
8307 missing abducted children were recovered nationwide, and portrait comparison technology became a "weapon" for finding people.

author:Jimu News

Jimu news reporter Huang Zhong

Correspondent Liu Minyang

They were once the hope and future of a family, but they were separated from their biological parents in a happy and carefree childhood, and they may not see each other for the rest of their lives.

In January this year, the Ministry of Public Security deployed public security organs across the country to carry out the "reunion" operation to let love go home! On December 8, Rao Junfang, a senior police officer at the fourth level of the Criminal Investigation Corps of the Hubei Provincial Public Security Department and the head of the Hubei Provincial "Reunion" action special class, said in an interview with Jimu News that the Hubei police have recovered 186 local missing abducted children and helped 305 families achieve reunion this year by actively improving the information of parents looking for missing abducted children, extensively collecting data on suspected abductees, timely organizing technical comparison and verification, and solidly carrying out backlog of cases.

8,307 missing abducted children were recovered nationwide

Since January this year, public security organs across the country have relied on the "DNA system for cracking down on abduction" to make every effort to detect the backlog of child abduction and trafficking, to arrest suspects of child abduction and trafficking, and to comprehensively search for missing abducted children.

According to CCTV News, as of November 30, the public security organs have successfully detected more than 290 backlogs of child abduction and trafficking, arrested more than 690 suspects of child abduction, and recovered a total of 8,307 abducted children who have disappeared over the years, of which the missing abductees have been separated from their relatives for up to 74 years.

The Ministry of Public Security attaches great importance to the search for missing abducted children, lists and supervises a number of major cases of abduction and trafficking of children, organizes elite forces to carry out special investigations, comprehensively uses new technologies and new means to conduct in-depth research and judgment, and goes all out to tackle the backlog of cases; concentrates superior resources and forces, draws more than 170 criminal technology experts from all over the country to carry out the "reunion" operation forensic technology centralized comparison battle, assists in successfully cracking 15 cases of ministry supervisors, and recovers 3672 missing abducted children; gives full play to scientific and technological support. More than 3,000 free blood collection points have been set up throughout the country, and the address and contact telephone number have been published to the public, which greatly facilitates the rapid and free blood collection nearby.

According to reports, of the 8,307 abducted children who have been missing over the years who have been successfully recovered in various places, 2,074 have been missing for 20 to 30 years, 1,428 have been missing for 30 to 40 years, 295 have been missing for 40 to 50 years, 150 have been missing for 50 to 60 years, and 83 have been missing for more than 60 years. The Ili public security organs in Xinjiang have retrieved a pair of sons and daughters who were lost 44 years ago for a 90-year-old man; the public security organs in Bengbu, Anhui Province, have found brothers for the 74-year-old man through a large number of visits and investigations.

Portrait comparison technology has become a "sharp weapon" for finding people

"Since the beginning of this year, the multi-police linkage and multi-departmental coordination of the Hubei police, especially the increase in blood sample collection, and the application of new technologies such as portrait comparison technology have increased the chance of missing children involved in abduction to find their relatives to many extent." Rao Junfang said.

Rao Junfang introduced that on the same day, he participated in the "reunion" operation criminal technology centralized competition organized by the Ministry of Public Security in Changde, "I combed through some photos of missing abducted children and handed them to the expert group for comparison, hoping to help these family members reunite as soon as possible." ”

The Jimu News reporter learned that in this year's "reunion" operation, the public security organs introduced new technical means - portrait comparison technology and DNA comparison technology to help find relatives.

Rao Junfang said that the public security organs have always built a "DNA system for abduction", which collects information such as the dna of the victim's family and the blood samples of people of unknown origin and suspicious origins. In recent years, the national DNA abduction database has been expanding, and with the improvement of DNA technology, it has played a supporting role in the recovery of missing children involved in abduction. "Because the DNA data of the lost child cannot be matched or compared successfully if it is not entered into the database, the scope can be narrowed by the photos before the child was abducted and screened through the portrait big data." Rao Junfang said.

This year, a lost abducted child recovered by Huanggang disappeared in Dongguan in 1996 at the age of 5, and experts locked more than 200 portraits of missing children suspected of being missing in the big data system through blurry photos of the child when he was 4 years old, through technical processing. After two days of work, experts finally identified a highly suspected subject. After a suspected human blood sample was collected, the comparison was successful. "Experts have used the fusion of portrait comparison technology and DNA comparison technology to find the abducted child who has been missing for 25 years through a blurry photo, which can be said that the technology has made a great contribution." Rao Junfang said.

The search for relatives is most likely only a drop of blood away

Jimu news reporters combed and found that after successfully searching for people in various places, most of them will carry out family recognition activities, and continue to publicize the touching scenes of family reunion and family reunion, especially the prototype Of Guo Gangtang of the movie "Lost Orphan" and the prototype of the movie "Dear" Sun Haiyang successfully found his son, and related topics frequently rushed to the hot search.

Rao Junfang introduced that by holding family recognition activities, on the one hand, it continues to publicize the touching scenes of family reunion and family reunion, on the other hand, it can arouse the attention of the whole society, and help mobilize the parents of children involved in abduction over the years, people of unknown origin and suspicious people to take the initiative to contact the public security organs, participate in blood collection and storage, and create conditions for DNA comparison.

"In fact, some of the newly recovered missing and abducted children are in the middle of the newly collected information from all over the country." Rao Junfang introduced that blood sample collection has become the key to finding people, Hubei police set up 136 free blood collection points to help find people, has covered all districts and counties, the detailed address can be consulted the local public security bureau.

DNA comparison is the most critical and accurate means of finding people. Rao Junfang appealed that clues to missing abducted children should be provided to the public security organs in a timely manner. At the same time, the parents of missing abducted children who have not yet collected blood, suspected abductees, and persons of unknown origin should also go to the public security organs as soon as possible to collect blood for free.

"Remember, there will be an echo!" There is probably only a drop of blood between you and your loved ones. Rao Junfang said that the Hubei police will continue to promote the "reunion" operation in depth, go all out to solve the backlog of cases, pursue suspects, find missing abducted children, and strive to reunite more separated families as soon as possible.

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