
Performance Dry Flip RTX 3070 Ti! Intel ARC unique GPU exposure

With the rapid recovery of the price of virtual currency, the price of graphics cards has also risen and returned to the peak, and even the LHR (lock computing power) graphics card, which was once considered the savior of gamers, has also been cracked by miners and reduced to a tool in the mine.

This has also led to many cost-effective graphics cards being more difficult to buy, which are jokingly called "air graphics cards" by players. Probably envious of the high profits of the graphics market, Intel has also begun to focus on independent graphics tracks.

Last week, Intel ARC graphics card photos were exposed, including the large one DG2 SOC1 (512 EU) and the small one DG2 SOC2 (128 EU).

Performance Dry Flip RTX 3070 Ti! Intel ARC unique GPU exposure

Subsequently, another digital blogger estimated the GPU area, of which DG2 SOC1 is roughly 396 square millimeters.

Performance Dry Flip RTX 3070 Ti! Intel ARC unique GPU exposure

In terms of GPU area alone, it is the same as NVIDIA GA104, GA104 is currently used for NVIDIA's RTX 3060 Ti/3070/3070 Ti graphics cards.

In addition, it is worth noting that the Intel ARC graphics card maximum (512 EU) is rumored to be the benchmark for performance is the RTX 3070 TI/3070.

Performance Dry Flip RTX 3070 Ti! Intel ARC unique GPU exposure

Considering that arc graphics cards use a relatively more advanced 6nm process than NVIDIA Ampere, that is, more transistors can be accommodated in the same area, even if intel's core unit graphics efficiency is not only CUDA, at least it is possible to make up for it by scale.

Performance Dry Flip RTX 3070 Ti! Intel ARC unique GPU exposure


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