
Gemini meteor shower, tonight into the peak! The annual meteor shower night is here!

Every winter, the annual astronomical feast is staged as scheduled. This is the Gemini meteor shower that visits Earth every year. On December 14, that is, tonight, the Gemini meteor shower will enter its peak, and the number of meteors that can be seen every hour is as high as 150, which can be said to be an astronomical feast.

Gemini meteor shower, tonight into the peak! The annual meteor shower night is here!

Of course, the focus should remain on the Gemini meteor shower. Humans have long noticed the appearance of meteor showers, but these meteor showers are often the appearance of ancient meteor groups, such as Perseus, Leo, but the Gemini meteor shower is very young, it probably appeared in the 19th century, and the number of meteors is getting bigger and bigger, and now we see the peak number of 150, growing into a real astronomical feast.

Gemini meteor shower, tonight into the peak! The annual meteor shower night is here!

In fact, the Gemini meteor shower has nothing to do with Gemini, it is actually caused by the Asteroids of Fareton, every winter, farees and asteroids will come to the vicinity of the Earth, and because of the gravitational force of the Earth, they will drop debris and form brilliant meteors. From the Earth, these meteors spread outward precisely in gemini, so it is also called the Gemini meteor shower.

Gemini meteor shower, tonight into the peak! The annual meteor shower night is here!

Whenever winter falls, the Gemini meteor shower will appear on time, gemini has been hanging in the sky, can be seen throughout the night, before the moon rises, is the best time to observe the meteor shower. It's an annual visual feast and a good time for many people to watch the stars in winter.

Look up at the stars, the sky is high and the sea is wide. I wonder if you are ready to enjoy the meteor shower?

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