
400 years of blood and deep hatred: From the map to see Greece and Turkey, the real national hatred, home and country hatred!

This has to start with the ancestors of the Turks, who are the ancestors of the Turks? They couldn't tell the mess themselves. It is generally believed that the ancestors of the modern Turks were a branch of the Seljuk Turkic peoples who moved into Asia Minor from Central Asia around the 11th century. They came to Asia Minor from Central Asia and never returned. Modern Turks are very handsome and beautiful, in fact Turks and Greeks are very close by blood, but the cultural traditions are very far away.

400 years of blood and deep hatred: From the map to see Greece and Turkey, the real national hatred, home and country hatred!

The contradictions between Greece and Turkey, as can be seen on a map, cannot be resolved at all. Greece and Turkey are real blood feuds: national hatred, homeland hatred, which is still unforgettable. On the map, the twelve lines of the Greek territorial sea are drawn, which is really since ancient times. Greece's territorial waters are all drawn to turkey's doorstep. The domineering Greeks occupied almost the entire Aegean Sea, and the Turks could not even get out of the door. Many people wonder what the Greeks are so good at, why they can draw the borders to Turkey's doorstep.

400 years of blood and deep hatred: From the map to see Greece and Turkey, the real national hatred, home and country hatred!

In English, Turk is written as Turk, and Turkey is Turkey, which is inextricably linked. Many people have said that the Turks are descendants of the Tang Dynasty who destroyed the Turkic king Ting. In fact, this is difficult to verify. Because the Turks have two concepts in the narrow and broad senses.

The Turkic people in the narrow sense were indeed wiped out by our Tang Dynasty, but the Turks in the broad sense refer to the "Turkic peoples", which were once widely spread in Central Asia, and do not refer to a single ethnic group, but in essence refer to a group of people who use the "Turkic language family". Modern Turks are more likely to fall into the latter category.

400 years of blood and deep hatred: From the map to see Greece and Turkey, the real national hatred, home and country hatred!

In real history, the Turks, after entering West Asia, were gradually drifting away from the Turks. Look at the face specifically, you can see that the characteristics of modern Turks are very close to Europeans, especially southern Europeans and Slavs, in fact, many of them are of Greek ancestry from DNA.

Because, after the Turks migrated to West Asia, they once mixed and intermarried with the inhabitants of the territory of the Eastern Roman Empire. Later, it was integrated into the Tatars, Mongols, and Chincha peoples. Later, the Caucasians were also proud to be Ottoman Turks, their race was also handsome, the war and fighting were also fierce, in the past, the Chels guests in Crimea were all handsome men and beautiful women, men as security guards, women as small three, known as the Ottoman court of killing and snapping.

400 years of blood and deep hatred: From the map to see Greece and Turkey, the real national hatred, home and country hatred!

In short, turkey's national ancestry is actually a mess, and they themselves are not very clear, which may be the main reason why modern Turkey likes to recognize their fathers everywhere, and Turkey even believes that they are descendants of the Hun Empire.

It was not until later that the Ottoman Empire became powerful, and many Central Asians and Europeans became Turks. There were also many Turkish nobles who could grab Slavic girls in Poland, Ukraine and elsewhere as slaves and little wives, as well as blonde Caucasians in Greece and other places. After a few generations, the Turkish bloodline was changed. For example, the wife of the Ottoman overlord "Raiden" Suleiman the Great, Shreem, is a Slav, born in Lviv, Poland, to an Orthodox family. The picture is Xu Rem in the film and television stills.

400 years of blood and deep hatred: From the map to see Greece and Turkey, the real national hatred, home and country hatred!

After the mid-15th century, Greece was ruled by the Ottoman Turkish Empire. In 1821, Greece began to gain independence from the Ottoman Turkish Empire with the help of Britain and France, and has been ruled by Turkey for 368 years since then, and in fact many Turks are of Turkic Greek descent.

In the Eighth Russo-Turkish War in 1827, the Russian Empire threw Ottoman Turkey to the ground and rubbed it, and Turkey could only admit it and was forced to sign the Treaty of London, and Greece became independent from then on.

400 years of blood and deep hatred: From the map to see Greece and Turkey, the real national hatred, home and country hatred!

During the Balkan Wars of 1913, Greece recaptured a large number of islands from Turkey. Islands that occupy more than half of the Aegean Sea. By the end of World War I, Ottoman Turkey was defeated, Greece took the opportunity to launch an attack, the Aegean Islands were all captured by Greece, and then Greece counterattacked Asia Minor, but was defeated by Mustafa Kemal, the modern "father of the nation" of Turkey. In 1922, the Treaty of Lausanne was signed, and britain and France and other powers deliberately punished and restricted Turkey, tacitly acquiescing to Greece's control of the entire Aegean Sea to balance Turkey's control of the Black Sea Strait, so Turkey could only pinch its nose and admit it. In this way, Greece drew its borders to Turkey's doorstep.

400 years of blood and deep hatred: From the map to see Greece and Turkey, the real national hatred, home and country hatred!

The islands were scattered just right, the claim evidence of the territory could be traced back to ancient Greek mythology, and turkey had no temper at all. In this way, Greece still feels that it has suffered losses.

Greece was "since ancient times" even further east, and the coasts of Asia Minor, according to ancient times, were all Greek. The eastern shore of the Aegean Sea was also the birthplace of Greece, but it was robbed by Turki to become like this. The ruins of Troy, known as one of the Seven Wonders of the World, the Temple of Artemis, the temple of the ancient Greek goddess of the hunt, are located on the Ionian Sea in present-day Turkey. Since ancient times, Thrace has also been Greek, Antatolia has also been Greek, and Constantinople and Turkey are both Greek.

After the beginning of the Cold War, Greece and Turkey both belonged to NATO's Southern European Union Command. At this time there were 12 divisions of the Greek army of 200,000 men and 22 divisions of the 380,000 men of the Turkish army in the balkan direction. Because Greece and Turkey are feuds, the hostility and vigilance between them is even greater than the threat of the Soviet Union. Greece and Turkey may even fight before the Soviets attack and fight on their own. Compared with the unity of Western European countries, these chaotic and complex relations in southern Europe have caused the Yankees a headache.

400 years of blood and deep hatred: From the map to see Greece and Turkey, the real national hatred, home and country hatred!

The Turks are particularly interesting, believing that some of the powerful big-name empires in the history of Asia and Europe are related to Turkey.

Pictured here is Erdogan receiving Palestinian National Authority President Mahmoud Abbas in Istanbul. Behind them, 16 warriors represented by 16 turkic regimes and empires in ancient history identified by the Turks: the Huns, the Western Huns, the Huns, the Huns, the White Huns, the Turkic Khaganate, the Avar Empire, the Khazar Khanate, the Uighur Khaganate, the Qarakhanid Kingdom, the Ghaznavid Kingdom, the Seljuk Empire, the Khwarazm Dynasty, the Golden Horde, the Timurid Empire, the Mughal Empire, and the Ottoman Empire.

400 years of blood and deep hatred: From the map to see Greece and Turkey, the real national hatred, home and country hatred!

Friends who know a little history know that many of the empires here and the modern Turks are as distant as our relationship with chimpanzees.

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