
Born with two faces, under the gentle appearance, there are 3 constellations of "another face"

author:Constellation boy

There is a saying like this, most people should have heard, the more people know the more like dogs, this sentence roughly means that a person you do not know what they think, even if they have bad thoughts in their hearts, they can also smile and show people, the so-called people's hearts are probably this meaning, and dogs are different, happy is happy, unhappy is unhappy, there will not be too many thoughts.

Born with two faces, under the gentle appearance, there are 3 constellations of "another face"

In fact, in life, each of us has a mask, and everyone is used to masks, but some people have too many masks, and these masks are often voluntarily worn by themselves, not like most people are forced to wear.


Gemini people themselves are the kind of multi-personality type of people from the personality side, people are precisely because of such vicissitudes to say that they are schizophrenic, Gemini people do have a variety of personalities in terms of personality, and Gemini people no matter what kind of personality they always give people a particularly broad-minded look, and with whom they can chat a few words, even if there have been conflicts before can seem to chat regardless of the previous suspicions.

Born with two faces, under the gentle appearance, there are 3 constellations of "another face"

But in fact, Gemini people are the most playful, and hide another face of a kind of people, do not look at their surface when they speak lightly, but in fact, it is definitely a special type of person who remembers revenge, and the other party can chat a few words, just to maintain their own face, do not tear with each other, and their way of retaliation against others often makes the other party not unexpected, and eating a loss is only a dumb loss.


Most Pisces people always feel that they are very gentle, and always a miserable look, it seems that for them, they will always be that kind of "victim", as long as something bad happens, they always seem to be a miserable look, they always seem to be the kind of persecuted, but most people forget that hunters often appear as prey.

Born with two faces, under the gentle appearance, there are 3 constellations of "another face"

Don't look at Pisces people usually get along very well, never tear the face of people two cute looks, but in fact, Pisces people are definitely a particularly scheming type of person, their way of retaliation is also the kind of knife from the back of the secret, so that the other party suffered losses and could not find a place to vent.


Taurus people look very good-tempered, and for them it seems that many things will not be calculated, even if they have suffered losses, even if they are deceived, they are always hehe, a laugh this thing seems to have passed, but in fact, Taurus people do not think so in their hearts, they are definitely a vengeful person in their hearts, don't look at their appearance of indifference, but in fact, the other party has already nailed the other party to the book of revenge in their hearts.

Born with two faces, under the gentle appearance, there are 3 constellations of "another face"

The generosity of their performance, just want to maintain their own face, just to maintain their own temperament, find the right opportunity to give each other a blow behind the back, in short, Taurus people will not be white, suffer losses are also fooled, always in the secret to find opportunities, to find their own face, to find their own field, the generosity of performance is only to relax the vigilance of the other party.

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