
Breaking news丨Intel 256 core DG2 GPU exposure: expected performance benchmark RTX 3060

According to the previous revelations, the outside world has always believed that the first high-performance discrete graphics card DG2/Alchemist of the Intel Arc Ruixuan family has two cores, one is a 512-unit large core, the performance is expected to be comparable to the RTX 3070, and the other is a 128-unit small core, the performance may be comparable to the GTX 1650 SUPER, and then more models are derived from them.

Breaking news丨Intel 256 core DG2 GPU exposure: expected performance benchmark RTX 3060

However, just recently, foreign media found that in Intel's latest submission of the Linux graphics system controller firmware update (IGSCU FU), there are three cores of DG2 SOC1, SOC2, and SOC3 at the same time, and the corresponding number of units is 512, 256, and 128, respectively.

Breaking news丨Intel 256 core DG2 GPU exposure: expected performance benchmark RTX 3060

It's clear that soc3, of which 256 cores, has only recently increased. Foreign media VideoCardz said that it is now basically confirmed that Intel's upcoming DG2 monochrome display will be based on the three GPU chips in the following figure, corresponding to the above three.

Foreign media said that the number behind the SOC may be the order in which the three GPUs are released, but it may also be the order of internal projects.

In terms of performance that the outside world is most concerned about, foreign media speculate that because the number of cores is half of the 512 cores, it is roughly estimated that its performance should be benchmarked against Nvidia's RTX 3060 or AMD's RX 6600.

Breaking news丨Intel 256 core DG2 GPU exposure: expected performance benchmark RTX 3060

It is understood that at the previous Intel Investor Conference, Intel announced that the Accelerated Computing Systems and Graphics division is expected to ship more than 4 million independent GPUs in 2022. OEMs will release laptops configured with Intel ARC graphics (codenamed Alchemy) in the first quarter of 2022. Intel will ship discrete graphics for desktops in the second quarter and discrete graphics for workstations in the third quarter. In addition, Celestial, for the super enthusiast market, has officially begun its architecture research and development work.

Breaking news丨Intel 256 core DG2 GPU exposure: expected performance benchmark RTX 3060

In addition, in recent days, Intel CEO Kissinger revealed at the Morgan Stanley Investor Conference that Intel's advanced process has progressed beyond expectations, and the Intel 18A process originally planned to be launched in 2025 is expected to be produced half a year in advance, and customers have been found, but the list is not disclosed. Kissinger emphasized that the Intel 18A process will also provide foundry services.

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