ways, and some experts, after examining and studying this incident, also said that the mortality rate of Soviet female prisoners of war in World War II was close to 100%, such a statement.

Most Germans' first instinct after capturing Soviet women soldiers was to torture their bodies or kill them directly, and after the women died, they would not let them go, but would further abuse their bodies.

The relevant war history materials also record the evil deeds of the Nazi German army in detail, and in 1941, when the Nazi German army had just entered the Soviet Union and breached several cities, they captured a wounded Soviet female lieutenant.

After capturing her, the Germans first stripped her of her clothes directly on the street, and then began to play a game of hunting with her, and when the woman was exhausted and unable to escape, they dragged the woman back from the street and decomposed it.

From some film and television materials, we can also intuitively feel the cruelty of the German army, in 1942 a German armored division captured two nurses in the Soviet Union, after capturing the two, the German army dragged them back to the battalion, and shot one of them, after killing him, the surrounding German troops were still not satisfied, and her body was full of various insulting words.

The process of this violence was also filmed by the German troops on the side, and the Soviet nurse next to her was furious when she saw the tragic death of her companion, and immediately began to insult the German army in front of the camera, and eventually she was also brutally killed and thrown into the street.

These German soldiers, who believed in Nazi ideology, had lived in a war environment for a long time, and their thinking and three views were more or less distorted.

How the Germans treated Soviet women prisoners of war in World War II was no less cruel than Japan's

Throughout, they did not treat the captives they had taken as adults, and for those who obeyed, they would commit violence with impunity and would do whatever they wanted on them, and for those female prisoners who disobeyed, they would increase the intensity of torture and force them to submit.

Many Soviet female soldiers would choose to end their lives by suicide after being captured by the Germans, but the Germans would not let them go so easily.

For those prisoners who wanted to commit suicide, the Germans would first strip them naked, then beat them to the ground, and finally tie them to crosses, so that the female soldiers could not commit suicide after being restricted from moving.

Even more cruelly, some German soldiers would also paint peppers on crosses to stimulate women and derive pleasure from their shouts and painful expressions.

Under such torture, some female soldiers would choose to pray that the Germans would kill themselves in order to get rid of their suffering.

But at the same time, there are also some soldiers with a strong will to survive, who will try to survive by all means, because they firmly believe that one day the Soviet army will come back to save them and take them out of the sea of suffering.

In the camps, these women also often gathered together and shouted and sang the song of victory, in an attempt to gain comfort in their hearts and dispel their fears in this way.

But more often than not, they were exchanged for more ravaging insults from the Germans.

How the Germans treated Soviet women prisoners of war in World War II was no less cruel than Japan's

It is difficult to escape the pain and hope for peace

In addition to these women who were humiliated and beaten and killed, the Germans would also select a group of good-looking and attractive women and send them to a specific prisoner of war camp.

After the women entered the camp, the Germans would provide them with water and some basic food.

How the Germans treated Soviet women prisoners of war in World War II was no less cruel than Japan's

At night, a group of German soldiers would break into the camps, select the women they felt satisfied with, and begin to vent their desires on them.

When these Germans insulted Soviet women soldiers, they also beat them indiscriminately, so that most of the humiliated female soldiers died because of wounds that were infected and could not be healed.

At that time, a twisted wind of comparison spread rapidly in the German camps, and in order to show off their achievements, they often took pictures of the scarred female soldiers and posted them everywhere.

Later, after the defeat, these photos also became evidence for the world to accuse the German army.

In addition to treating these Soviet women as toys, some Germans would also choose some of the more obedient and powerful women to serve themselves.

The Germans would choose more obedient children and obedient women and enter the army logistics department as workers to start productive work.

At that time, many military supplies, such as clothing and food, were produced by Soviet women prisoners of war.

After entering the factory, they not only have to endure the scolding of the foreman every day, but also often have a lack of food. Many Soviet women were physically crushed by this intense work pressure and mental torture. At the same time, after losing their ability to work and use value, their lives have come to an end.

In order to satisfy their own selfish desires, the fascist countries caused huge and irreparable wounds to all countries and peoples in the world.

And the insults we are talking about today are only part of the crimes they have committed, and the uncountable evil deeds committed by these war criminal countries will forever be nailed to the pillar of shame in human history and spurned by all.

Those of us who come after us must also remember this cruel history and always remind ourselves of the importance of cherishing peace and defending peace.

The so-called prosperity, the people suffer; death, the people suffer. Whenever a war breaks out, the people who suffer the most are the common people, these old and weak women and children, these women who have no strength to tie their chickens, these poor masses, so that they have become the tools of others to achieve their own goals but cannot resist, and the pain, helplessness, and non-words can be clearly explained.

It is only hoped that all the pain of war will end with the end of the Second World War, and the living can learn from this war and return the blue sky to the public.

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