
Folk tale: The student stepped on a lump of cow on the way to the exam, and the old way: Don't worry, it saved your life

author:Wen says history

During the Hongwu period of the Ming Dynasty, a scholar named Li Sheng went to Beijing to take the exam.

On this day, he spent the night in an inn, and before the night break, Xiao Er told him not to go to the capital alone, and it was best to go with people. Curiously, he asked, "Why?" ”

Xiao Er said to him solemnly, "The guest officer is unaware, there are often monsters in the vicinity during this time, and young men often die suddenly!" ”

Li Sheng laughed when he heard the "poof": "Who are you scaring?" Or monsters? Where did this blue sky and day come from? Xiao Er saw that he couldn't do it, so he had to shake his head helplessly.

Folk tale: The student stepped on a lump of cow on the way to the exam, and the old way: Don't worry, it saved your life

The next day, Li Sheng ate breakfast, took his bags, and despite Xiao Er's persuasion, he went on the road alone. Passing through a grove of trees, he suddenly found a cow lying on the ground, groaning in pain, and when he looked closer, it turned out that the cow's leg was injured and blood was flowing to the ground.

Li Shengton felt compassion, took out a small medicine bottle in the package, poured a little medicine on the cow's wound, and then tore a long cloth strip from his clothes to bandage it, and also gave it a little of the dry food he carried with him, watching the cow eat it one bite at a time, and then sorted out the objects and continued to hurry.

Coming to a secluded place, Li Sheng was about to open the package to eat some dry food, when suddenly a cow rushed straight to him and pulled a piece of in front of him, Li Sheng couldn't dodge it, and stepped on the cow dung!

Folk tale: The student stepped on a lump of cow on the way to the exam, and the old way: Don't worry, it saved your life

Li was very angry, and looked up, wasn't it the cow he had just rescued? I saw that the cow was running into the distance. "You beast, Xiaosheng was kind enough to save you, but why did you do this to me?"

Li Sheng chattered as he walked toward the river, intending to clean up the dirt from his shoes.

At this moment, suddenly an old Man descended from the sky: "Gongzi Hugh is going to be angry, it saved your life!" ”

When Li Sheng heard this, he was very surprised, and he asked incomprehensibly: "Did this save me?" What do you mean by that? ”

The old man did not answer: "The prince comes with me!" ”

A kilometer away, Li Sheng saw that the cow was lying on the ground gasping for breath, and there was a monster next to it that had lost its breath!

Folk tale: The student stepped on a lump of cow on the way to the exam, and the old way: Don't worry, it saved your life

Lao Dao pointed at the monster and said, "It was once my mount, but it has always been unruly and has been doing evil everywhere in my name." I wanted to execute it immediately, but in the memory of the love it had followed me for many years, I had only wasted its power. But who knew that it actually wanted to suck the man's yang qi in order to restore martial arts. Every time it inhales a young man's yang, its power doubles. Today, eight young men have died. If it weren't for my beloved cow today, I'm afraid you would be less fierce. ”

Li Sheng then remembered what Xiao Er of the shop said to him last night, and his back couldn't help but break into a cold sweat. He was busy saluting the old Dao: "Thank you immortals for rescuing, your great kindness, xiaosheng has no teeth and unforgettable!" ”

Lao Dao waved his hand and said, "Iron Bull, we should go!" "I saw the cow flying into the air with the old road on its back, and soon disappeared without a trace."

Folk tale: The student stepped on a lump of cow on the way to the exam, and the old way: Don't worry, it saved your life

Write at the end:

The ancients said, "Many acts of injustice will kill themselves!" "That monster did many evil deeds, and naturally ended up with a sad end." May all the people of the world do what is right and be a man of honor and integrity!

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