
Shi Yong, counselor of the State Council, suggested accelerating the development of the digital economy from six aspects

author:China Youth Network

On December 11, the 11th National Virtual Economy Seminar and the Award ceremony of the Cheng SiWei Global Award was held in Beijing. Shi Yong, counselor of the State Council and director of the Virtual Economy and Data Science Research Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, believes that in the face of the complex international situation, the arduous task of domestic reform, development and stability, and the impact of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, the digital economy has become an important driving force for global economic recovery. He put forward six suggestions for accelerating the development of the digital economy:

Shi Yong, counselor of the State Council, suggested accelerating the development of the digital economy from six aspects

The picture shows Shi Yong (left) being interviewed by Xinhua Credit

First, continue to strengthen data openness and data protection. Data openness and data protection "grasp both hands, both hands must be hard", to achieve this goal needs to correctly handle the relationship between the government and private enterprises, build a new market-oriented data circulation ecology, and guide the private economy to social value-oriented healthy development.

Second, continue to promote big data vocational skills training. The structural shortage of high-quality talents in the digitalization of the labor market has become a bottleneck restricting the development of many domestic enterprises, and it is urgent to cultivate digital construction pillars that keep pace with the times. Big data vocational skills training in middle and higher vocational schools has played an important role in technical research and application of talent training, and should be paid attention to.

Third, continue to increase the support for the "card neck" project, on the one hand, encourage the head enterprises to invest in the "card neck" project in a market-oriented way, on the other hand, support large platforms to drive small and medium-sized enterprises to carry out digital transformation.

Fourth, accelerate the establishment of a "one card and one code" people's livelihood service system. As an important people's livelihood security improvement project, the "one card and one code" system needs to break down the data barriers between government departments, establish a unified citizen information service agency and citizen service big data platform, further improve the level of service professionalization and facilitation, and also solve the problem of multi-head management.

Fifth, accelerate the establishment of a credit reporting system for the whole society. Combined with China's national conditions, it is recommended to build a credit reporting system covering the whole society through credit reporting legislation, to maximize the credit social value of the government, enterprises, and individuals, so that personal credit scores become labels for individuals in society, and corporate credit ratings become credit symbols of enterprises, which will help further reduce social operation and regulatory costs.

Sixth, actively strive for international discourse power. The world has once again come to a crossroads, the digital economy may be the focus of future competition, so it is recommended that China actively participate in the international organization of the digital economy, participate in the formulation of international digital economy rules, emphasize green and digital coordinated development in the "Belt and Road", and contribute Chinese solutions and Chinese strength to the development of the global digital economy.

Shi Yong, counselor of the State Council, suggested accelerating the development of the digital economy from six aspects

The picture shows Chen Changzhi (right), chairman of the Cheng Siwei Awards Committee, presenting awards to Shi Yong (left).

It is reported that the "Cheng Si Wei Global Award" was established by the "Cheng Si Wei Fund" aimed at supporting the research and policy promotion of economic management innovation theories such as education and scientific research, venture capital, virtual economy, and virtual business. It is held every two years, and one international and one domestic outstanding achievement is selected. Nobel Laureate in Economics, Professor Robert Engel of New York University, and Shi Yong, Counselor of the State Council and Director of the Center for Virtual Economy and Data Science of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, won the international and domestic awards of this year. A number of well-known experts, scholars, entrepreneurs, university teachers and students from the fields of virtual economy, capital market and financial development attended the meeting through offline and online means. (Li Wei, Feng Yulin)

Source: China Financial Information Network

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