
The Jin-Cha-Ji Military Region once left the Japanese army in a state of disrepair, when was it created? Who was the original commander of the military sub-district

I remember when I was in elementary school, the words "Jin-Cha-Ji" often appeared in Chinese textbooks, and at that time I didn't know where Jin-Cha-Ji was, but I only thought that there should have been a war with the Japanese. Later, I learned that Jin-Cha-Ji was an anti-Japanese base area created by the Eighth Route Army in North China during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, which had eliminated a large number of Japanese troops, leaving the Japanese army anxious but helpless.

So, who created such a famous base? And who are the famous generals? I'll introduce it to you today.

In October 1937, Niangziguan, a major area in eastern Jin, was lost, and Taiyuan was in danger. Part of the main force of the Eighth Route Army went south, leaving nearly 2,000 people to persist in guerrilla warfare in the Area of Wutai Mountain, and later developed into a Jin-Cha-Ji base area, with its headquarters stationed in Fuping County, Baoding, Hebei Province, controlling a vast area of nearly 2,500 square kilometers, and soon the troops reached more than 15,000 people. At the end of 1937, it successfully thwarted the "Eight-Way Siege" of the Japanese army and eliminated more than 1,000 Japanese troops. In the early days, there were 4 large military divisions in the base area, and the commanders were all generals who could fight well, namely:

1. The 1st Military Subdistrict

Commander Yang Chengwu, political commissar Deng Hua

Yang Chengwu was a famous anti-Japanese general, who was the pioneer of the Red Army during the Long March, and later served as the leader of the Independent Regiment of the Eighth Route Army, and was awarded the rank of general in 1955 when he was alone in the waist station to block Japanese reinforcements during the Battle of Pingxingguan.

Deng Hua, who participated in the Battle of Pingxingguan during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, was the deputy commander of the Volunteer Army at the time of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and was awarded the rank of general in 1955.

The Jin-Cha-Ji Military Region once left the Japanese army in a state of disrepair, when was it created? Who was the original commander of the military sub-district

2. The 2nd Military Subdistrict

Commander Zhao Erlu, a native of Shanxi, has long been responsible for military supplies and logistics, and has used captured equipment to organize military production. During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, he also directly commanded the army, recaptured a number of county towns from the Japanese army, and once invaded Shijiazhuang. He was awarded the rank of General in 1955

The Jin-Cha-Ji Military Region once left the Japanese army in a state of disrepair, when was it created? Who was the original commander of the military sub-district

3. The 3rd Military Subdistrict

Commander Chen Manyuan, a native of Guangxi, was the chief of staff of the 344th Brigade of the Eighth Route Army. During the term of commander of the 3rd Military Division, the base area was expanded and consolidated, and the Japanese army was smashed many times to "sweep".

The Jin-Cha-Ji Military Region once left the Japanese army in a state of disrepair, when was it created? Who was the original commander of the military sub-district

4. The 4th Military Subdistrict

Commander Zhou Jianping, a native of Yunnan, graduated from the Yunnan Army Martial Arts Academy in his early years and was the founder of the Red 10th Army. After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, he served as the deputy brigade commander of the 343rd Brigade and participated in the Battle of Pingxingguan. During his tenure as commander of the 4th Military Division, he repeatedly smashed the Japanese "sweep". Sadly, he died of an old wound in 1938.

The Jin-Cha-Ji Military Region once left the Japanese army in a state of disrepair, when was it created? Who was the original commander of the military sub-district

These were the 4 military sub-districts in the early days of the Jin-Cha-Ji Military Region, and soon after, a number of military sub-districts were added, and the area of the base area and the anti-Japanese contingent were also greatly expanded, becoming a major nemesis of the Japanese army in North China.

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