
Why didn't Hitler first solve Britain and then fight the Soviet Union? Do you have to embarrass yourself to fight on two fronts?

If the Japanese in World War II made a huge mistake in the choice of whether to go south or north, Germany also seems to have made a huge mistake in World War II, that is, they chose to go east rather than west, and they did not solve the british in the west, and they hastily launched an attack on the Soviet Union on the eastern front.

Why didn't Hitler first solve Britain and then fight the Soviet Union? Do you have to embarrass yourself to fight on two fronts?

But, as we said in the previous article, Japan had to do so instead of going north, and Germany had to attack the Soviet Union before it could get rid of Britain.

Why didn't Hitler first solve Britain and then fight the Soviet Union? Do you have to embarrass yourself to fight on two fronts?

The German navy was not as strong as the German army, and they had no chance of winning against Britain, which started by sea. When their air force faced the British Air Force, they did not take much advantage, and even suffered a lot of losses, they could not obtain air supremacy, and they did not have naval superiority, they could not lay the British mainland. Even if Britain were to be taken, it would not be cost-effective in Hitler's view, because the benefits would be countries such as the United States and Japan, and the Germans would not gain much after a bloody attack, and a small island state in Britain would not bring them too many resources, and if they attacked the Soviet Union, they would gain the "granary of Europe" Ukraine, and the oil-rich Caucasus region.

Why didn't Hitler first solve Britain and then fight the Soviet Union? Do you have to embarrass yourself to fight on two fronts?

At that time, the German army was marching on the European continent and fighting all over Europe, and this huge victory also overwhelmed the minds of the Germans to a certain extent, who thought that they could quickly take the Soviet Union, so they shouted the slogan of taking the Soviet Union in three months. Before the Germans attacked, the Soviet Union and Finland fought the Soviet-Finnish War, which ended in a crushing victory, which made Hitler firm in his determination to attack the Soviet Union. Moreover, at that time, there was also Japan, an ally of Germany, to the east of the Soviet Union, and the Soviet Union had lost a considerable number of excellent generals because of the Great Purge.

Why didn't Hitler first solve Britain and then fight the Soviet Union? Do you have to embarrass yourself to fight on two fronts?

At that time, on the European continent, there were only two "double males" left, the Soviet Union and Germany, and judging by Hitler's ambitions, he would sooner or later move the Soviet Union. Moreover, in Hitler's global layout, the Soviet Union had always been his and Germany's number one enemy, and this enemy was far more priority than Britain. Hitler's hostility to the Soviet Union was already evident in the mein Kampf book of that year, and one of the great weaknesses of Nazi Germany was that they were good at racial discrimination, that they presented themselves as superior Germans, and that these emotional ideas greatly influenced their judgment. In fact, there were many countries in the "vassal states" of the Soviet Union that hated the Soviet Union, and a normal plotter would use this hatred to form an "anti-Soviet alliance" or something like that, but the Germans believed that the Slavs did not cooperate with the nobles. In dealing with his feelings for the Soviet Union, Hitler's subjective emotions prevailed, and he attacked the Soviet Union irrationally and strategically, which was also a major reason why Hitler rushed to attack the Soviet Union.

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