
A generation of gurus real Ip Man

author:Small print for film and television

The Ip Man film trilogy has long been completed, and the ratings of the four films are not low. And how much do you know about the real Ip Man?

A generation of gurus real Ip Man

Ip Man

Ip Man was the founder of Wing Chun and the master of Bruce Lee, and his achievements were not under Huo Yuanjia. Ip Man's story is no more prosaic than Huang Feihong's. He once fought against the warlord on the street, using his thumb to bend the opponent's revolver q core so that it could not be fired; He had rejected Bruce Lee's suggestion to exchange a building for a full wing chun wooden stake method, and was reluctant to sell kung fu as a commodity.

A generation of gurus real Ip Man

Ip Man and Bruce Lee

Ip Man, whose real name is Ip Ji Man, was born in 1892 in Foshan, Guangdong Province, the second largest in the family. His family in Foshan can be regarded as a big family of prestigious families, a family of scholars.

A generation of gurus real Ip Man

Ip Man is short, about 163 centimeters. But when he was young, his body was very strong, especially his forearms were unusually strong. He is bald and beardless.

A generation of gurus real Ip Man

Ip Man played by Zhen Zidan

Because he is a descendant of the family, Ip Man pays great attention to grooming and cleanliness, likes to wear dark long shirts, even if he usually wears dark Chinese short clothes Ip Man behaves generously, if he goes to the street, the average person will only think that he is "Mr. Treasurer in the pawnshop" or "private school teacher", and will never think that he is a generation of grandmaster Ip Man.

A generation of gurus real Ip Man

In the early years of the Republic of China, Ip Man and his cousin went to watch the "Autumn Colors" parade, and when they encountered a warlord platoon leader at the time who wanted to use his hands and feet on his cousin, Ip Man stepped forward and used wing chun techniques, and the other party immediately fell to the ground. The local warlord, who had always oppressed the people, ate turtles at the hands of an ordinary and thin man, and he was willing to swallow this breath. The warlord got up and pulled out q, and Ip Man turned around, holding the opponent's revolver q with lightning speed, and with the power of his thumb, directly pressed the revolver of the revolver Q, and even pressed the core of the hand Q so that it could not be fired. This power is truly amazing!

This is indeed the power of a generation of masters!

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