
More than 2,000 years have passed, why did Qin Shi Huang build the highway in those years, so far there is no grass!

Speaking of Qin Shi Huang, I think everyone is no stranger to him, and the evaluation of him is mixed, but most historians believe that his merits are greater than his faults. Although there are book burning pits, brutal and absurd evaluations, he also has many praiseworthy places, such as the construction of the Great Wall, the establishment of the county system, as well as the unification of the national currency, the unification of writing, and so on. However, he also had an unknown merit, that is, he built the Qin Straight Road.

More than 2,000 years have passed, why did Qin Shi Huang build the highway in those years, so far there is no grass!

Qin Zhidao may not be understood by most people, but it has a very magical place, that is, more than 2,000 years have passed, and the road repaired by Qin Shi Huang has not yet grown any grass, so let's take a look at it together today. In fact, the reason for the construction of the Qin Straight Road was to resist the invasion of the Xiongnu and the northern minority nobles in order to provide information to the imperial court, and it has to be said that Qin Shi Huang is still admirable in this regard.

More than 2,000 years have passed, why did Qin Shi Huang build the highway in those years, so far there is no grass!

In many subsequent dynasties, many emperors used the Qin Straight Road as an important military channel for transporting grain and grass, and many emperors also used the Qin Straight Road to resist foreign invasions, in order to maintain the security of their own countries and consolidate their dominance.

At that time, some people proposed to build roads, but people thought about it for a long time and still did not figure out how to build roads? How do I build roads? But this did not overwhelm the great wisdom of the Chinese nation, and here we have to admire that the wisdom of the ancient people is something we cannot think of.

More than 2,000 years have passed, why did Qin Shi Huang build the highway in those years, so far there is no grass!

Some people have proposed that the rammed earth method be used to build, and then the soil will be pressed up layer by layer. In fact, this method in our view today, is the original way to water the road with cement, which has led to the reason that qinzhidao has not grown weeds for more than 2,000 years, and the material used in the construction of this road is burned loess, which has no nutrients at all, so it cannot be provided for plant growth.

More than 2,000 years have passed, why did Qin Shi Huang build the highway in those years, so far there is no grass!

In addition, qinzhidao is located at the junction of Shaanxi, Gansu and Inner Mongolia, and we all know that these three provinces are all provinces with serious desertification, so the soil here is basically unable to provide water, so it is difficult for plants to survive.

This can also explain that for more than 2,000 years, even if this Qin straight road has rarely been crossed, but no plants have grown. And Qinzhidao has now become a tourist attraction, interested partners can go to see it.

More than 2,000 years have passed, why did Qin Shi Huang build the highway in those years, so far there is no grass!

What do you think are the reasons why Qin Zhidao has not grown weeds for more than 2,000 years?

Well, I'll introduce you here today, and the next issue of Outstanding World will take you to more interesting places!

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