
8 Tips for Taking Pictures at the End of the Earth #摄影技巧 #摄影知识 #摄影

author:Global Shadow Hunt
8 Tips for Taking Pictures at the End of the Earth #摄影技巧 #摄影知识 #摄影

I recently wrote an article for Bradt Guides' Travel Club with advice on how to make the most of your trip to the Southern Ocean and Antarctica. I first felt that the journey had been severely scaled back. If you're planning a trip to Antarctica, or love the scenery and wildlife, climb aboard.

Before entering the Antarctic landscape and wildlife, I think it's important to briefly focus on the gear. We all know that equipment doesn't make photographers. Some of my favorite photos from my travels were taken on my first trip to South Georgia, when I was carrying a Canon 20D and an old rebel. The gear is durable and the photos still hang in my home. That said, if you've spent tens of thousands of dollars to get to the bottom of the planet, it's worth considering bringing more rugged gear to resist extreme factors like the Canon 1DX. Related to this, given the importance of keeping a distance from wildlife, bringing a longer telephoto lens will help create eye-catching portraits. Of course, the 300mm F/2.8 plus extender isn't everyone's budget, so consider renting a longer lens.

8 Tips for Taking Pictures at the End of the Earth #摄影技巧 #摄影知识 #摄影

Two quick but important side notes. First of all, when you enter the zodiac for a coastal landing or coastal cruise, be sure to put your gear in a waterproof bag. You never know what happens when you surf on the beach. Second, if you're facing challenging flight-related weight allowances, consider the latest varieties of stepless mirrors, like canon's R3. Strong and lightweight.

If you're planning a trip like this, it's important to choose the right travel provider to make sure you get the most out of it. Look for a vessel that meets the requirements of the IAATO (International Association of Antarctic Travel Agencies) that is suitable for most, if not all, landing sites. Going all the way to Antarctica and having to watch a show on the deck of a huge ship doesn't give you a sense of immersion, and you may have paid for it. You'll want to get straight to the point. GAdventures' ship, the MS Expedition, carried just over 100 passengers, the magical limit of the most, if not all, landings in Antarctica and South Georgia.

8 Tips for Taking Pictures at the End of the Earth #摄影技巧 #摄影知识 #摄影

When to leave

When planning a trip, you should also consider timing. Different parts of the Antarctic season offer different experiences. From the early season from October to November, you will have the opportunity to see the European continent before the summer warms up. There will be a lot of ice. You can also see the beginning of the walrus mating season. The struggle between male elephant seals for mating rights is spectacular. Lots of fat and lots of ferocity.

If you're in the middle of the season, In December or January, you'll see penguin chicks. Thousands of furry critters staggered along, waiting for close-up shots.

8 Tips for Taking Pictures at the End of the Earth #摄影技巧 #摄影知识 #摄影

If you go too late in the season, you will usher in the first climax of winter. The weather will get colder and there will be more ice. This is also when most whales gather in the Southern Ocean. This is the best whale watching program.

Watching skunks and petrels (southern birds of prey) prey on cute little penguin chicks can be heartbreaking. To be fair, skunks have to eat. When it comes to photography, be prepared and don't give up. I've seen a lot of photographers pack their bags when they think the battle is over, and when predators take one more picture of their tired penguin parents, they just scramble to get their gear back.

8 Tips for Taking Pictures at the End of the Earth #摄影技巧 #摄影知识 #摄影

Similarly, most photographers tend to move quickly around the landing site in an attempt to capture everything. Sure, you'll see a lot of different places, but if you spot a flock of penguins huddled together, it's worth just spending a set of time. Being with a group of animals will give you a chance to really observe them. Look at their different interactions and behaviors. Be patient with wildlife. They will most likely do something cute.

8 Tips for Taking Pictures at the End of the Earth #摄影技巧 #摄影知识 #摄影

Take some time to understand the behavior of the animals you're going to see. Understanding the behavior of wild animals will help you predict a predatory chase, an accusation, or a vandalism, which in turn will help you capture unique images. For example, why do penguins always stand like this?

8 Tips for Taking Pictures at the End of the Earth #摄影技巧 #摄影知识 #摄影

Light on the other side of the world

Like all extreme latitudes, Antarctica's summer has almost 24 hours of daylight. If the speed on board allows, take a nap at noon so you can take advantage of the long twilight time and bring home an image that looks like another planet.

8 Tips for Taking Pictures at the End of the Earth #摄影技巧 #摄影知识 #摄影

Some vendors, such as GAdventures, will offer visitors the opportunity to paddle or camp in Antarctica. If you're looking for a different angle, there's no better place than being on the water. Overlooking the apartment block size iceberg, the low angle is incredible.

8 Tips for Taking Pictures at the End of the Earth #摄影技巧 #摄影知识 #摄影

If you're lucky, you might even see whales with your own eyes. Make sure you keep your distance from icebergs and wildlife, which are unpredictable and potentially dangerous.

While penguins and seals don't look fast, they can also rush into action if forced to do so. In most cases, make sure the shutter speed is as fast as possible.

While depth of field and nice poi are popular, be selective when you open the aperture. Even a giant elephant seal, if you're shooting a big open, will drift back and forth in focus through its breath. I'm not suggesting that you don't use shallower depths of field when it's right, but be aware that wild animals move around even when they're resting.

8 Tips for Taking Pictures at the End of the Earth #摄影技巧 #摄影知识 #摄影

Finally, Antarctica itself is shocking. There are no two paths to go. However, if you have the time and money, try booking a trip that can take you to South Georgia. Landing on the beach with 200,000 penguins is something you'll never forget. My instinctive reaction to St Andrews Bay actually got me started on this path, and eventually I left my day job.

8 Tips for Taking Pictures at the End of the Earth #摄影技巧 #摄影知识 #摄影

Don't be surprised when a trip to the South encourages people to make extreme life decisions.

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