
Historical Decipherment: Did papermaking originate from Cai Lun in the Eastern Han Dynasty, or was it an earlier invention?

author:HK decrypts the archives

"Cai Lun Papermaking" is something that everyone has learned in elementary school. Cai Lun was a native of Guiyang County, Eastern Han Dynasty.

Historical Decipherment: Did papermaking originate from Cai Lun in the Eastern Han Dynasty, or was it an earlier invention?

In the last year of the Han Ming Emperor, he entered the harem to do miscellaneous work. In terms of governance, Emperor Hanming followed the law of his father Emperor Guangwu, so Guotai Min'an...

During the reign of Emperor Ming of Han, the first thing he encountered was frequent floods and droughts. After the climate was suppressed by Liu Xiu, the son of the chosen weather, it was normal to fight back.

When the weather is abnormal, I don't know how others can solve it. The SOP of the Emperor of the Han Dynasty was: Virtue is not worthy of the throne→ the guest serves the four Yi to feed the heavens.

Emperor Wu of Han did this effectively. To die or not to die, Emperor Wu of Han Guangwu was also effective. What about Emperor Hanming? Hard scalp also have to fight ah there is wood. Is that getting better? No.

Before you suspect that the formula is wrong, you should first check whether you have completed the formula accurately. It's a problem-solving attitude. But often they don't solve the problem.

Liu Zhuang's emperor's life was intertwined between the efforts to govern and the Northern Expedition xiongnu. But Providence always tricks people.

In the seventeenth year of Yongping, he retired from the Xiongnu and surrendered ganlu. The kingdoms of the Western Regions sent sons to serve. The happy Han Ming Emperor rewarded the world, and even the displaced people could come to take the fields.

All the beauty collapsed again in the eighteenth year of Yongping. After a long drought and no rain, Emperor Ming of Han had no choice but to open a warehouse to provide grain and reward the people of the second rank. Before the rain came down, forty-eight-year-old Liu Zhuang finally passed away.

Ordered the funeral to be done simply, and did not want to go to the mausoleum. Later generations praised him for his rule of a bright chapter, but Liu Zhuang felt that the emperor himself had done a terrible job in the past eighteen years.

Basically, Cai Lun is not from Luoyang. Yongping has even rewarded the displaced people for seventeen years, and he can't always enter the palace as a eunuch. If it is a crime, it will be forgiven for eighteen years.

Therefore, I think that the time when Cai Lun entered the palace should be after this. Relief is limited and the victims are endless. Cai Lun may have never seen Emperor Hanming on the other hand.

However, Cai Lun is a person who has read and is talented. It seems that he probably came to Luoyang to study at that time, but because of the natural disaster, he was cornered.

Able to read and understand etiquette, Cai Lun soon changed from a miscellaneous servant to a six-hundred-stone "little yellow door". Xiao Huangmen was originally also a laborer.

However, during the reign of Emperor Guangwu Liu Xiu, because he wanted to save official expenses, some minor officials in the Western Han Dynasty who sent documents from the inner dynasty were dismissed, and Xiao Huangmen should be concurrently appointed. In fact, this is also a route to open up eunuchs to interfere in politics.

The literati still don't say it. Xiao Huangmen was not only responsible for the transmission of documents, but also the liaison officer between the emperor and the harem concubines. This also allowed Cai Lun to get involved in Dou's harem dispute.

Dou Mou, that is, the later Empress Dou. At the moment, I am still a nobleman. Dou Guiren was the top card of the harem at that time, and Emperor Zhangdi of Han and Empress Ma were extremely fond of him. The only downside is that it won't give birth.

Fortunately, this era is called the Eastern Han Dynasty. The tradition handed down by the Eastern Han Dynasty is the separation system of empress and prince. No longer strict requirements, only to help the emperor give birth to a concubine of the dragon species, can serve as an empress.

Historical Decipherment: Did papermaking originate from Cai Lun in the Eastern Han Dynasty, or was it an earlier invention?

Even if the belly of the Song noble next door is rising day by day, it will not change The original intention of Empress Ma to choose the best and the most powerful.

But Song Gui gave birth to a son. Empress Ma was very happy, and she issued an edict to crown Dou Guiren as the queen, and the following year, Song Ziqing was made crown prince.

But Empress Dou was not happy. Coincidentally, Empress Ma died. Empress Dou returned the favor to Emperor Zhang of Han: she saw some dirty things about the Song nobles.

At first, Emperor Zhangdi of Han only kept his heart and alienated the Song guiren. And Empress Dou also had a child.

At this time, no one knew that the child's birth mother was not Empress Dou. Dou knew it was time to push harder. Once again, he asked Emperor Zhang of Han to send someone to investigate the small affairs of the previous Song nobles.

The investigating officer was none other than Cai Lun. The upright Cai Lun did not think that the entire harem was Empress Dou's person, but only returned the news to the emperor in 1510.

Emperor Zhang of Han deposed Prince Qing and established Liu Zhao instead. It was for Han and Emperor. Also because Cai Lun was reliable in his work, when Empress Dou became Empress Dowager Dou, she promoted him from Xiaohuangmen to Zhongchang.

But Cai Lun was not Empress Dou's "own person" after all. As a constant attendant, with the responsibility of discussion, Cai Lun went there all day long to advise the empress.

When he was on vacation, Cai Lun would not associate with the noble lords of the Dou clan, but would always refuse to meet and go to the field to sweat.

In the eyes of the young Han he emperor, Cai Lun was still quite good.

Although he was only in his early teens, Emperor Han and Emperor also vaguely knew that those Zhongchang attendants with the surname Dou did not regard themselves as emperors at all. On the contrary, it is the constant attendant among these eunuchs who can be trusted.

When Emperor Han and Emperor Dou dealt with the Dou clan and regained power, they promoted these eunuchs. Zheng Zhong and Cai Lun were both reused.

But Zheng Zhong was obsessed with power and asked for a big long autumn. This is the position of head of the harem (irisy written correctly). For the Eastern Han Dynasty, its importance was even greater than that of Prince Taifu.

Cai Lun added shang fang orders and worked on the good utensils of the imperial sword in his palm. The annual salary of this position is only six hundred stones like the little yellow door. But Cai Lun liked it.

In the ninth year of Yongyuan, Cai Lun was also appointed to "supervise the making of swords and instruments". Under cai lun's supervision, these things are all finely crafted, strong and durable, and can be used as a model for future generations.

This is just the beginning of Cai Lun's craft road. The real climax, of course, was that he made the "Cai Hou Paper".

Originally, Chinese was mainly using bamboo jane to write records. A few use ribbons. The drapery used to write is called "paper" (缣). The ribbons are expensive, the bamboo is bulky, and Cai Lun has always wanted to make a change.

Historical Decipherment: Did papermaking originate from Cai Lun in the Eastern Han Dynasty, or was it an earlier invention?

Thus, "Lun nai made up his mind, using the skin of the tree, the hemp head, and the cloth and the fishing net as paper."

Only by looking at the ghosts like this did you know how Cai Lun made paper. But let's take a little more seriously, and say that really everyone should find out.

The skin of the tree, the hemp head, is a plant raw material. Cloth, fishing nets, clearly the finished product? Presumably, Cai Lun should have tried a variety of raw materials, among which he did not know which tree bark and hemp were better materials.

The problem was that at that time, near Luoyang, it was not easy to get "ramie". This is a southern plant, if Cai Lun is not in charge of the palace equipment, I am afraid it will not be easy to touch.

It's as if humans have discovered that gold is a good conductor, but use gold as a wire? It would be better to shoot me with one shot. Therefore, Cai Lun decided to add some "garbage" to amortize the cost. Otherwise, no matter how good the paper is, if it is more expensive than the original, it will be meaningless.

Today, we know that China had papermaking technology at least before the Western Han Dynasty. Therefore, some people believe that Cai Lun is only improving the raw materials. Change the raw materials, of course, the process must also be adjusted. A bark can be boiled for six hours, it takes four hours to dry, is it the same for B bark?

Later, the Cai Lun papermaking technique that was handed down had to go through thirty-six processes and seventy-two small processes. Every time you change the raw materials and adjust the proportions, it is energy. It's all time.

Conservatively estimated, Cai Lun invested in the papermaking business until the completion of the handover, which took eight years. This is really the spirit of a scientist, very human.

Of course, the research funds of Cai Lun should not be lacking. Unexpectedly, as soon as Cai Lun handed it in, Han he and Emperor passed away.

Empress Deng, who was on the throne, still rewarded Cai Lun and gave him the title of Longting in the Hanzhong area, which was the Marquis of Longting. To put it a little bit, the Marquis of Longting may not be the same as Guan Yu's Marquis of Hanshouting.

Guan Yu was the Marquis of Ting, whose fief was Han Shou. But Cai Lun's Dragon Pavilion is a "country". Although there are only three hundred households, the country is the county marquis. Therefore, the paper made by Cai Lun is called "Cai Hou paper".

However, Cai Lun handed over to the marquis, and there was a gap of nearly two years in between. Apparently, during the one-year-old emperor's death of the Han Emperor, this thing did not get any promotion.

Emperor Han ascended the throne at the age of three months and died eight months later. Empress Deng found Liu Hu, the son of the deposed Prince Qing, to succeed him as Emperor An of Han.

This should be explained, the original text is: "In the first year of the first century, Empress Deng was given the title of Marquis of Longting and three hundred households. Later, he was a servant of Changle Tai. In the fourth year, the emperor did not correct the texts of the scriptures, but selected the Confucian Gurudwara Liu Zhen and the doctor Liang Shi Yi Dongguan, and each of them studied the Han Family Law, and ordered Lun to supervise his affairs.

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, it was the second era name of Emperor An of Han, and it was actually eight years since Cai Lun presented paper.

However, Liu Zhen and others entered the Eastern Temple, and on the Annals of Emperor An, it was the first year number, the fourth year of the Yongchu Dynasty. Therefore, Cai Lun is the Marquis, I think it should be the first year of Yongchu.

The emperor changed diligently, and the year number has been changed, and it has been changed to the same size, which should be written incorrectly. The following continues with Cai Lun's title of Marquis in the first year of the Yongchu Dynasty.

At this time, of course, it is not only Cai Lun. His eunuch good friend Zheng Zhong was also made a marquis by Empress Deng. Cai Lun and Zheng Zhong were just eunuchs and did things for the emperor. The soldiers hated them, and they were together. But in fact, Cai Lun and Zheng Zhong did not have contact.

Cai Lun himself is also a scholar, but he is also hated. However, it was said that Empress Deng's name was Sui, and she was not the empress elected by Empress Dowager Dou.

In fact, Empress Dowager Dou lost power four years after she and Emperor Yongyuan. Emperor Han and Emperor himself chose the daughter of the Yin family as his successor. Empress Deng, on the other hand, is the heir chosen by Empress Yin.

Soon after Deng Sui entered the palace, Empress Dou passed away. At that time, a storm broke out in the harem, but someone reported the true origin of Han Hedi.

The birth mother of Emperor He of Han was actually Liang Guiren, not Empress Dou. At this time, Deng Sui probably also knew another secret of Dou Hou: framing Song Guiren's mother and son.

Because, when the imperial court decided to welcome the grandson of the Song nobleman back to the dynasty as emperor, Empress Deng ordered Cai Lun to be made a marquis, and resigned from his original post, changing to Changle Palace, the empress dowager's servant.

She left Cai Lun, who also knew the situation at that time, with her side. If Cai Lun stayed with the emperor, It was uncertain that it would become the motivation for Emperor Han'an to turn his face.

For Empress Deng, it was just a small gesture. However, three years later, emperor An of Han served. Empress Deng was still in power, and Emperor An of Han simply asked the empress dowager for an upright and serious old eunuch, Cai Lun, to go to Dongguan to supervise the rewriting and collation of books.

In the next ten years, the Eastern Han Dynasty, under the administration of Empress Deng, slowly recovered from natural disasters.

In the second year of Yongning, the empress dowager died. A storm is back. First of all, the wet nurse of Emperor An of Han complained that The Tang clan had intended to depose the emperor. Emperor An of Han was furious and expelled the Deng clan.

Next, Shunteng touched the melon and found out that her grandmother was framed by Dou Hou. The relevant people, etc., have long gone. Only the old Dragon Pavilion Hou Cai Lun was left.

Historical Decipherment: Did papermaking originate from Cai Lun in the Eastern Han Dynasty, or was it an earlier invention?

Emperor An of Han sent emissaries and told Cai Lun to go to Tingwei himself and turn himself in for investigation. It's not like the modern one simply cooperating with the investigation, the actual meaning is "go to jail."

Old Cai Lun has been upright all his life, and he believes that he has never neglected his duties, let alone done anything to apologize to the country. Cai Lun, who received the order, bathed and changed his clothes, dressed properly, drank medicine, and committed suicide.

However, Emperor An of Han did not let it go, and still abolished Cai Lun's fiefdom.

In fact, there is a very special place in the Book of the Later Han Dynasty, that is, Fan Ye uses a technique similar to Chen Shou when describing a person.

This biography conceals evil and promotes good, and then writes evil comments elsewhere. Since it is Chen Shou's set, why is it special? The Three Kingdoms era described by Chen Shou put military merit first, and there were fewer private morality and politics.

But the Eastern Han Dynasty of the Book of the Later Han Dynasty has many of these aspects. That feels more like Sima Qian writing about Han Anguo: This man has all kinds of sticks, but he is a little greedy for money.

Leaving aside cai lun's status as a master craftsman, he was actually an epoch-making eunuch with great power. If Zheng Zhong represents the first alliance between the emperor and the eunuchs in the Eastern Han Dynasty.

Then, Cai Lun represented the first cooperation between foreign relatives and eunuchs. The wonderful thing is that the cooperation between the eunuch and the two sides happened almost at the same time.

Although Cai Lun helped Dou Hou, his heart was only the country and the people. Regardless of whether the partners were Emperor Zhang of Han, Empress Dou, Emperor He of Han, or Empress Deng.

For Cai Lun, it's all the same. Seriously, controlling the government, whether there is a belt or not, the good things and bad things that are done are almost all those.

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