
Some people suspected that Bai Juyi and Yuan Shu were comrades, and I laughed

author:Twilight into a boat
Some people suspected that Bai Juyi and Yuan Shu were comrades, and I laughed

Once, at the liquor bureau, talking about the friendship between Bai Juyi and Yuan Shu, someone broke the news, saying that they were real comrades.

There are poems as evidence: come at night to swim together with dreams, and wake up in the morning to tears. Zhangpu was sick three times, and the Xianyang grass tree returned to autumn for eight years. Jun buried the mud under the spring, and I sent the snow to the world. Ah Wei Han Lang went to the next time, and the night platform was confused to know that it was not.

This is a mourning poem written by Bai Juyi to his poet yuan shu, who has been dead for many years. The style of poetry is sad and melancholy, touching and heartfelt. The most surprising thing is this sentence "night to join hands in the dream of swimming together", two men with eyebrows, hand in hand, brain to make up, this strange picture, even today, is also shocking, may be full of storms in the city. Or accuse them of breaking their sleeves, or ridicule them for "the same" behavior along the way, in short, their out-of-line behavior, bad customs.

In fact, the truth is just the opposite, they are all normal men, they all marry and have children, the family is harmonious, and they are all celebrities with status and status.

Bai Juyi's poem "traveling hand in hand" actually means that the relationship between the two people is particularly good, how good is it? It's "hand in hand", very iron buddy kind.

Some people suspected that Bai Juyi and Yuan Shu were comrades, and I laughed

In the 17th year of Tang Zhenyuan, 30-year-old Bai Lotte and 23-year-old Yuan Shu met unexpectedly, fell in love at first sight, and the two interesting souls met, and they won countless victories in the world. They were impressed by each other's talents, and the "three views" were the same, like-minded, and together they became ministers of the DPRK.

After that, the friendship grew deeper and deeper, and they got along day and night, singing and singing. It is said that they gave each other a thousand poems, up to a thousand, covering the ancient and modern, which in the history of Chinese poetry, there is no ancient person before and no one after. It shows that their relationship is extraordinary, even beyond the scope of friendship, and it makes sense. They also created an era of poetry, the "New Music House Movement", known as "Yuanhe body", and people were willing to compare the two to "Yuanbai".

Everyone always feels that Bai Juyi is famous, is a "poetry demon" and "poetry king", in fact, the fame of Yuan Shu is not under Lotte, and you see that it is "Yuan Bai" instead of "Bai Yuan". The two can be described as the "Gemini Constellation" of the poetry world in the Middle and Tang Dynasties, and Yuan Shu's "Once the Sea was Shipwrecked as Water, Except for Wushan Mountain is Not a Cloud", which has become a song for thousands of years, so it is not surprising that the two great poets feel sorry for each other.

Later, Yuan Shu was convicted of offending the eunuch and imprisoned. Bai Juyi risked death to enter Cambodia and intercede for his friends, and as a result, he was demoted to Sima of Jiangzhou. What is friendship? It is when friends have difficulties, stand up and give help, Bai Juyi did this very well, even if he was degraded, he did not hesitate.

Since then, the two people have been separated from each other, and honglai geese have contacted each other until Yuan Shuke died in a foreign land, and their deep friendship of more than 20 years was cut off by the sword wielded by the god of death.

Some people suspected that Bai Juyi and Yuan Shu were comrades, and I laughed

At the time of writing this poem, Bai Juyi was already in his old age, specifically in the ninth year after Yuan Shu's death. In his dream, Bai Lotte dreamed of his friend Yuan Shu, and the two of them traveled hand in hand, dressed in fresh clothes and angry horses, stirring up words, what a scenery and spring breeze should be proud. From them, you can't see the literati being light;you can't see envy and jealousy; you can't see the mutual use of wine and meat friends; and you can't see the deceitfulness of the people, fighting for the wind and jealousy. We can only see that one soul merges into another soul; a poem, with a poem, collides with a dazzling spark; a constellation, the watching and companionship of another constellation...

Therefore, their friendship is more than friendship, less than love, and it is critical between friendship. This feeling, like old wine, the longer the time, the more mellow the taste.

Some people suspected that Bai Juyi and Yuan Shu were comrades, and I laughed

"The king buried the mud under the spring, and I sent the snow on the earth",

Life and death are blue, yin and yang are blocked, even if his friend dies for many years, he still can't forget it, which shows the weight of Yuan Shu in his heart, that kind of sadness and depression, lingering. It is enough to know oneself in life, and once one knows oneself and goes west, it will be a natural thing to know one's teeth and go west.

Thinking of today's society, everyone's life is stressful, desperately trying to make money every day, and busy. Many people lament that the world is so vast that there is not a single intimate friend.

When you become famous, friends rush up, icing on the cake, but once it falls, the tree falls and scatters, the door is full of sparrows, and no one sends charcoal in the snow, and people are such snobbish eyes.

Some people suspected that Bai Juyi and Yuan Shu were comrades, and I laughed

Compared with the ancients' heavy feelings and righteousness, today's people are simply ruthless and unjust, hypocritical. If it is said that people live and righteousness is the soul, then many people can now be classified as walking dead.

Writing this, I suddenly remembered a story that during the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty, there was an official in Hangzhou who was assigned to the distant Ninggu Pagoda in Heilongjiang Because of the "word prison".

At that time, Heilongjiang was deserted and the climate was extremely cold. The official had a good friend, and the two had a very strong relationship. This friend said, you go to Heilongjiang, it is too far away, brother me, rest assured, this way, I decided to personally send you there, okay?

At that time, there was no train plane, the two people traveled in the wind and rain, the wind and food slept, ate all kinds of hardships, and trekked for more than half a year, he escorted his brothers all the way to Heilongjiang, and the two people shed tears and parted...

And he himself, for this arduous trip, lost more than 20 pounds, which is really "gaunt for the people of YiWu"!

Some people suspected that Bai Juyi and Yuan Shu were comrades, and I laughed

Although Heilongjiang was icy and snowy, the official, with such a precious friendship, was enough to withstand the wild storm and snow of fate.

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