
Outside of the land of China, how many people know about the Nanjing Massacre?

author:Weixin Jiangsu
Outside of the land of China, how many people know about the Nanjing Massacre?

Nanjing Memory

Memory of the World

One two one three, the mountains and rivers are the same sorrow

Eighty-four years, the history of youth is clear

Overseas Chinese from all over the world remember history and send condolences together.

The sun and the moon are passing, and history lives on

Pray for peace

The sons and daughters of China in the north and south of the south of the sea gather the voice of peace and gather the power of peace.

Nanjing Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese, Jiangsu News Broadcasting, Voice of Jinling Radio, Indonesia's International Daily, and Huai'an Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese jointly produced the "Nanjing Memory, Memory of the World" series of special topics jointly produced by overseas Chinese groups to mourn the victims of the Nanjing Massacre.

Nanjing memory, for peace forever stay in the world!

Outside of the land of China, how many people know about the Nanjing Massacre?

The bloody massacre, which lasted for six weeks, was a dark page in human history. The Nanjing Massacre not only left painful scars on the Chinese nation, but also left scars on the world, which cannot be erased or covered, but can only be faced squarely.

In 2013, Rong Meng, foreign director of the Confucius Institute in Quebec, Canada, director of the China Program of the International Department of the Dawson Institute in Montreal, and several colleagues from the Dawson Institute in Quebec came to Nanjing. In addition to visiting the many scenic spots and monuments in the ancient capital, the group specially visited the Memorial Hall of the Compatriots Killed in the Nanjing Massacre of the Japanese Army Invading China. Entering the memorial hall, the many sculptures that came into view shocked everyone present.

Outside of the land of China, how many people know about the Nanjing Massacre?

Two years later, Rong Meng and her foreign colleagues came to Nanjing again, accompanied by Richard Filion (Chinese name Li Feilong), the president of Dawson College in Canada, and his 13-year-old son. Usually on trips in China, everyone listens to Rong Meng, but this time Li Feilong insists on visiting the memorial hall first.

Outside of the land of China, how many people know about the Nanjing Massacre?

Rong Meng

Foreign Director of the Confucius Institute in Quebec, Director of the China Program of the International Department of the Dawsons College in Montreal, President of the Quebec Chess Association

Mr. Li Feilong revised the arrangements for the first day, put the visit to the memorial hall of the compatriots killed in the Nanjing Massacre of the Japanese army invading China on the agenda, and solemnly said to his son, You must go to see this memorial. Having just landed in China and coming to Nanjing, the principal as a father said that he must first go to the memorial hall, which is a good opportunity to understand Nanjing, and even more a good opportunity to understand China.

The Memorial Hall of the Compatriots Killed in the Nanjing Massacre of the Japanese Invasion of China is rarely known in Canada, because no one will take the initiative to mention it, and such a tragic and inhumane event has thus been lost in the long river of time. President Li Feilong's persistence made Rong Meng suddenly realize some things that had not been considered in the past, outside the land of China, how many people knew about the Nanjing Massacre and understood China?

Indeed, because of the estrangement of language and region, the dissemination of the historical facts of the Nanjing Massacre was limited. If a "Schindler's List" let more people know about Schindler, then "Rabe's Diary" let the German Raabe into the public's vision. In 1997, the Diary of Rabe was published, the first publication of a long-hidden and valuable historical material, which was later translated into Four languages: Chinese, English, Japanese and German, which has extraordinary significance.

Outside of the land of China, how many people know about the Nanjing Massacre?

Johann Rabe is a German businessman who has worked in China for 30 years. In the days before and after the Japanese invasion of Nanjing, he served as the chairman of the International Committee of the Nanjing Security Zone. During this period, with his unique identity and the perspective of Westerners, in the roaring gunfire and in the ancient city of Jinling, where bones are everywhere, he recorded the most painful page in Chinese history day by day with passionate and cold brushstrokes.

As a worker of overseas cultural media exchanges, Wu Zhifen, honorary president of the German-Chinese Tourism Culture and Media Exchange Association, often talks about this book, and the miserable people in the diary and the desperate experience make it difficult for her to let go.

Outside of the land of China, how many people know about the Nanjing Massacre?

Wu Zhifen

Honorary President of the German-Chinese Tourism Culture and Media Exchange Association

The data recorded in "Rabe's Diary" and the state of the city, whenever I read it, made me unable to calm down for a long time. The misery, despair, loneliness, and helplessness of my compatriots, like a movie scene, appeared in front of my eyes, and my heart would faintly ache. The ancients said: Don't forget the past, the teacher of the future. We cannot forget the Nanjing Massacre.

Outside of the land of China, how many people know about the Nanjing Massacre?

Nanjing Rabe Former Residence

It has been 84 years since that darkest hour occurred, but the truth of history will not be covered up by time, and people's faith and adherence to peace will be passed on from generation to generation. No matter how old you are, no matter where you are in the world, remembering history is not to hate, to complain, not to retaliate, but to call for peace.

On September 7, 2018, Ma Weijian, president of the Canada-China Intangible Cultural Exchange Association, as the executive vice president of the Canadian Love City Nanjing Friendship Association, invited nearly 80 Nanjing compatriots to come to Edmonton Castle Park to listen to the hometown sounds. Nicole, then Deputy Mayor of Edmonton, attended the event on behalf of Mayor Mandel and 12 city councillors. In an exchange with mayor Nicole, Ma Weijian learned that he had visited China several times before becoming mayor when he was in charge of the family business, but had not yet been to Nanjing.

Outside of the land of China, how many people know about the Nanjing Massacre?

Ma Weijian

General Manager of Canada Maple Rain International Trade Co., Ltd., President of Canada-China Intangible Cultural Exchange Association

From the historical event of the Nanjing Massacre, he knew that there was an ancient city in China called Nanjing, and it was really not easy for the people of Nanjing! On 7 September 2001, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution deciding that the International Day of Peace would be celebrated on 21 September, with effect from 2002. I said that this anniversary day was proposed to the UN General Assembly in 1997 by a Chinese gentleman named Zhong Wenfang, advocating that "all countries and regions in the war-torn areas should unconditionally cease war during the war-torn week" and "to give the war-torn areas an armistice to think, provide an opportunity to ease contradictions, and effectively promote world peace."

Mayor Nicole said, thank you for giving me a history lesson. Nanjing is the ancient capital, Edmonton has an ancient castle, and there is a lot of culture to exchange between the two places. I hope that your Nanjing friends in Canada can do more cultural exchange activities to enhance Canada-China friendship.

This is the first time that Ma Weijian has lived overseas for more than ten years, and for the first time, an overseas friend has taken the initiative to say that this "heart-wrenching history" of Nanjing is unbearable. Because of mayor Nicole's proposal, Ma Weijian renamed the society as the Canada-China Intangible Cultural Heritage Exchange Association. Ma Weijian said that he is willing to be a messenger of peace all his life, to introduce the history and present of Nanjing to more Canadian friends, to introduce China with harmonious development, and to introduce more of China's intangible cultural heritage.

Living up to the expectations of the people and moving forward with history, one overseas Chinese after another, generation after generation of Chinese sons and daughters, although they are in all parts of the world, are all working hard to expose the historical truth of the Nanjing Massacre, shoulder the responsibility and morality of the descendants of Yanhuang, promote the international dissemination of the historical facts of the Nanjing Massacre, make this blood-colored memory a world memory, and call on people to face history squarely, cherish peace, and never stop.

Source: Voice of Jinling

Editor: Sun Yan

Audit: Gao Renquan

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