
The 34-year-old graduate student suddenly died of sudden cardiac death in the early morning, collapsed in the study room, and the sudden death of the young man was suspended


Recently, seeing many incidents of sudden death, people are sighing at the same time, but also wondering, why there are so many recent sudden death incidents, what is the reason?

According to news reports, on November 23, in the study room of Liaoning University, 34-year-old Xie Peng (pseudonym) fell down and never got up again. On his death certificate, it read "Sudden cardiac death." In his mobile phone, he can piece together a "history of blood and tears through chat records".

The 34-year-old graduate student suddenly died of sudden cardiac death in the early morning, collapsed in the study room, and the sudden death of the young man was suspended

In order to get a higher education and find a better job, the 34-year-old Xie Peng is still "working hard" under his mentor at the age of 34, not only has no reliable source of income, but also has to make up for the experiment. While studying coursework, he also had to help the tutor complete his project work, which can be described as "treating a person as an army".

But his body is unable to bear such work intensity and psychological pressure. Around May this year, Xie Peng was diagnosed with "coronary heart disease arrhythmia" due to physical discomfort, but as soon as he left the hospital, he threw himself into busy dissertation work. When he asked his supervisor again for a leave of absence in hopes of resting and going home to write his thesis, he was rejected by the supervisor, and until the moment he fell, he was writing his own thesis.

Looking at his son's cold body, his parents could not cry. But man cannot be resurrected from the dead.

The 34-year-old graduate student suddenly died of sudden cardiac death in the early morning, collapsed in the study room, and the sudden death of the young man was suspended

And there are not many similar incidents. In the last month alone, at least 3 cases have occurred.

On November 8 this year, a senior high school student in Henan Province died suddenly at school. At that time, the child was participating in the running exercise, and suddenly fainted during the process, and was subsequently sent to the hospital for rescue. After the hospital examination, it was found that the child had moderate anemia, because of sudden death due to cardiac arrest.

A few days ago, a 79-year-old man in Chongqing also died suddenly on the way to pick up the courier and fell in the stairwell. There are also 22 pounds of express boxes scattered next to him.

If the elderly are prone to heart problems affected by aging and disease factors, why do young high school juniors and 34-year-old graduate students also suddenly die and lose their lives? When will the sudden death of young people end!

The 34-year-old graduate student suddenly died of sudden cardiac death in the early morning, collapsed in the study room, and the sudden death of the young man was suspended

Behind the "rejuvenation" of sudden death, there are 4 reasons hidden, which should cause us to wake up

Relevant data show that about 600,000 people lose their lives due to sudden death in China every year, and not all sudden deaths appear in the elderly, and about 43% of sudden death cases appear in people under 40 years old, of which 70% belong to sudden cardiac death. According to the survey results, about 53% of people have worried about sudden death, but the older people are not very worried about sudden death, on the contrary, the younger generation bears a higher "sudden death worry".

The 34-year-old graduate student suddenly died of sudden cardiac death in the early morning, collapsed in the study room, and the sudden death of the young man was suspended

Staying up late and working overtime for a long time and doing high-intensity work will lead to excessive fatigue in the human body, which is more likely to bring greater load to the heart. Studies have found that the stress response caused by chronic fatigue is one of the triggers for the early onset of coronary heart disease in young and middle-aged people, accounting for about 60% to 80% of sudden cardiac death events.

The second reason is the viral flu in autumn and winter. Some young people do not pay attention to viral respiratory infections, do not pay attention to rest, neglect health, so that they induce acute myocarditis, which may also pose a threat to heart health and, in severe cases, may lead to sudden death.

The third point has a lot to do with the living habits of young people, poor eating habits, irregular living schedules, lack of exercise, smoking and drinking and other bad habits may lead to damage to the heart, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, thereby increasing the risk of coronary heart disease and sudden death.

Finally, when young people have a family history of sudden death or a family history of heart disease, there may be inherited or congenital heart disease. This is also one of the main reasons for inducing sudden cardiac death. The high risk of self-disease, and then affected by some external factors, such as large emotional fluctuations, external temperature differences, etc., may also lead to an increased risk of sudden cardiac death.

The 34-year-old graduate student suddenly died of sudden cardiac death in the early morning, collapsed in the study room, and the sudden death of the young man was suspended

Around December of each winter, the incidence of cardiovascular disease is high, and the risk of sudden death is greatly increased. Between 2 and 4 p.m. at night, it is a high-risk period for sudden death. Patients with hypertension, workers who stay up all night, and patients with cardiovascular diseases should be more vigilant during this period to guard against the occurrence of sudden death.

Sudden death can kill people in a short period of time, but it is not without a chance of recovery. Before sudden death occurs, sudden death can be prevented by avoiding risk factors, life conditioning, etc. After sudden death, if you can receive AED defibrillation for the first time and accept effective rescue measures, you can also increase the survival probability of "sudden death survivors".

The 34-year-old graduate student should have a higher education and started his new life, but because of sudden cardiac death, he left his life in the study room forever. Such an incident is undoubtedly a wake-up call, not only the elderly in their sixties and seventies should beware of sudden death, but even young people should prevent it in advance and protect their lives.

Resources: [1] A 34-year-old graduate student died suddenly in the study room in the early morning, and was rejected by his supervisor for a leave of absence due to coronary heart disease China's national conditions 2021/12/6 [2] 22 pounds of express delivery was not delivered to the door, the 79-year-old man picked up a piece of paper and climbed the stairs to die suddenly Guangming Network 2021/12/6 [3] Heartache! High school seniors die suddenly between classes! Be careful when these signals appear... Guangming Network 2021/11/23

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