
Lingna Belle fire out of the sky, scalpers take the opportunity to "cut leeks"

Lingna Belle fire out of the sky, scalpers take the opportunity to "cut leeks"

Produced by Radar Finance and | Zhang Kaijing, editor| deep sea

The doll minnie made for Mickey, a member of the Duffy family, a new female star, "Chuansha Daji" Lingna Belle has recently been on fire.

Some media statistics have found that since the debut of the pink little fox on September 29, there have been nearly 6 million notes in the Little Red Book, more than 36,000 related videos on Douyin, more than 1.6 billion plays, and more than 110 full-platform hot searches related to Ling Na Belle on Weibo in the past three months. Many netizens directly called "up" under related topics.

It is worth mentioning that as Disney's new IP, Ling Na Belle does not have a rich story background as a support, but it can make many fans rush to Disney deliberately, queuing for two hours just to interact with it for 30 seconds.

Under the traffic of the explosion, the supporting surrounding areas of the major e-commerce platform Lingna Belle are also in short supply, and more scalpers smell business opportunities, so as to speculate on the sky-high price. For example, the Christmas limited edition Lingna Belle key ring just launched on December 12, the list price in the Dewu App is as high as 1400 yuan. Many netizens in Idle Fish sell three-piece sets with successful reservations, with prices ranging from 3500 yuan to 7000 yuan. And the official guidance price of a bottle of Feitian Moutai is only 1499 yuan.

"Is this the latest cut leek product?" Some netizens sighed.

The Duffy family behind Lingna Belle is known as the "Money Grabbing Heavenly Group"

Today, it is less than 80 days before Ling Na Belle debuted from Shanghai Disneyland, but this little fox from Chuansha Town, Shanghai, has captured the hearts of a large number of fans like a big girl.

However, Lingna Belle's positioning is a traffic star, which has not appeared in any Disney movie or anime work, and her beauty and personality alone are enough to make fans pay for it, which is also the characteristic of the overall Duffy family.

Duffy first appeared in 2002, and at first did not make a splash in the US market, until it was given a name and a simple story background, became Mickey's favorite teddy bear, and was introduced to Tokyo Disneyland.

Before Lingna Belle, Duffy already had 5 "new friends", namely Shirley Mae, Geraldoni, Keqian, Olmila and Star Dew. Each member has their own super talk, fan name and station sister, and some fans will also shoot the picture of the interaction between the doll and the tourist like shooting the star Reuters, and make a refined nine-palace grid map to be sent in the super talk.

Lingna Belle fire out of the sky, scalpers take the opportunity to "cut leeks"

Some netizens also observed according to the length of Lingna Belle's pants in Shanghai Disney that there are three cast members wearing the doll costume: the pile pants are lively, the cropped pants are sweet, and the seven-point pants are bold. As a result, Lingna Belle fans have divided into "piles", "nine children" and "seven children" fans, each focusing on their own "main master".

As a result, it has also evolved the vibrato bloggers who "professionally followed" Lingna Belle, their original fans are not many, in order to seize the traffic code of Lingna Belle to achieve rapid powder growth, some bloggers even kneel in front of Lingna Belle, take out a diamond ring to propose, and read the earthy lines of "My Majesty Belle, raising you is my lifelong dream".

Lingna Belle fire out of the sky, scalpers take the opportunity to "cut leeks"

With a huge fan base, the Duffy family's ability to absorb money is very amazing, and it is jokingly called "money grabbing day group" by a group of netizens.

According to Japanese media reports, in 2005, Tokyo Disney's per capita consumption has dropped to the lowest in the past 20 years, at 9178 yen (about 514.7 yuan); after the Duffy family caught fire that year, the per capita consumption rose to more than 10,000 yen (about 560.8 yuan) five years later; after the launch of Star dew in 2017, the figure soared to 11614 yen (about 651.3 yuan).

And the "inner volume" of the Duffy family began with Star Dew. A Mid-Autumn Festival limited edition Star Dailu doll with an original price of 359 yuan was speculated to 1314 yuan on the second-hand platform the day after it was launched. According to data released by Shanghai Disneyland in June this year, if you stack the Star Dew theme products sold so far in 2018, the total height is equivalent to 119 Mount Everest.

However, Xing Dailu's "ability to grab money" is still a bit "small witch and big witch" compared with Ling Na Belle.

Lingna Belle has become a scalper's "cutting leek" tool

According to reports, on September 29, on the day of the debut of Lingna Belle in Shanghai Disney, some tourists began to queue up at 11 o'clock, and only successfully entered the store after 7 hours, and when they entered, they found that Ling Na belle's ballpoint pen had been sold out.

In fact, the queue is not only for consumers, but also for full-time Disney scalpers.

Under normal circumstances, Disney will first buy an annual pass member ranging from 1399 yuan to 3599 yuan, and then sell it at a discount of 8.2-8.5% off the tag price to earn a purchase fee. And phenomenal explosive products like Lingna Belle can make daigou people earn a lot of money.

A college student privately poked Disney on October 13, was told that the Lingna Belle series has been completely out of stock, and in the secondary trading market such as Idle Fish and Little Red Book, the price of the series of dolls is as high as the stock, October 10 or 300 yuan, the 14th rose to more than 500 yuan, Taobao sellers selling price is more than twice the aforementioned.

In addition, a series of peripherals related to Lingna Belle are frantically increasing prices, 99 yuan pendant sold to about 500 yuan, 99 yuan lanyard fried to more than 200 yuan, scalper selling a single product profit of up to 2-6 times.

There are also scalpers who have developed similar distribution rules to Hermès, which means that dolls cannot be sold alone, but must be sold with 1 or 2 items.

If you spend a high price to buy genuine products, it is reported that some netizens reported that they spent more than 500 yuan online shopping Ling Na Belle, and came back to see that what was written above was not Disney but Discoy.

Some netizens even summed up the experience of true and false identification for this purpose, such as shipments from Yiwu and Jinhua to remain vigilant. 1688 network shows that the purchase price of the fake lingna belle is about 30 yuan, that is, if the fake is sold as a genuine product, a doll can have more than 10 times the profit.

However, if the price of Ling Na Belle is too high, it is not without a solution. Pinduoduo's "imitation version" dolls, which are priced from more than ten yuan to thirty yuan, have thousands of product links, and multiple links have shown that more than 100,000 pieces have been sold.

On this basis, consumers can also find someone to help give the doll a facelift or buy a "substitute". Among them, plastic surgery includes changing the face, shrinking the large doll, changing the color, adding a skeleton and magnet, etc., and the replacement for the doll is as low as one or two hundred, as high as thousands of yuan, not to mention the brand-name clothing worn by people.

Recently, the pre-sale downtime of Shanghai Disneyland has exacerbated this hype.

On December 10, Shanghai Disney Resort announced that the "2021 Duffy and Friends Christmas Series Merchandise" and "Regular Lingna Belle Plush Toys", which were originally postponed, will be reserved for 20:00 on December 12. Three of the products, Lingna Belle plush toy regular, Christmas and Christmas key rings, all adopt the online reservation + offline purchase method, and "the number of seasonal goods is limited, while stocks last".

According to the regulations, only successful visitors can make offline purchases at Disneytown stores from December 17 to 20. Visitors who have successfully made a reservation must go to the site to make an offline purchase according to the date and time period confirmed at the time of booking.

However, on the evening of December 12, many consumers who flocked to the reservation channel found that the page could not be opened. "The system collapsed before eight o'clock." Some netizens complained.

Subsequently, the Shanghai Disney Resort and The official Weibo comment area of Duffy You poured in a large number of consumers who came to complain. However, in this regard, the official only replied that "due to the huge instantaneous access volume of the 'designated goods reservation in advance' channel, some tourists may have a white screen and other conditions on the access interface, but the reservation system as a whole is running smoothly, and as of now, all the places have been booked." ”

In terms of replenishment, Duffy You also only mentioned the regular Lingna Belle model, and did not describe the subsequent treatment of the Christmas model and the Christmas keyring.

Affected by this, many netizens have "turned against each other". "Hello, how to return the annual pass?" In the comment area of Your Weibo, some netizens expressed dissatisfaction. However, this does not seem to hinder the hot market of Lingna Belle in the second-hand trading platform.

Radar financial search found that the price of Lingna Belle's Christmas keyring in the Dewu App was 1409 yuan, and there were 69 transaction records in the past 24 hours; among the idle fish, there were also many netizens who sold a successful three-piece set with a price ranging from 3500 yuan to 7000 yuan.

Lingna Belle fire out of the sky, scalpers take the opportunity to "cut leeks"

It is worth mentioning that the Shanghai Municipal Consumer Protection Commission also asked Shanghai Disney about this matter, and the response was: "We will never create any hunger marketing, the current shortage of supply is due to the huge demand in the short term and the production bottleneck under the influence of factors such as the epidemic, and will continue to replenish and increase the number of replenishment in the coming months." ”

"Sewing machines that make fakes step on faster than they do genuine ones." Some netizens said.

"There is no need to spend time and effort to drive IP by content, nor do you need to spend a lot of money to create a real star, as long as there is a cute persona, active marketing, professional follow-up, you can generate a whole industrial chain." Some industry insiders commented.

The popular virtual idol has recently been called "the next head"

Radar Finance noted that some consumers do not understand lingna belle's popularity, a Disney doll that does not even have a background for the story, why do fans flock to it?

A reason recognized by many fans is that Lingna Belle is very cute. Some people believe that this kind of cuteness is not simply an external image presentation, but also an innocent and childlike image expression. The current busy and tense modern urban life, which is gradually fragmented in consumption time, makes people miss the innocence of childhood even more, and this is the reason why cute things can alleviate people's inner anxiety.

What's more, the Disney behind Lingna Belle is one of the companies in the world that will create the illusion of children's hearts and fairy tales, and the outside world even circulates the saying that "the whole world urges you to grow up, but Disney is willing to accompany you to dream".

Baidu Index's search data for the Lingna Belle entry shows that the top three cities in the past three months who searched for the term were Shanghai, Guangdong and Beijing; the main population was concentrated in 20-39 years old, and women accounted for 67%.

Lingna Belle fire out of the sky, scalpers take the opportunity to "cut leeks"

According to this judgment, the group that pays attention to Lingna Belle is mainly young women in the north, Shanghai and Guangzhou, and this also corresponds to the mainstream consumer group of modern urban life.

Another netizen said bluntly: "They don't need a story anymore, they just need the emotion of 'I like'." As Zhou Shuying, chief consumer operation officer of Bubble Mart, said, the charm of artist toy IP is not in culture or story, but in the image designed by the artist, and its image can impress users is a very key part of the conversion purchase.

From this point of view, consumers place orders and buy a sense of psychological pleasure and spiritual satisfaction, and the value of this emotion is very important for a specific group.

Moreover, without a story, it can also bring consumers a wealth of imagination space, which is why enthusiasts will continue to "transform" the dolls they bought back, which can combine their own experience with light IP such as Lingna Belle, so as to "brain supplement" scenes, better comfort themselves, and pin emotions.

In addition, industry insiders believe that the upgrade of Shanghai Disney's marketing methods is also the key reason why Ling Na Belle has been out of the circle in just 80 days.

Different from the pure offline operation model adopted in the past, after the launch of Lingna Belle, Disney's operators began to exert efforts on the platform where young women concentrated, such as Xiaohongshu, Weibo, Douyin, etc., they will not only post notices and create momentum on the official account, but also plan some activities, join hands with big V, celebrities to create topics, dominate the hot search.

Online screen brushing, combined with the traditional modes of setting fixed selfie points offline and participating in float parades, can allow Lingna Belle to maintain exposure in major platforms for a long time, so that even if there is no work and connotation, Lingna Belle can visually form a continuous impact on the fans' hearts.

However, with the continuous expansion of the fan base, Ling Na Belle has gradually become a bit "difficult to reconcile".

In December, Lingna Belle, who used to make people "up (meaning 'excited to faint')". It was also shouted by many netizens "lower head (meaning 'disappointment')". The Weibo topic #Lingna Belle's Head has been read by 720 million people so far, with more than 85,000 people participating in the discussion.

According to the summary of a netizen, the cause of Lingna Belle's head originated from three videos, one is that a birthday girl let Belle shake her tail without shaking, and also made a send-off + throwing heart action; the second is that another girl did not stand on the yellow line when taking photos, Belle pretended to be speechless and lost her temper; the third is a boy who went to the queue, Belle's excited and happy performance and the previous negative business can be called a large double standard scene.

Lingna Belle fire out of the sky, scalpers take the opportunity to "cut leeks"

Some people believe that if you want to make IP evergreen, Lingna Belle needs to face up to the needs of consumers and enhance the connotation of IP.

Note: This article is the original of Radar Finance (ID: leidacj). Unauthorized reproduction is prohibited.

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