
Nautical science - out of power, what is the captain thinking?

author:Captain Yi sheep
Nautical science - out of power, what is the captain thinking?

Give the Earth an hour's rest

Nautical science - out of power, what is the captain thinking?

Earth's orbit in the Solar System

Earth Blackout Hour (1)

A newspaper reporter Xiaomei emailed Captain Yiyang, WWF advocates that the last Saturday of March start the "Earth Blackout Hour" activity at 20:30 pm, your ship will be blackout for an hour, love the earth activities? I would like to know, there is no electricity, what are the captains and the seafarers you lead doing at sea?

You consciously lose power for 1 hour, there is no computer game you want to play; interrupt your WeChat contact with friends; eliminate QQ's penguin ambition; draw a line with the headlines of the group; and can't see the TV series you are looking at and poking at your feelings. Do you feel lonely, lonely, helpless in black, and thus disappointed in the world?

When you are immersed in the occasional night when the black lights are blinding, are you facing the black with fear or arousing excitement? And then let go of the mind, unlimited reverie? Will you find joy in the dark? ”

"Suppose, then, that the modern ship you drive cannot be without electricity even if it is anchored or docked, then imagine what the sailors of the sea were thinking in the age of sailing, on a sailboat without electricity?"

Hey! Yi Yang felt that the topic was very big. YiYang had no sailing experience, and could only tell his friends that it was the most boring era of sailing. In the minds of sailors, a heart lamp may have been lit, longing to sail to their hometown on the other side of the ocean as soon as possible.

On the modern ship, Yiyang carefully pondered, in order to save energy for the earth, even a little bit of electricity, but also let Yiyang do a little contribution. Turn off the lights in the cabin during the vast and boundless ocean voyage, turn off the video watched in the computer, and turn off the mobile phone (Note: The ocean could not access the Internet and could not connect with the virtual world).

Night has fallen on a large container ship returning from the voyage. The sheep walked out of the cabin and came to the flank of the helm.

He saw that the navigation instruments in the driving platform were all emitting cool lights, and some of them were shining brightly.

He stood on the widest wing deck of the ship and saw that the whole ship was almost soaked in darkness, with only the front and rear masts and taillights emitting dazzling and distinct white light, and a green light on the right side of the ship and a red light on the left. A total of 5 lights make up the navigation lights needed for night sailing, and in order to prove the movement of the ship and ensure safety, it must not be opened.

Nautical science - out of power, what is the captain thinking?

Schematic diagram of navigation lights

In the darkness, the containers piled up on the deck have only a rectangular concept of contours. The main engine made a symmetrical, regular roar, and the bow of the ship ploughed open the calm sea, and along the parabolic hull port wall, it set off four splashes of water and emitted an intoxicating roaring sound. The powerful power drove the huge propeller, stirring up white waves at the stern, spreading to the far side surrounded by black. The sound of the waves remained the same, and the sailors had no interest in listening to the waves, and the imprints that left the tracks formed thoughts.

A southeastern nebula appeared in the sky, the familiar Milky Way. Yi Yang saw the shining star of the scientific name "River Drum II" on the south side of the Silver River, and two weak stars with equal distances between left and right, which were the two children of the cowherd weaver girl.

Nautical science - out of power, what is the captain thinking?

Summer Stars: Aquila and Lyra in the Milky Way

To the north of the Milky Way, there is a star of the same magnitude scientifically named Vega I, and several small stars are enclosed in the shape of shuttles. Do you know? The two stars that are watching each other have a painful experience of a thousand years apart, that is, the story of China's oldest folk cowherd and weaver girl. The distance between the cowherd and the weaver girl was almost able to meet, and they were cut off by the galaxy. Niu Lang can only carry a pair of children to watch Tanabata and meet with the Weaver Girl once a year. The Queen Mother of Heaven so cruelly broke up a loving couple.

Passed down from generation to generation to this day, the joy and sorrow of the story continues. The modern "Queen Mother Niangniang" is even more bizarre and artificially created the cowherd weaver girl to interpret the millennium story, and the exploration road of the sea sister-in-law is also continued in some shipping enterprises. The sister-in-law and the child looked bleakly across the barbed wire hole in the harbor at the dock at the dock, and on board was the husband of the sister-in-law and the father of the child.

The sheep has been looking at the constellation of Cygnus composed of five stars in the Milky Way, hoping that the swans can convey the loneliness of the sheep and bring the message that the family is about to arrive home safely.

Can swans be brought to? It's like having advanced communication tools on board, but it can't convey even a little private message that is returning home. However, Yiyang was not disappointed, after all, the ship was approaching its hometown during the night voyage.

The moon gradually rises, the shape of the moon is like the mood of the sheep, and it still needs time to fill the defects of the crescent. But it was not far off, and the full moon of the half moon arrived at the port of home, which must be the fullest day.

A ship on the opposite side also had its sailing lights shining, but it did not say hello and went away from each other. A seafarer is an obscure ship on the ocean with a ship of goods to promote the happiness of others to sail three oceans, to all directions, to five continents. He also brought the hopes and dreams of the seafarers themselves to the coveted harbor, and also worked and struggled persistently as a spiritual pillar who returned to his hometown.

When it was time to go to bed, the lights went out and the seafarers in the dark began to fall asleep. I believe that every seafarer is in the calm night, resting his head on the waves, smiling sweetly in his sleep, and dreaming of the same but different plots.

As the captain of the ship, Yi Sheep is still performing his duties, temporarily unable to sleep, standing on the flank looking at the starry sky, looking at the moon, watching the waves, listening to the waves, in the change of the celestial star shift, Yi Yang is trying to find the Spoon Constellation that has agreed with his lover and can look north to dominate the night sky, and at the top of the Spoon Constellation, five times the distance of two bright stars, find a star, that is, the Big Dipper! Yi Yang believes that when he looks at the Big Dipper, his lover is also watching. Definitely!

Yi Yang adapted the famous song: "Look up and see the Big Dipper, and miss you in the distance." ”

Therefore, the thoughts of the sheep are the same as the sailors of the sailing age, and he always has the belief of returning home in his heart. This is the feeling of sorrow and joy that the sheep want to express when they close the cabin and blackout for an hour and come to the wing deck to save the energy on the ship and for the future of the earth.

Yi Yang said: "Even if there is no electricity, you and I have been "calling" and missing you on the way back, my lover. ”

Nautical science - out of power, what is the captain thinking?

Turn off the lights for an hour

Questions and answers:

1. What lights must be turned on at night to indicate that I am sailing?

2. What emotions are most on the minds of seafarers?

3. In the summer, you can see the Milky Way in the sky, what are the names of the two stars on both sides of the river?

4. Can you find the Big Dipper in the night sky?

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