
Dressing in winter is as easy as it is in summer, so find a few practical dressing templates and copy them

Recently, I received a lot of messages from fans and friends saying: It is so difficult to dress in winter ~ In fact, I do not agree with this statement, because in my cognition, winter dressing is as simple as summer!

Although there are more pieces to wear on the upper in winter than in the summer, as long as everyone finds a dressing template suitable for their own reference, everything will be fine, and you no longer have to worry about the style of going out every day!

Dressing in winter is as easy as it is in summer, so find a few practical dressing templates and copy them

In order to ensure that everyone wears a versatile and beautiful body, we specially recommend these sets of wearing templates for everyone to choose, which has good thermal performance, time-saving, labor-saving and money-saving.

First of all, the combination of round neck sweatshirt + black long down jacket recommended for everyone, the combination of the two can not only ensure the absolute temperature outdoors, but also leave a deep impression indoors, and the age reduction effect is very good.

Dressing in winter is as easy as it is in summer, so find a few practical dressing templates and copy them

When choosing a long down jacket, we try to choose a classic and versatile conventional style, so that we can ensure that everyone looks good and can ensure that they will wear it for a long time.

When choosing a sweatshirt to match, you can choose a slightly loose fit, with a round neck and a hood.

Sisters who want to increase the sense of layering can also choose to wear a pure white crewneck legging bottomer, a tight turtleneck legging, a flat lapel shirt and other linings.

Dressing in winter is as easy as it is in summer, so find a few practical dressing templates and copy them

But there is one thing that needs to be explained to everyone, whether it is a round neck sweatshirt or a hooded sweatshirt, it is slightly lacking in recognition. To make up for this regret, you can choose a highly saturated color if your skin color allows.

It is recommended that you try the colors of Klein blue, Forbidden City red, and sisters who want to look more pink overall can choose cherry blossom powder, apple green, cream yellow and taro purple in the macaron color system.

Dressing in winter is as easy as it is in summer, so find a few practical dressing templates and copy them

Another way to improve overall recognition is to change the bottoms, which is more suitable for the little fairies with leg shape advantages.

The little sister with straight and slender legs can choose the black down jacket + sweatshirt + down shark pants, the little sister with slender legs but not straight, you can choose the black down jacket + sweatshirt + wide-leg cargo pants, and the effect of supporting the pants legs can not only cover the flesh and thin, but also prove a good figure.

Dressing in winter is as easy as it is in summer, so find a few practical dressing templates and copy them

Knitted sweater + down jacket is more suitable for girls who wear a relatively sweet and elegant style, using the softness of knitting and the collision of polyester fabrics, dividing the sense of layering, simple and practical.

The color and shape of the down jacket can remain the same as always, but everyone needs to pay attention to the following three points when choosing a knitted sweater.

Dressing in winter is as easy as it is in summer, so find a few practical dressing templates and copy them

When choosing a knitted sweater, first of all, you need to choose according to your own body shape, bone girls can choose loose silhouettes can also choose slim, tight, but slightly fat, obese girls can only choose a slim style that is biased towards tightness.

Secondly, everyone can choose according to their own dressing preferences, girls who like simple style, can choose solid color knitted sweaters, girls who like sweet and cute styles, it is recommended to choose rainbow striped knitted sweaters.

Dressing in winter is as easy as it is in summer, so find a few practical dressing templates and copy them

Finally, you can consider the overall collocation of knitted sweaters, and if you want to wear a fashionable and eye-catching little sister indoors, you can choose a tight collar knitted sweater or you can choose a cardigan knitted sweater with a sense of design.

If you want to wear a versatile little sister who does not make mistakes, you can choose a regular style of crewneck sweater, the slightly slim solid color design is the most in line with the standard, and the little sister who is afraid of mistakes can close her eyes.

Dressing in winter is as easy as it is in summer, so find a few practical dressing templates and copy them

The shape of the single item that is worth copying and copying has these three characteristics from the appearance:

First, the color of the upper and lower items is basically unified, and the smooth color collocation can greatly reduce the probability of error, the practicality is very strong, and it is more suitable for the little sisters who are uneven in body shape, the proportion of the body is not standard, and they have no confidence in their own clothing.

In addition, I would like to say more, the versatile and error-free color collocation can only meet the dressing requirements of the basic black, white, gray, blue, brown, coffee, and khaki.

Dressing in winter is as easy as it is in summer, so find a few practical dressing templates and copy them

Second, the shapes suitable for people to copy are basically loose pieces, even if you occasionally try a tight-necked undershirt, the down jacket is still a loose and fat fit, this loose fit can be as inclusive as possible for all body shapes.

Third, the vast majority of the versatile style that does not pick people is a neutral piece, there are not too many feminine features (lace, floral edges) and there are not too many signs of absolute masculinity (leather fabrics, metal elements), and the overall style can be determined according to their looks and temperament.

I am a ride, if you are confused, you can send me a private message Oh, also welcome to leave a message to discuss! Learn to wear with the ride, and together we become better and more beautiful people!

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