
The "crash experience" of the bag | bag, and the heartbreak across the screen!

In daily life, no matter how careful you are with the bag, you will occasionally encounter some "unexpected" situations.

It is common to accidentally leave scratches and embossings on the bag, and more seriously, it may be sprinkled with milk tea, soup... Either way, it's heartbreaking for everyone who loves bags!

So today's call is to see the "shipwreck experience" of everyone's bag!

The "crash experience" of the bag | bag, and the heartbreak across the screen!

I hope that everyone who has experienced a "thrilling" moment can vent their feelings at that time through this article.

Without further ado, let's take a look at the "history of blood and tears" in which bags were killed!

The "crash experience" of the bag | bag, and the heartbreak across the screen!


This SO is here again... This bag was really the first time to carry it on the tragic "bath", the mineral water bottle was not tightened, and half a bottle of water was turned over!

It took me half an hour to find out, how wet my wallet was, when the skin was soft and left a deep mark.

SA was shocked by me, the bag I took back yesterday, today it is like this...

The "crash experience" of the bag | bag, and the heartbreak across the screen!

I came to participate in the "Crucifixion Pack" collection, and the gift GG Marmont that my father gave me was carried for a total of two months.

As a result, one day I put it on the couch without noticing, and the bag cushion was sat by me under my blanket for an afternoon!

Then he got up to find that he had died in the line of duty, and took this picture while breaking down.

The "crash experience" of the bag | bag, and the heartbreak across the screen!

When I bought it back for the third time, it happened to be raining heavily in Shanghai that day, and I was fascinated by the air, from the door opening on the first floor of the building where I lived to the 6-block staircase on the flat ground...

Fell miserably... Hands and knees are worn! The pants were also worn, and of course the bag was injured...

Although it was later repaired, it was very unpleasant to recall, and I never memorized it again.

The "crash experience" of the bag | bag, and the heartbreak across the screen!

Sissy Chen

In the summer, the black bag was not used much, and somehow it was crushed in the cabinet, and then it was broken by its own metal buckle...

When I found out, I could only angrily take the bag out and carry it for two days!

The "crash experience" of the bag | bag, and the heartbreak across the screen!


Carrying the LV Rainbow bucket happily dripping out to play, I did not expect that the Lindine soft heart chocolate in the bag melted, and the chocolate oozed sugar paper and leaked into the fur in the bag!

Well, my bucket will have a chocolate flavor later.

The "crash experience" of the bag | bag, and the heartbreak across the screen!


Personally, I think I'm a very protective person, but my mom isn't...

I this hard to buy spliced white, Mommy adult happily took away the trip, after coming back to the white bag is either coffee stains or rubbed marks...

But mom max, I can only silently take it to maintenance and repair...

The "crash experience" of the bag | bag, and the heartbreak across the screen!

Small pineapples of mangoes

No one is more miserable than me, the little lambskin square fat man who has not been pressed out of the chain before his back...

At that time, my heart was really broken, but this was my little baby who watched the price rise from 18600 to 28300 (really like to buy early and enjoy early, because in the end you will definitely go to buy)!

But after a few months of miraculous self-repair, the indentation disappeared, the misfortune of the luck of it hahaha, please believe in the lambskin repair ability yyds!

Although the sheepskin is very tender and relatively difficult to manage, it is really super textured, which is incomparable to the lychee skin.

Mr. Bao: Wow, I was lucky that the indentation was completely gone!

The "crash experience" of the bag | bag, and the heartbreak across the screen!

Cherry blossom powder lizard skin Celine Box, favorite bag hurt me the most

I just bought it at the time, and I loved it so much that I couldn't wait to sleep with it every day. But it's pretty "fateful"!

First, a relative who had done something bad with kindness wiped off a large piece of surface coating with a spectacle cloth, and then accidentally rained on my back when I went out...

Both areas are visibly white! Although Celine's clerk was very helpful in sending me to the headquarters for restoration, there was still a color difference after the restoration. heartache!

The "crash experience" of the bag | bag, and the heartbreak across the screen!


The first Chanel I bought ten years ago was cute at the time! As a result, the first time I went to Japan to play, when I ate at noon, the whole bowl of miso soup was all fastened on the front of the bag...

I still don't know if it was originally the color (I can only console myself that it is fortunately not hot pot soup)!

The "crash experience" of the bag | bag, and the heartbreak across the screen!

Hustle and bustle

Hermès Picotin 22 woven model, dragged to the ground without wetting, is it a crucifixion?

The "crash experience" of the bag | bag, and the heartbreak across the screen!


A cup of milk tea was given to Herbag first. Asked sa, said that the cleaning fee of the canvas bag is much more expensive than the skin, and it is really the most expensive cup of milk tea.

The "crash experience" of the bag | bag, and the heartbreak across the screen!

Wang Xiaohua Good province

Cute Mr. Bao, the first picture is MK's old flower breast bag, and the second picture is what it looks like after damage.

That morning my car was blocked from coming out, there was something in a hurry to go out, so I quickly swept a small yellow car, all the way to the maximum horsepower, the result was a little urgent when turning in a place, fell, quite tragic!

I climbed up and found that my hands and legs were broken, and although it was a skin trauma, it had a super thick blood scab, and it took nearly a month to complete it.

The saddest thing is that the bag is also broken, I don't know how to deal with it, this is the most favorite breast bag at present, and now it has been put away, sad.

The "crash experience" of the bag | bag, and the heartbreak across the screen!


Some old bags stayed in my hometown for many years, and last week my mother and I went back to sort things out, opened the cabinet with a musty smell, and several bags were moldy!

This was the first branded bag I bought for myself after graduation, and I was the most affected. The dampness of our south is really not covered!

The "crash experience" of the bag | bag, and the heartbreak across the screen!

Celine's dark brown tote bag, the first day of the bag left a key scratch, forcing the Virgo rhythm.

The "crash experience" of the bag | bag, and the heartbreak across the screen!

Deer fawn

After work, I put my bag back on the ground and heard a sound of falling to the ground, and I was lazy and did not go back to pick it up. The next day I stepped into the cloakroom, the bag was facing down, and the corner of the lock was broken in the leather overnight.

It was my pot that couldn't be thrown to rainy weather or wet seasons, bitter.

The "crash experience" of the bag | bag, and the heartbreak across the screen!


Very nice trench coat gray with midnight blue Herbag, rubbed with color by the leather coat. I don't know what I thought, but I used makeup remover oil to wipe it!!

Just sprinkled with makeup remover oil, I instantly regained my sanity, felt a little uneasy, and desperately scrubbed with soapy water and washing spirit, but I was unable to return to heaven.

Although the color on the leather coat is gone, it has left an eternal oil stain...

Mr. Bao: I didn't expect the canvas bag to leave traces so easily...

The "crash experience" of the bag | bag, and the heartbreak across the screen!


Mr. Bao looks at me! In the middle of the bag on the right, the oil of the egg cake was originally dripped because of gluttony, but it seems to be quite beautiful after a long time...

The bag on the left hasn't been carried because it's made of paper! I didn't dare to carry it at all, and the result was not well preserved, and it was all wrinkled!

The "crash experience" of the bag | bag, and the heartbreak across the screen!

Wu Yue

Who would have thought that this concubine bag was a soft and elegant haze blue before she was born. I only blamed me for being too young to understand things, carrying this bag in the wind and rain.

Until a few years later it silently turned into a moldy color, and it was two years without opening this time to see, good fellow! Directly changed to army green!!! I really don't know what to do?! It's a shame to throw it away.

Mr. Bao: Oh my God, I can't believe it... Is the discoloration so uniform?

Speaking of bags and crucifixion, I have to mention my Chloé Nile. The pendant on the bottom fell off several times, but I found it in time to go back, and as a result, I walked outside one day or lost it...

The key pendant is still a pendant with custom letters, which is really a pity. Although the bag is still very beautiful, it is incomplete, and I really dare not take it out and use it again, and I feel heartbroken

The "crash experience" of the bag | bag, and the heartbreak across the screen!


14 years in France to buy, when buying a Chanel bag is less than 20,000, but I don't know if it is too long, the skin is a bit spoiled, glowing with purple light, it is really heart-wrenching!

The "crash experience" of the bag | bag, and the heartbreak across the screen!

Oh, my God! After watching everyone's sharing, I feel that the bag may be rescued after crushing, wear and deformation; more have also experienced "bathing", mold, oxidative "torture", and even a whole big discoloration!

Across the screen, you can feel everyone's heartbreak at that moment...

You can also take a look at the recommendations for daily maintenance and care of different material bags in the usual time. I hope that everyone's beloved bag has always been the most beautiful appearance in memory!

Mr. Bao, who loves everyone

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