
6 misunderstandings in the eyes of nuclear farmers, playing walnuts, do you understand

author:Fu Lu Yuan

First, should the walnuts be oiled?

Regarding walnut oiling, it has always been a topic that cannot be avoided by playing walnuts, and in the eyes of some players, oiled walnuts are ruddy in color and shiny.

In fact, playing with walnut oil will block the walnut pores, but it is not easy to brighten, which is extremely unfavorable to the late stage of walnuts, losing the flexibility of the pulp.

6 misunderstandings in the eyes of nuclear farmers, playing walnuts, do you understand

Second, should the walnut be sealed?

Walnut umbilical cord, is feasible, but there is a point to pay attention to, just down the tree walnuts, can not seal the umbilicus, when the water is not dispersed, after sealing the umbilicus is easy to mold, want to seal the umbilical cord must be in the shade after drying, dry thoroughly and then consider.

In fact, playing walnut umbilical cord sealing is a modern practice, whether the umbilical cord is sealed or not will not have a bad impact on the text play walnut, will not seal the umbilical cord, and can also be plated without sealing.

6 misunderstandings in the eyes of nuclear farmers, playing walnuts, do you understand

Third, is it normal to play walnuts?

It is a normal phenomenon for walnuts to be played, and the full walnut kernels are shrunk due to dehydration, so that there is a gap in the tight connection with the walnut wall, and the phenomenon of shaking kernels appears.

6 misunderstandings in the eyes of nuclear farmers, playing walnuts, do you understand

Fourth, do you want to buy expensive walnuts?

In the same way that a thousand people see a thousand Hamlets, it is the most important thing to like, not the price.

Choose walnuts, combined with the eye edge to choose the pattern pile type, according to the palm to determine the size, just a pair of small walnuts suitable for you, there is no need to choose a large size of walnuts, even if rare, high collection value, the plate is not smooth is also troublesome

6 misunderstandings in the eyes of nuclear farmers, playing walnuts, do you understand
6 misunderstandings in the eyes of nuclear farmers, playing walnuts, do you understand

Fifth, do you have to buy walnuts in one step?

How to say it, a lot of nuclear friends ask me if there is a one-step walnut in place, I will always ask them, your one-step price, a lot of people can't say so, this problem is very similar to the point mentioned above, everyone's preferences are different, it is difficult to unify, in addition, the disk walnut, the key is the disk, the disk out is a good walnut, you bought a pair of fine four buildings today, the disk for half a year, and feel that the official hat is very eye-catching, there is too much variety, there is really no need to engage in what one step in place, play is a heart of joy.

The first text plays walnuts, or choose an ordinary text with no problems and few flaws to play walnuts to practice is the right way.

6 misunderstandings in the eyes of nuclear farmers, playing walnuts, do you understand

6. Is it reliable to shop walnuts online?

In the era of live broadcasting, micro-business, and e-commerce gathering, many merchants have done the wen play business on the internet, directly connecting the place of origin and sales together, and online shopping for wen play walnut has become a mainstream.

Online shopping for walnuts must choose reliable merchants, choose businesses with good after-sales service, and choose honest merchants that have been operating for a long time, so that there are problems with walnuts in playing with walnuts, in order to better get after-sales service.

6 misunderstandings in the eyes of nuclear farmers, playing walnuts, do you understand

Final Conclusion:

1, everyone plays walnuts, play other literary play or good, mentality is very important, maintain a normal heart, rational look at the problem! Do not compare, high-end players, ordinary players, buy walnuts, do your best, play walnuts originally for play, for fun, not for anything else.

2, if you buy walnuts, playing walnuts is to show off the level of your identity, the treasurer suggests that you quickly buy to buy a car, a house, a watch! Sell or sell, if the market is good, you can still earn some, play walnuts others do not know! After all, there are no cars, houses, tables popular.

I hope that everyone who plays walnuts buys it because this pair of walnuts is worth this money, not because the walnuts are expensive!

6 misunderstandings in the eyes of nuclear farmers, playing walnuts, do you understand
6 misunderstandings in the eyes of nuclear farmers, playing walnuts, do you understand

3, there is a play walnut, play with the text, by playing a pair of walnuts for how many years, buy 500 play ten years can sell 100,000, make money. Hurry up and give up this idea! The first market can not reach, the second does not necessarily have a market, the third even if it sells 100,000, you have an average annual income of 10,000 in the past ten years, you rely on this you have to starve to death! Some people say that I play walnuts in other industries to earn pocket money, I want to say, you don't have to make money in other industries, you can use walnuts to earn pocket money, don't give yourself fantasies.

4, the text play is not expensive, people's hearts have high and low, this sentence, there is nothing wrong with it, but the text play this thing, but there is no noble, but the quality is high or low. The difference in quality is really big, the price is also very large, high price may not necessarily buy good goods, but good goods must be high prices!

5, learn more, see more, buy less! Buy without selling the fine, don't want to pick up leaks, play without leaks

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