
On December 6, former senior U.S. officials clamored for war against China; the Japanese prime minister wanted to cooperate with China; and the Chinese side warned the United States

author:Dr. Wang Jin

In recent times, the heat of the situation in the Taiwan Strait has remained high, mainly because of the continuous provocations of the US side. A few days ago, US Secretary of State Blinken referred to Taiwan as a "country" when he participated in a program. Later, US Defense Secretary Austin called for fulfilling the so-called "commitment" to Taiwan and helping Taiwan improve its defense capabilities. On December 6, there are still many major events happening around the world, and three of them deserve attention.

On December 6, former senior U.S. officials clamored for war against China; the Japanese prime minister wanted to cooperate with China; and the Chinese side warned the United States

First, former senior U.S. officials clamored for a "limited war" with China. On December 6, according to the South China Morning Post, Elbridge Colby, a former assistant to the U.S. Secretary of Defense, made his point in a book called "The Strategy of Rejection." Colby believes that the United States and its allies should prepare for military conflict, and that the best military strategy for the United States is the "strategy of rejection," that is, efforts to prevent "China from using force to achieve political goals."

Colby also used the American way of looking at China, saying that if China is not stopped, then China will "try to become a regional hegemon." Colby suggested that Japan, India, Australia, Vietnam, the Philippines, South Korea, Indonesia, Malaysia and Taiwan form a so-called "anti-hegemonic coalition" to deal with Chinese mainland. Colby further explained his "strategy of rejection," which is to work with the United States and partner countries to prepare for a "limited war" with Chinese mainland so that it can deal with Chinese mainland's attack on Taiwan without contributing to a further escalation of the situation.

On December 6, former senior U.S. officials clamored for war against China; the Japanese prime minister wanted to cooperate with China; and the Chinese side warned the United States

Second, Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Fumio intends to cooperate with China. On December 6, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida delivered his second parliamentary address after taking office, which was broadcast live by Japanese media. In his speech, Kishida mentioned China, saying that he would make it his goal to build a constructive and stable relationship with China and hope to cooperate with China on various common issues. If you see this, you think That Kishida Fumio will change, but another sentence can truly reflect his ideas.

Kishida claimed that Japan would uphold its due views on China and "strongly demand that China take responsible action." Kishida also said that Japan's security environment is changing rapidly and becoming more severe at an unprecedented rate. Kishida mentioned that economic security, space, network, and missile technology improvement are new issues that Japan's security needs to deal with. Kishida claimed that to address these new issues, options such as gaining "capability to attack enemy bases" and strengthening the "U.S.-Japan alliance" should be strengthened.

On December 6, former senior U.S. officials clamored for war against China; the Japanese prime minister wanted to cooperate with China; and the Chinese side warned the United States

Third, the Chinese side warned the United States. According to media reports, the U.S. government will announce this week that U.S. officials will not attend the Beijing Winter Olympics, that is, implement a so-called "diplomatic boycott." On December 6, Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian responded by saying that athletes were the protagonists of the Beijing Winter Olympics and that they were eagerly looking forward to coming to China. As for the US politicians' hype of "diplomatic boycott" of the Winter Olympics, it is completely self-inflicted and sensational, because the Chinese side has not invited them at all.

Zhao Lijian also warned the US side that if the US side insists on going its own way and continues to hype up the so-called "diplomatic boycott" of the Beijing Winter Olympics, the Chinese side will definitely take resolute countermeasures. In recent times, Western countries led by the United States have been constantly hyping up topics related to the Winter Olympics. The Chinese side has repeatedly stated that it has not invited them to the Winter Olympics and has made its attitude clear. However, the US side seems to be unable to understand people's words, and it seems that the Chinese side needs to come up with effective countermeasures.

On December 6, former senior U.S. officials clamored for war against China; the Japanese prime minister wanted to cooperate with China; and the Chinese side warned the United States

In fact, Zhao Lijian's warning to the US side was also once on the same day. A few days ago, US Secretary of State Blinken claimed that Chinese mainland "invading" Taiwan would be a disastrous decision, saying that Chinese mainland trying to change the status quo in the Taiwan Strait. Zhao Lijian forcefully refuted Blinken's statement, saying that the "Taiwan independence" forces are relying on foreigners to respect themselves and rely on the United States to seek independence, which is the source of tension in the current situation in the Taiwan Strait. At the same time, Zhao Lijian warned that if the "Taiwan independence" forces break through the red line, the Chinese side will have to take drastic measures.


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