
Concentrate on promoting the integration of urban and rural development and strive to stimulate the strong momentum of leapfrog high-quality development

author:Information News
Concentrate on promoting the integration of urban and rural development and strive to stimulate the strong momentum of leapfrog high-quality development

On November 28, Wang Zhongbao, secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, went deep into Longyuan, Chengbei, Daotai, Shidashi, Jianchi and other townships (streets) to investigate and visit. He stressed that it is necessary to deeply study and implement the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the Nineteenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, hold high the banner of the "Lishui Stem" action struggle, concentrate on promoting the integration of urban and rural development, strive to stimulate the strong momentum of leapfrog high-quality development, and make every effort to take the road of common prosperity and new catch-up examinations.

At the work report meeting, Wang Zhongbao listened to the work report of each township (street) and learned in detail about the economic development of each township (street), project construction, safety and stability, grass-roots party building and other aspects of work and the next step.

Wang Zhongbao stressed that it is necessary to guard the green water and green mountains and actively explore the path to realize the value of ecological products. Highlight the harmonious coexistence between man and nature, deeply practice the concept of ecological civilization, strictly abide by the bottom line of ecological environmental protection, and make green the most moving color of Longquan. Give full play to resource endowments and characteristic advantages, innovate and develop ecological agriculture, vigorously develop ecological industry, develop agricultural, cultural and tourism integration industries with characteristics, and effectively activate ecological values, cultural values and economic values. Deeply implement the rural revitalization action in the new era, highlight the planning of projects to enrich the people and strengthen the villages, the construction of rural infrastructure, and the comprehensive improvement of the rural environment, and effectively promote the high-quality and efficient agriculture, livable and workable rural areas, and the prosperity of farmers.

Wang Zhongbao stressed that it is necessary to improve the functions of urban and rural areas and accelerate the promotion of a new type of urbanization with people as the core. Greater efforts should be made to implement the project of "large-scale relocation and fast gathering, enrichment of people and housing", better policies to promote the "two advances and two returns" action of rural revitalization, and accelerate the promotion of urban and rural areas to go in the same direction and integrate development. Fully implement the action of improving the quality and expanding the capacity of famous cities, jointly carry out the creation of beautiful towns and the construction of beautiful villages, accelerate the organic renewal of urban and rural areas, and realize the beauty of cities and villages. Strengthen digital leadership, carry out comprehensive social governance in an all-round way, do a good job in urban comprehensive services with high standards, accelerate the construction of a new grass-roots social governance system of "five governance integration" of party building and leadership, and make urban and rural governance more humane, refined and intelligent.

Wang Zhongbao stressed: It is necessary to consolidate the foundation of the grass-roots units and make all-out efforts to forge a contingent of high-quality and professional cadres. Carry forward the team culture of being only realistic and first, good at doing good, so as to stress politics, understand development, fine business, good implementation, and fast implementation, and effectively promote the innovation of the concept of the cadre team, the transformation of methods, and the improvement of work style. Establish and improve work mechanisms such as horse racing competition, catching up with and surpassing students, and efficient implementation, encourage the vast number of cadres to think of officers, be able to do things, and accomplish things, and comprehensively create a strong atmosphere for officials to start a business. Adhere to the combination of strict management and generous love, attach equal importance to incentives and constraints, unswervingly promote the comprehensive and strict management of the party, and promote the comprehensive and healthy development of township undertakings with a good political ecological guarantee. Longquan News Network News (Reporter Lin Xinying Yuan Junlong)

(Source: Longquan Municipal People's Government website) [Submissions, regional cooperation, please send private message or send 3469887933 within 24 hours to reply. 】

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