
Shandong: Accelerate the cultivation of well-known labor service brands with special characteristics

author:Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security

Recently, Shandong Province issued an action implementation plan for the construction of characteristic labor service brands, accelerated the cultivation and construction of a number of nationally renowned labor service brands with Shandong characteristics, and promoted the realization of fuller and higher quality employment. Strive to cultivate and build about 20 provincial-level characteristic labor service brands and about 50 municipal characteristic labor service brands by 2025, and drive more than 200,000 workers to achieve skill employment through special labor service brands.

The plan proposes that according to the regional industrial development and regional cultural characteristics, the key points of labor brand construction should be determined, and the employment subsidy funds should be used to provide key support, further promote the integration of labor service brands and industries, and build a labor service brand system with reasonable structure, moderate scale, obvious characteristics and complementary advantages.

The plan emphasizes that relying on the characteristic industries and key industries of various regions, with leading enterprises, industry associations, human resources service agencies, etc. as the main body, a number of units that absorb or export labor service personnel, have higher quality, better labor quality, and standardized management and operation will be identified as characteristic labor service brand construction units. Units identified as labor service brand building should develop and improve relevant vocational training programs, and the number of trainees per year shall not be less than 500 people.

The plan also proposes to build a labor brand building service system that combines public welfare services with operational services, and coordinates special services with comprehensive services. Strengthen the cultivation of the main body of brand creation, make the leading enterprises of labor service brands bigger and stronger, strengthen the construction of labor brand management talent team, encourage the development of a number of labor brand construction intermediary service organizations and service platforms, and make every effort to create a good environment for the development of labor service brands. Actively guide construction units to enhance brand awareness, guide the strengthening of labor brand quality management and connotation construction, guide the majority of practitioners to employment in good faith and quality services, and strengthen the construction of labor brand culture. (Lu Renxuan)

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