
Why are some plant cells afraid of freezing, some are not afraid of cold in the northeast of minus tens of degrees, and there is antifreeze cold liquid in the cells?

author:Bright Net

Almost all plants will enter the incubation period in winter, mainly to reduce the content of free water in their own body, reduce metabolism, at this time the osmotic pressure in the plant cell body rises, the concentration of the "solution" rises, the freezing point falls, from this point of view, it can be said that there is antifreeze in the cell. Some plants contain a magical protein, plant antifreeze protein, which can inhibit the formation of ice crystals in cells in some special ways, lower the freezing point of the liquid inside the cell of the plant, and at the same time do not affect the melting point of the liquid. From this point of view, plant cells not only have antifreeze, but also very advanced. Similarly, some plants will automatically shed their leaves in winter, reducing water evaporation; or evolve structures that are easy to resist cold, such as plants growing into mats and growing insulating fluff, etc., but these have little to do with antifreeze. (via Popular Science China)

Why are some plant cells afraid of freezing, some are not afraid of cold in the northeast of minus tens of degrees, and there is antifreeze cold liquid in the cells?

Source: Guangdong 12320

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