
There are countless ancient gods of war, so why is only Guan Yu the god of wealth?

"Cabbage toad Guan Yu statue, open a shop to seek wealth three kinds", it is said that businessmen in order to seek business exuberant financial resources, generally will put three types of objects in the business premises - jade cabbage, copper toad, Guan Yu statue, of which especially Guan Yu statue is the most common, the greatest influence among The Chinese.

It is easy to understand the placement of jade cabbage, because the cabbage is "hundreds of treasures", which means to attract wealth into treasure; the copper toad is generally golden yellow, and the head is facing the interior of the business premises, which means to take the fortune back to the store; the statue of Guan Yu should be facing the gate and can be put into the shrine to be enshrined.

Among the three types of objects, only Guan Yu is an ancient famous general, and the ancient god of war is countless in the past dynasties, why did Guan Yu become the god of wealth?

The God of Wealth in our country consists of two ways of formation.

One is the formation of Taoist seals,

One is the formation of folk beliefs.

The Taoist god of wealth is called the fortune god Jun, who is in charge of the world's finances, and there was a movie about the Taoist god of wealth under the Fanbu Cai, guan Yu belongs to the god of wealth formed by folk beliefs.

There are countless ancient gods of war, so why is only Guan Yu the god of wealth?

Above_Qing Dynasty Guan Gong Statue

There are countless ancient gods of war, so why is only Guan Yu the god of wealth?

In fact, the god of wealth formed by folk beliefs has five categories in the southeast, southwest, and northwest, namely the god of literature and wealth in the east, The Fan Li in the south, Guan Yu in the west, Zhao Gongming in the north, and Wang Hai in the middle.

Among the five gods of wealth, only Guan Yu was recognized by the three Confucian Buddhas and included Guan Yu in their respective belief systems, confucianism called Guan Yu "martial saint", along with "Wensheng" Confucius, Taoists enshrined Guan Yu as "Guan Sheng Emperor", one of the Protectors of Taoism, and Buddhism enshrined Guan Yu as "Jialan Bodhisattva".

In modern society, in addition to special industries, such as the northeast two people to worship the "master brother", fishermen to worship "Mazu", etc., other walks of life, the god of martial wealth Guan Yu believers are the most widespread, the most worshipful, the most influential.

There are countless ancient gods of war, so why is only Guan Yu the god of wealth?

Above_ Guan Yu (160-220), the original character Changsheng, later changed to the word Yunchang

How did Guan Yu become a folk god of wealth step by step?

First, Guan Yu was revered by all generations of rulers

Guan Yu's life has read the Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms basically clearly, the birth year is not available, died in 219 AD, the Three Kingdoms period Shu famous general, born in the countryside, when he was exiled to Zhuo County, he met Liu Bei and Zhang Fei, and then loyally followed Liu Bei on the Western War, until 219, when he defeated Maicheng and was killed by Ma Zhong.

In 240 AD, Guan Yu was posthumously awarded the title of Marquis of Zhuangmiao by Liu Chan, "Duke of Zhonghui" by Emperor Huizong of Song in 1102 AD, "King of Wu'an" in 1107 AD, "Emperor Guansheng of Zhongyi" by Emperor Mingshenzong in 1613, "Emperor Guansheng of Guansheng" by Emperor Mingshenzong in 1613, "Emperor Guansheng of Guansheng" by Qing Shizu in 1652 AD, and finally posthumously titled "Emperor Guansheng of Renyongwei Xianwei Protector of the Country and The Protector of the People".

From Hou to Gong, Gong to Wang, Wang to Emperor, Emperor to Saint, successive generations of rulers pushed Guan Yu to the throne step by step.

Although the rulers respected Guan Yu for political service, the ordinary people did not understand so much, they believed that since the royal family believed that Guan Yu could be "called a holy god", then Guan Yu must be a saint and immortal, and the official recognition of Guan Yu led to folk belief.

There are countless ancient gods of war, so why is only Guan Yu the god of wealth?

Above_Guan Yu Shanxi Yuncheng stone carving

2. Guan Yu's spirit of loyalty is recognized by Shangdao

The ancient people's business philosophy was "ill-gotten wealth is not advisable", and Liu Of the Han Dynasty wrote to the "Biography of Lienu And Qitian Jimu": "The ill-gotten wealth is not my own, the son of filial piety, not my son." This passage shows that the ancients believed that goods that were not morally appropriate should not be wanted.

Guan Yu himself was not a merchant genius, nor did he rely on his business talents to save great wealth like Guan Zhong and Fan Li, but when Guan Yu was in Cao Cao's place, he was named "HanShou Tinghou" by Cao Cao, and later decided to leave Cao Cao to return to Liu Bei, "Yu did his best to seal what he gave, pray to the book to bid farewell", Guan Yu sealed all the gold and silver materials he had received before leaving, hung the great seal of Han Shou Ting waiting on the hall and left, which also produced an idiom "seal gold hanging seal".

Cao Cao repeatedly wanted to subdue Guan Yu, and Zhang Liao, who had a deep friendship with Guan Yu, persuaded him, and Guan Yu said: "I know very well that Cao Gong treats me thickly, but I have been favored by General Liu, and I have sworn to die together, and I cannot betray it." I will not stay in the end, I will be effective to repay Cao Gong Nai. ”

Doing business pays the most attention to the two words of integrity, Guan Yu did not forget Liu Bei when he was in Cao Cao's place, always ready to leave, loyal to Liu Bei; after using Cao Cao's gold and silver, he felt that he should not accept ill-gotten gains, and when he left, the gold and silver seals were returned, and Huarong Dao let Cao Cao leave to teach Cao Cao xinyi, and this spirit was respected by Shang Dao.

There are countless ancient gods of war, so why is only Guan Yu the god of wealth?

Cao Cao (155–220)

Third, Guan Yu understood accounting and invented the commercial notebook notation

Many people may not know that Guan Yu is the grandfather of China's accounting industry.

It is said that Guan Yu is very good at financial management, especially good at accounting affairs, when He was in Cao Cao's office, he first knew that Cao Cao would not always be in Cao Ying, and later left Cao Ying to find Liu Bei, in order not to leave a handle, Guan Yu will be Cao Cao's gift of gold and silver materials in the original, receipt, out, deposit of the four major subjects in the account book to record the account, when parting the account book remembered clearly, the property was returned to Cao Cao without mistake, the receipt and expenditure were clear at a glance.

This simple and clear method of bookkeeping spread and was used by later generations of merchants, so it was also called commercial notation.

Another piece of evidence that Guan Yu understands accounting is that the folk rumor is that the abacus was invented by Guan Yu.

Xu Yue's "Records of Mathematics" of the Eastern Han Dynasty records: "When the abacus control belt is four, the longitude and latitude are three." "This is the earliest word abacus in China's existing ancient books, so abacus calculation existed before the Eastern Han Dynasty, between Guan Yu invented the bookkeeping method, some people think that the abacus is also the invention of Guan Yu in the Three Kingdoms period at the end of the Han Dynasty."

There are countless ancient gods of war, so why is only Guan Yu the god of wealth?

The "Notes on Mathematics" is a mathematical monograph compiled during the Eastern Han Dynasty, which contains fourteen algorithms with Chinese characteristics

Fourth, small private businessmen spontaneously regard Guan Yu as a protective god

Ancient merchants are far less safe than now, the road is inconvenient, the environment is sinister, wild beasts are infested, robbers along the road, etc., small merchants and hawkers in order to be safe for business, will be in some inaccessible places to establish a small lodge to stop, and later become the establishment of Guan Yu Temple, on the one hand, with Guan Yu's courage and loyalty for their own courage, on the other hand, also pray for the protection of Guan Shengren, Guan Yu Temple became the halfway place for merchants to stay, and then gradually became the protector of merchants, and then later developed into the god of wealth in all walks of life.

It is said that Guan Yu sold tofu in the countryside in the early days, was revered as a protective god by the tofu class, played iron, and was revered as a protective god by the iron class, and because his weapon was the Green Dragon Crescent Knife, the knife seller was also respected as a protective god, and all walks of life competed to recognize him as a god, and over time, the business community regarded Guan Yu as the god of wealth.

There are countless ancient gods of war, so why is only Guan Yu the god of wealth?

Above_Guandi Temple, Luoyang City, Henan Province

There are countless ancient gods of war, so why is only Guan Yu the god of wealth?

Luoyang related to the imperial temple, according to legend, is the burial place of Guan Yu's first rank, and now it has become a place where people burn incense and seek wealth.

The author is not exempt from the vulgarity, once went to Luoyang Guandi Temple to enjoy the tour, when the osmanthus blossoms were in full bloom, the aroma was touching, the incense in the temple was flourishing, the tourists were weaving, up to the elderly, down to the weeping hair, all of them sincerely knelt down to worship the statue of Guandi. In front of and around the statue are inlaid with many small golden bodies of Emperor Guan, all of whom were offered by pious believers who donated incense and fire money.

At the end of the Guandi Temple is Guan Yu's mausoleum, and the author went clockwise according to the introduction of the temple staff, so that the tomb was swept.

Passing again in the evening, the temple gate has been closed, and there are still pilgrims burning incense at the base of the wall.

The hustle and bustle of the world is all profit, and the world is all profitable.

Wen: Erya

Reference: Western Jin Dynasty Chen Shou's Romance of the Three Kingdoms? Book of Shu? Guan Yu's Biography" (Guan Yu Biography), Luo Guanzhong's Romance of the Three Kingdoms ( Romance of the Three Kingdoms " , Liu Xiang ' Biography of a Spirited Woman " of the Western Han Dynasty " , Xu Yue of the Eastern Han Dynasty " ( " Notes on Mathematics "

The text was created by the History University Hall team, and the picture originated from the Internet and the copyright belongs to the original author

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