
How much does Yang Guifei weigh? How fat is the first beauty of Datang?

We all know that this is an era of thin beauty. As the saying goes, good women are not more than a hundred, and I am afraid that they are not enough today. Just like many female stars, the height is quite high, but the weight is about eight or ninety pounds. More than a hundred pounds are rare, or they are eliminated. In fact, not only these female stars, but also most girls are particularly keen on slim, thin figures, for which they desperately go on a diet, eat various weight loss pills, and enjoy it, in fact, the process is also quite torturous. All this would have been unlikely to have happened in the Tang Dynasty. Because everyone knows that the Tang Dynasty is beautiful with fat, just like Yang Guifei, the first beauty of the Tang Dynasty. People who have read some history or have watched some TV series and movies clearly know that Yang Guifei is not thin and quite fat. So, how many people know that as the first beautiful woman of the Tang Dynasty, Yang Guifei weighs more? How fat is it? Today, I will take you to take a closer look at it.

How much does Yang Guifei weigh? How fat is the first beauty of Datang?

If you want to talk about fat beauty, surely everyone will think of Yang Guifei for the first time. In the Tang Dynasty at that time, she was deeply loved by Emperor Xuanzong of Tang. In order to win more of this beauty's smile, so that she can eat the freshest and most delicious lychee, even thousands of miles away, fast and whipped, delivered as fast as possible. And Yang Guifei's weight has always been quite controversial. It has been recorded in the book that Yang Guifei's height is 164cm and her weight is 69kg. If you look at it from this data, she is not particularly fat, you can be called slightly fat, visually it will look very plump. After all, now we can no longer see her real person, how fat is she? This is really hard to say. But we can see from the poems written by some celebrity painters and some poets that Yang Guifei is indeed plump, and even her love enemies will use the word fat on her, which once again shows the degree of Yang Guifei's obesity.

How much does Yang Guifei weigh? How fat is the first beauty of Datang?

But even if Yang Guifei was fat, her beauty was enough to compare all the concubines in the harem and make them lose their glory. The poet Li Bai even compared her to a fairy, saying that yang guifei belongs to the white fat type, and her skin is white and smooth, which can be seen from the word describing her gelatin. Therefore, she can definitely be called the first beauty of Datang. In addition, Yang Guifei is also very good at dancing, and her dance skills are outstanding. Tang Xuanzong admired her very much and often accompanied her. From this point of view, she is not going to be fat anywhere. Otherwise, it should not be easy to dance, let alone achieve excellent dance skills. The reason why the Tang Dynasty will pursue fat as beauty is believed to be inseparable from the background of the times at that time. At that time, the Tang Dynasty was very prosperous, and it was famous in the world, that is, in such a dynasty full of materials, most people should not be too thin and look relatively strong, which is also a very normal thing. Coupled with the openness of the social atmosphere and the prevalence and impact of various fresh ideological trends, people are more likely to be attracted by the mature charm released by the fullness.

How much does Yang Guifei weigh? How fat is the first beauty of Datang?

Although, everyone often says that a fat destroys everything, there are many girls who will try to make themselves thin to the extreme, but excessive weight loss and dieting are likely to damage their bodies, and even suffer from anorexia. Everything should have a degree, we should not be too much limited by the so-called trend of the times, should pursue ourselves, as long as we can be happy and happy, the body can be healthy and healthy, this is the biggest charm. Even if it's a little fatter, what does it matter? It can also be beautiful and cute. Just like Yang Guifei, although she is a little fatter, she can gather thousands of pets in one.

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