
In 1904, the title of the imperial examination was proposed


Examination questions in 1904

Conspiracy with the tiger

There are tigers in the mountains, and they must not seek skin with them, and barbarians have no faith and must not work with them. Conspiring with the tiger is eaten by it, and working with Yi is counterproductive. However, those who taste the fly camp are lied to the wisdom of the people, and they are in the company of the tiger and the companion of Yi, and finally suffer from it as the laughter of the world. In the northern Song Dynasty, the Liao thieves repeatedly violated the sixteen prefectures of Yan, Yun, Yi, and Mifan in the Central Plains, and thought they were hegemons. After the fall of the Jin people invaded, Emperor Huizong secretly agreed to attack Yanyun and divide his land equally, which was then known as Or: Zan. However, after that, the Jin soldiers arrived and the Song did not arrive, and the Jin soldiers won and the Song did not win. Therefore, the soil of Yanyun did not get the size, but instead chiseled the soft rib hole in the enemy's eyes, causing him to covet. Eventually, the capital fell, Hui Qin hunted in the north, and the death of the guest was ridiculed by future generations. After the completion of Yan Yi decadence, a thousand miles of servants lived in Cai Prefecture, when the Southern Song Dynasty envoys made about the Yuan attack, the former rut still existed and the rut was also overturned, so that the land of the northern part of the Jiangsu Province was fully into the hands of the Yuan, and the gain was not worth the loss. Both of these are the old things of the Song Dynasty, but today's situation, the Taixi Zhuyi forcibly occupied our land, all of them are looking at the tiger, and they are even worse than yuanjin. Isn't it ridiculous that there are people who want to reconstruct my territory in the middle of it? When the Taixi Zhuyi entered the Kou Dynasty, their hearts would be unkind to their plots and deceitful, and conspiring with them was tantamount to taking chestnuts and drinking from the fire to quench their thirst, the ancients said: "Use the land affairs of Qin Yu to hold the salary to fight the fire, and the salary will not be extinguished." That's right. In fact, it is too tiger to plot with the tiger, and it is stronger to work with Yu Yi than yi. Even if the barbarians break their covenants and return the land to me, if they turn their faces one day, they will be more and more beneficial, and I have no way to blackmail them. Therefore, when the tiger is encountered, the tiger is a fight, and the death of the tiger does not lose its male nature, and the death of the war can still have heroic spirit. Do not take chances and speculate, vainly believe in the covenant of barbarians, and conspire with the tiger to eventually devour it, today's Taixi Zhuyi, fierce tigers and wolves, if you look at the old events of the two Song Dynasties and do not see them, you will make future generations mourn the future generations. Therefore, today we should be inspired, broaden the wisdom of the people, and unite wisdom and martial arts to ward off external humiliation. Only then can we not follow the mistakes of the two Song Dynasties, and strengthen our voice and prestige

In 1904, the title of the imperial examination was proposed
In 1904, the title of the imperial examination was proposed

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