
Free is the future? Players suggest that Blizzard put down his body, and free play time is the right way

World of Warcraft: Free is the future? Players suggest that Blizzard put down his body, and free play time is the right way

Although Blizzard announced the relevant news of the 9.2 version of "World of Warcraft" early on, and also released heavy play such as the return of the tuanben suit and double orange, the current decline in popularity of "World of Warcraft" is also very serious, and even the TBC nostalgic suit is also facing a "population crisis" recently. As a long-lived game, World of Warcraft has always had many loyal players, and these players have also made suggestions to get WOW through this crisis.

Free is the future? Players suggest that Blizzard put down his body, and free play time is the right way

Recently, many players in the forum and community believe that World of Warcraft wants to attract more players and return popularity to the peak, so it should develop in the direction of free, and only free is the future. In the eyes of these players, the FREEOW can get higher profits by selling items such as illusions, pets, mounts, etc., and new players will enter the world of Azeroth in more ways after there is no monthly card threshold, which looks like a completely win-win situation.

Free is the future? Players suggest that Blizzard put down his body, and free play time is the right way

But is this really the case? Not really. Free to look good for players, but in fact it will further deteriorate the game environment, and players will not be able to pay for it. Although the free allows players to save the cost of the monthly card, the monthly card is only 75 yuan per month, which is not too expensive; and once Blizzard makes "World of Warcraft" free, then it will usher in tens of millions of studio "Yin Soldiers", when not only the server will be stuck to make the player uncomfortable, the ecological environment in the game will be further monopolized by the studio, and it will be difficult for ordinary players to play normally.

Free is the future? Players suggest that Blizzard put down his body, and free play time is the right way

In addition, selling pets, illusions, and mounts seems to make Blizzard earn more, after all, free-to-play games are always the most expensive; but Blizzard will further lose its reputation. To know that in the foreign service Blizzard has now been because of the sale of illusion, mounts have been sprayed very seriously, and the basic disk of Blizzard has always been an external service, if such a blizzard is not good reputation and then cause dissatisfaction among foreign players, then Blizzard is really cool.

Free is the future? Players suggest that Blizzard put down his body, and free play time is the right way

Of course, starting from the point of view of the charging mechanism, Blizzard is not without ways to change, such as Blizzard can be completely modified to the monthly card point card dual-track system. All along, many players in the national service are denouncing the official cancellation of the operation of the point card, many old players do not have much time to go online, and many players are not hardcore players, and can only go online for one or two hours a day. For this part of the player, if the point card returns, then they can also have more reasons to return.

Free is the future? Players suggest that Blizzard put down his body, and free play time is the right way

And Blizzard's return point card will not let their interests suffer much damage, because at present, many players will choose to charge a monthly card that is more suitable for them even if they have a little card, and those returning point card players will bring a lot of new income to Blizzard, and will also improve the online rate and reputation, which can be said to be a lot of success. What do you think about that?

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