
Shanghai's first Blue Book, which reflects the development of the cultural relics protection engineering industry, was first published

Shanghai's first Blue Book, which reflects the development of the cultural relics protection engineering industry, was first published

By the end of 2019, there were 3437 immovable cultural relics in the city, including 40 national key cultural relics protection units, 227 municipal cultural relics protection units, 423 district-level cultural relics protection units, and 2747 district cultural relics protection points, showing a reasonable "pyramid-type" structure. At the same time, the city's historical and cultural resources have gradually formed a protection system of "dots, lines and surfaces".

This is the "big data" revealed in the "Shanghai Cultural Relics Protection Engineering Industry Development Report 2021" released recently. As the first blue book in Shanghai to reflect the development history, current situation and prospects of the cultural relics protection engineering industry, the report was compiled by the Shanghai Cultural Relics Protection Engineering Industry Association for two years, filling the gap of comprehensive data indicators in the field of cultural relics protection engineering in Shanghai, which is of important milestone significance.

"There are many ups and downs, many achievements!" Professor Wu Jiang of Tongji University summed up the history of the protection of immovable cultural relics in Shanghai. He said that Shanghai has always been at the forefront of the country in the field of modern and contemporary architectural protection, and in 1988, a census of representative buildings in modern and modern times was carried out. After that, according to the characteristics of its own heritage, it took the lead in carrying out local protection legislation in China, and gradually established a protection object and management system that combines "urban villages" and "dots and lines". In accordance with the principle of "guaranteeing as much as possible", establish immovable cultural relics and excellent historical buildings at all levels, and delineate historical and cultural landscape areas.

Compared with other provinces and cities, Shanghai has relatively few ancient ground cultural relics, but modern architecture is more abundant. Zhuo Gangfeng, executive vice president of the Historical Building Protection and Design Institute of Huajian Group, believes that the protection of historical buildings in Shanghai is to cross the river by feeling the stones, and there are not many cases to learn from in China, but it cannot be copied from foreign experience, because the national conditions and development stages are different. Shanghai has slowly explored on its own and formed a set of mature methods and systems.

The "Shanghai Cultural Relics Protection Engineering Industry Development Report 2021" has conducted a full-field, panoramic combing and research on the cultural relics protection engineering industry in Shanghai, and is a real archive. The book is divided into four chapters and 16 subsections, systematically summarizing the external influence and internal driving force that affect the development of the industry, announcing for the first time the key big data of the development status of the survey, design, construction, supervision and other fields of Shanghai's cultural relics protection engineering industry, and including excellent cases in the protection of Shanghai's architectural heritage in recent years. Among them, they not only include the protection and repair of cultural relics, but also new projects in the cultural relics control zone, which have certain reference value for how to protect and utilize cultural relics, and also have certain reference significance for the protection of the surrounding environment and scenery of cultural relics and the coordination of new and old buildings.

"Good looks are not the only value of historical buildings, not even the main value; nor is it necessarily the longer the time, the higher the value." The key is the story behind it, which carries historical, cultural, artistic, scientific and technological values. In Wu Jiang's view, more and more historical buildings have become Internet celebrity punch cards, which shows that the awareness of protection in the whole society is getting stronger and stronger, and it has a close connection with modern life. However, buildings bearing historical value should not only be regarded as sets, they should be integrated into the scenes of daily life. "Historical and cultural heritage is the soul of the city and an important part of the soft power of the city. After the great waves of sand and sand, it is extremely difficult for them to survive, and it is the responsibility of contemporary people to use the strength of the whole society to protect, inherit and use. ”

"It is necessary to protect both the individual buildings and the surrounding blocks, so as to truly protect the vitality of the building." Writer Chen Danyan expressed her deep appreciation for the 64 roads in Shanghai that never widen the central urban area. She believes that by protecting the streets connected to the buildings, the memory and history of the city become a touchable and perceptible part of people's daily lives.

Author: Li Ting

Editor: Guo Chaohao

Editor-in-Charge: Liu Qing

*Wenhui exclusive manuscript, please indicate the source when reprinting.

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