
Starbucks responded to food safety issues in two stores in Wuxi: closing the stores involved and launching an investigation

Zhongxin Jingwei December 13, in response to the two stores in Wuxi to store "expired ingredients continue to sell, shelf life arbitrarily changed" reports, at noon on the 13th, Starbucks China's official Weibo posted that it has closed the two stores at the first time, and immediately launched an in-depth investigation.

Starbucks responded to food safety issues in two stores in Wuxi: closing the stores involved and launching an investigation

Screenshot of Starbucks China's official Weibo

Starbucks China said it had followed reports of two Starbucks stores in Wuxi. Deeply shocked by the food safety issues covered in the report. The company is highly concerned about this incident, and has closed the two stores at the first time and immediately launched an in-depth investigation.

Starbucks China also said that in the 22 years since entering the Chinese market, it has been committed to implementing strict food safety standards and resolutely adopting a zero-tolerance attitude towards food safety issues. The public and the media are welcome to conduct continuous supervision.

According to an earlier report by the Beijing News, the reporter recently undercovered investigation in two Starbucks stores in Wuxi City found that under the so-called "gold standard", some stores touched the red line of food safety: the ingredients continued to be used after expiration, and they were sold as a number of best-selling drinks; the supervisor and the clerk "taught by example" to tamper with the shelf life, and some ingredients were "extended" for a week; the pastries that promised to "not stay overnight after opening" were secretly put on the shelves the next day. Among them is starbucks Wuxi Changxing Building store.

On the morning of the 13th, the relevant staff of Starbucks Wuxi Changxing Building Store responded to Zhongxin Jingwei that there is certainly no situation of expired ingredients in the store to continue to sell, and the relevant local departments are currently investigating in the store, and the store and the company will publish the results of the investigation.

Starbucks is a world-renowned coffee brand with more than 5,100 directly operated stores in China. (Zhongxin Jingwei APP)

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